View Full Version : Sunday..sunday....so good to me...

28th August 2011, 14:24
sunday,sunday, so good to me,
Sunday,sunday, it was all I hoped it would be
:icon_lol: Yeah,ok so I ammended the words of the song slightly :rolleyes: Today has been great,went out at first light for breakfast in North Africa :icon_lol: Excellent day,saw a few dolphins going over,went to the spanish enclave of ceuta,i used to visit it often years ago,had breckie and sitting in mainland spain now going to have a late lunch,wish we had gone over yesterday when the straits were glass'calm,slightly choppy today but yup,dont get mornings that start as good as today very often,just wish I had a decent RIB in pinas for island hopping :)
How has your day been_Oh,tried to get a sunday paper a few minutes ago,all they have left is yesterdays SUN :Erm:

28th August 2011, 15:08
Enjoy your day...and reading your comic. :icon_lol:

My day ?

Had a nice Skype chat with a young lady from Cavite (just back from her contract in HK), cooked steak for lunch, did washing and hung it out in the sunshine, and watched a fantastic F1 race from Spa.

So far so good. :)

28th August 2011, 15:10
I didnt buy it Graham,I flicked onto page 3 then put it back on the rack :icon_lol:

28th August 2011, 17:22

28th August 2011, 17:27
I didnt buy it Graham,I flicked onto page 3 then put it back on the rack :icon_lol:

Hmm, anything stand out :rolleyes:

28th August 2011, 17:35
Not really a great Sunday for me.
The weather is really crap. Rain, drizzle, sunshine then the cycle runs again.
I was planning to buy a new mountain bike in the 'end-of-season' sale at the local specialist shop just 5mins from my house.
I hesitated too much and somebody else grabbed it. I could kick myself really, normally I'm over impulsive in these things.
It was marked down from £980 to £380
I just kept thinking that even £380 was too much.
I think Monday will be better :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th August 2011, 17:59
This Sunday just isn't getting any better.
Now Arsenal just got an 8-2 thrashing by Man U

I've always had a soft spot for Arsenal, and never been at all fond of Man U

29th August 2011, 10:23
I think Monday will be better
Its not bad thus far :) pity about your bike :NoNo:

4th September 2011, 15:06
I love sundays,its maybe 36 C today,just been around the rock and back a few times blasting out an Adele track(set fire to the rain)and basically having a mess around doing doughnuts and getting wet into the process,saw the customs boat with 3x300'S the cop reckons he has had it up to 70 knots chasing the bad guys :icon_lol: Came back in,couple of glasses of orange and a sunday dinner,going to laze around the pool in a moment,life sure is a bumpy road :icon_lol: