View Full Version : Another Milestone ...

Arthur Little
16th August 2011, 11:24
... not just for me - but for every grandparent - my wee grandson, Ewan, 5 in October, started school this morning. Admittedly, he'd been attending first, playgroup ... then nursery ... over the years ... but a BIG DAY in the life of ANY child, nonetheless! :Hellooo:

16th August 2011, 11:27
... not just for me - but for every grandparent - my wee grandson, Ewan, 5 in October, started school this morning. Admittedly, he'd been attending first, playgroup ... then nursery ... over the years ... but a BIG DAY in the life of ANY child, nonetheless! :Hellooo:

Feeling old yet Arthur ? :icon_lol: But I guess a nice feeling to see your family progressing into life and dare I say it 'opportunities'

16th August 2011, 11:35
ALWAYS emotional, we put our Joshua in his new nursery uniform at the weekend even though he does not start till mid September. wow he looked so grown up already :omg::omg::bigcry::bigcry:

Had to laugh the a few weeks back when we visited the school that his nursery is attached to during their lunch break and hsi saw all the kids... "mummy look many many children" he shouted wide eyed... his nursery in Palawan had seven in his class.

Arthur Little
16th August 2011, 11:42
Feeling old yet Arthur ? :icon_lol: But I guess a nice feeling to see your family progressing into life and dare I say it 'opportunities'

:) ME :rolleyes: ... OLD ?? :olddude: Nah! :NoNo: But you're right, Steve ... it IS, indeed, an especially nice feeling for me. ;)

Arthur Little
16th August 2011, 12:34
ALWAYS emotional, we put our Joshua in his new nursery uniform at the weekend even though he does not start till mid September. wow he looked so grown up already :omg::omg::bigcry::bigcry:

I know what you mean, Scott. My daughter, Fiona has just posted a photo of Ewan on FB ... and he, too, looks so "formal" and "grown up" standing at their front door "posing" in his school uniform. ;)

Had to laugh the a few weeks back when we visited the school that his nursery is attached to during their lunch break and hsi saw all the kids... "mummy look many many children" he shouted wide eyed... his nursery in Palawan had seven in his class.

Yes ... kids' interpretations of things can be sooo comical. During a recent holiday, Fiona had occasion to tell Ewan to stop behaving like an imbecile ... to which he retorted, "We saw imbeseals on that pirate ship!" :D

Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings ... :icon_lol:

16th August 2011, 13:18
little joe is 5 on the 5th nov :D, he's already done a yr in nursery, my step daughter who 11, start to go to secondary school in sept, i know she scared :cwm24: but i'm sure she be :Jump: once she settled in

16th August 2011, 13:21
heheheheehe yes childrens observations are funny, perhaps you could start athread on them Arthur, cheer us all up

starter for 10

when given a satsuma my boy asked if I would "take its coat off!! :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

16th August 2011, 13:30
I can only just remember leaving school:doh
Let alone starting but that was 62 years ago:omg:

I hope he enjoys school Arthur:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th August 2011, 13:58
I hope he enjoys school Arthur:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I hope so, Mick, :68711_thanx: ... I'm sure he will !

Arthur Little
16th August 2011, 14:05
I can only just remember leaving school:doh

:yikes: ... so can I ! Fifty years ago - on the last day of February, 1961 ! My (soon to be) ex-schoolmates stuck me head-first down the "cludgie"! :action-smiley-082:

16th August 2011, 16:38
Congrats Arthur; a significant milestone indeed. :xxgrinning--00xx3: Our Marikit starts pre-school on the 7th September - she'll have turned 29 months. Like little Joe she went through the nursery stages. We have her uniform all washed and ironed ready for her first day which will I'm sure, be very emotional for us.:Wave:

Arthur Little
17th August 2011, 16:58
Congrats Arthur; a significant milestone indeed. :xxgrinning--00xx3: Our Marikit starts pre-school on the 7th September - she'll have turned 29 months. Like little Joe she went through the nursery stages. We have her uniform all washed and ironed ready for her first day which will I'm sure, be very emotional for us.:Wave:

:68711_thanx:, Toks ... :iagree: ... it's occasions like these that remind us of the old maxim, "time & tide wait for no man" ... or woman ... or child - the latter being babies for such a brief period (as in the case of your little boy) followed by the [scarcely] longer ... yet formative 'toddler' stage (like *Marikit - herself, already almost 2 1/2). Amazing to think *she's about to join a pre-school group next month! :cwm24:

From Myrna & myself: God Bless you, Pia ... and your little ones, my friend. And :please: be sure to post a photo of Marikit in her uniform. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
17th August 2011, 17:31
little joe is 5 on the 5th nov :D, he's already done a yr in nursery, my step daughter who 11, start to go to secondary school in sept, i know she scared :cwm24: but i'm sure she be :Jump: once she settled in

Yes ... 'BIG Joe' ... I'm confident each of them will soon settle into their respective new routines. Goodluck to both. :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

I always remember *'little Joe' will be 5 on November 5 (*reminds me of ITV's 'Bonanza' :icon_lol:) ... although I imagine he too, will be starting Primary School - at a slightly earlier age than most of his classmates - when September comes around. :rolleyes: And his stepsister is due to go up to Secondary at the same time ... ? Wow! :cwm24: So ... changes all round eh? :)

Never mind, the 'Bloggs' family's "coping mechanism" is bound to manifest itself in overcoming such "relatively minor" hurdles - compared to all those you and the missus have gone through over the years ... not least, your recent domestic upheaval. :xxgrinning--00xx3: