View Full Version : request for deletion of all threads.

30th August 2011, 15:23

Just want to catch the attention of the administrator.

Please can you delete all my thread for personal reasons & someone is stalkin me.

My username is (fhars) without ( ).

Once, all thread has been deleted pls deactivate my account.

Thank you.

30th August 2011, 15:37
As this is a free service, emails go to the bottom of the pile, and lapse after X days if I don't have time to deal with them as the forum is for questions.

Your account was deactived years ago, hence the reason you can't login. Posts remain the property of Win2Win Limited as per the T&C you agreed to.

If you supply links to those posts you want removed I'll decide if it influences the way the forum works or not. Individual posts are not really a problem, but threads are.

30th August 2011, 15:45
There is no such member with the name 'fhars' as you suggest. You also say in another post that you requested deletion 3 years ago, if it was so long ago, why worry now?? :Erm:

30th August 2011, 17:36
Strange one (again):Erm:

30th August 2011, 18:02
Strange one (again):Erm:

Thats what I thought - must be a virtual, virtual member

30th August 2011, 18:11
You can't find the user as it was deactivated years ago as requested back then.

30th August 2011, 18:14
Bonkers then :D

30th August 2011, 18:21
yes, i was a member 3 yrs ago. i requestd to deactivate my accnt & i ddnt realise dat all my thread is on public. im sure ders a special circ that my thread can be deleted or at least not n public. i will be greatful if u can at least help me? thanks alot.

30th August 2011, 18:23
stranger and stranger:Erm:

30th August 2011, 18:25
can i supply u d indv post in priv pls? thank u.

30th August 2011, 18:36
call me watever u want ... all im askin is to delete my ind post. i have a vry imp reasons behind ds. pls... or at least change my name if u cant at least delete it. my accnt has been deleted bt why does my email add appears n public. this is really frustrsting me... :(

30th August 2011, 21:28
vry hrd 2 reed yr psts whn u miz al t letrz in di wrds :Cuckoo:

31st August 2011, 00:06
Point out the posts and I'll remove them for you. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It is a persons own responsibilty if they include their email in a post or not, although it is a security risk and we usually edit it so at least bots don't pick it up.

31st August 2011, 00:44
vry hrd 2 reed yr psts whn u miz al t letrz in di wrds :Cuckoo:

Faralorbes post #11 sounds like boyz in da hood gangsta type speak :)

31st August 2011, 01:21
Just did a quick search and noted that you posted quite a lot of stuff.. Do you expect us to trawl through that lot and delete everything individually? Not me..Sorry.. I have a life to live.
Point us a link to the post with your email and we can remove it.

31st August 2011, 01:57

29th November 2011, 10:35
Try going in and editing your posts. A long job but might get the result you want. With the edit function you cant delete the posting but you can delete the content.

29th November 2011, 11:14
Good thinking Batman. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

One of the reasons the majority of my pictures use links from my offline storage site is that I can remove them anytime I want from forums simply by deleting from the original site. :)

29th November 2011, 13:55
so advice to members, be careful what you post that it might not hound you...asking for the admin and the moderators to delete posts and threads take much of their time especially if you have a lot of things posted....I guess this serves reminder to us all to be aware of the effect of our posts, if things are private try not to post them....and if you cant do otherwise, be sure to be anonymous and never tell a soul that you have an account in such forum....expect always the consequences of our actions

29th November 2011, 14:06
Try going in and editing your posts. A long job but might get the result you want. With the edit function you cant delete the posting but you can delete the content.

Having said that, there must be a time limit on editing as I have just noticed that I cant edit older posts of mine, only the most recent.


3rd December 2011, 13:54
so advice to members, be careful what you post that it might not hound you...asking for the admin and the moderators to delete posts and threads take much of their time especially if you have a lot of things posted....I guess this serves reminder to us all to be aware of the effect of our posts, if things are private try not to post them....and if you cant do otherwise, be sure to be anonymous and never tell a soul that you have an account in such forum....expect always the consequences of our actions

Absolutely, and it's the same with any site - Facebook ...etc. You should always read the rules first. If you don't want people to see your posts in the future don't post them then, and don't complain if the administrator won't delete them. If something you've said in the past come's back to haunt you in the future, it's your own fault - a bit more thought before you post is required:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th December 2011, 19:59
Another lesson you've learnt faralodes....if you don't take kindly to being ridiculed by all and sundry, best make these sort of personal requests via email to the man himself....one to one so to speak.