View Full Version : Roma squatters pitch up in Immigration Officers House

17th August 2011, 00:25
She looks like a bit of an ageing hippy, politically correct, university type, multiculturalist handwringer to me - Might be poetic justice for not doing her job and keeping these grubs out of our country :laugher:

On the other hand she might be a decent Public Servant hamstrung by the farcical system :bigcry:

When immigration officer Julia High came back from a night out at the Royal Albert Hall she might have expected to enjoy a nightcap before retiring for the evening.

Instead she discovered a family of Romanian gipsies squatting in her terrace house - sitting round the dining table and wearing her clothes.

When horrified 55-year-old quizzed them about their presence, she was invited in and offered a glass of her own wine as the family of eight tried to convince her their bogus tenancy document was legal.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026723/Immigration-officer-comes-home-family-Romanian-gypsies-squatting-house-wearing-clothes.html#ixzz1VEkjo200


17th August 2011, 07:00
Comes to somthing when we cant feel safe to even go out of our hard worked for home for fear of somthing like this happening!:omg:

17th August 2011, 09:16
I hope she isn't in a hurry to be re-housed. :rolleyes:
