View Full Version : Mashed tatties..

30th August 2011, 21:03
i guess most, if not all of english people enjoy mashed potatoes.. and quite alot of our wifes, girl friends, boy friends, and family in the phils too...

i guess rice to an asian person is very similar to a potatoe to a westerner... but if you look in to a potatoe you will discover so many nutritional values.. ( google it im not explaining it ) :icon_lol: ok all im gonna ask is wots ur best type or recipe of mash potatoes ? mines simply creamed potatoes yeahhh with best irish butter and full fat milk and chopped spring onions then fluffed up with a fork.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th August 2011, 21:32
Personally, I hate the stuff. School dinners destroyed my enjoyment of mashed spuds, never had it since then, and thats over 35 years now.

30th August 2011, 21:35
I love mashed potatoes... with gravy makes it taste better =)

30th August 2011, 21:40
Ok here goes.
My best recipe is this, tusok tusok the spud with skin left on, wrap them individually in kitchen paper, microwave for a good 4 mins each (or enough to make soft).
Now you have a choice, either keep on the skins or peel off, but whatever your decision cut up to small pieces and mash with a little Irish butter, a couple of TBL spoons of milk and if deisired a small shaving of extra mature Irish cheddar.
Serve imediately with pinch of English chives.
BTW Skins on is best!!!!!

30th August 2011, 21:41
corn beef hash, mashed spuds with milk butter onion and turnip, with 1 good sized tin of good old corned beef, mash up mix up , throw on a big plate add gravy,,,,, mmmmmmmmm

30th August 2011, 21:48
Personally, I hate the stuff. School dinners destroyed my enjoyment of mashed spuds, never had it since then, and thats over 35 years now.

well at least u liked them at one time steve.. :) i think i agree with you on school mash.. they did vulgarise it .. but their custard n sponge mad up for their errors :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th August 2011, 21:50
corn beef hash, mashed spuds with milk butter onion and turnip, with 1 good sized tin of good old corned beef, mash up mix up , throw on a big plate add gravy,,,,, mmmmmmmmm

Wonderful stuff :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th August 2011, 21:50
Ok here goes.
My best recipe is this, tusok tusok the spud with skin left on, wrap them individually in kitchen paper, microwave for a good 4 mins each (or enough to make soft).
Now you have a choice, either keep on the skins or peel off, but whatever your decision cut up to small pieces and mash with a little Irish butter, a couple of TBL spoons of milk and if deisired a small shaving of extra mature Irish cheddar.
Serve imediately with pinch of English chives.
BTW Skins on is best!!!!!

i guess tomoro nites tea is sorted terpe :xxgrinning--00xx3: any particular spud terpe ?

30th August 2011, 21:51
Personally, I hate the stuff. School dinners destroyed my enjoyment of mashed spuds, never had it since then, and thats over 35 years now.

OOoooh the treacle tart and custard was to die for :hubbahubba:

But now,.....Arrgh

30th August 2011, 21:55
lets not stray from the thread please terpe...:icon_lol: im having a sugar rush :icon_lol:

30th August 2011, 21:59
Sorry to hijack the thread, but school also ruined my taste for Sponge, Jam, Custard and steam pudding with treakle ........ yuk!!

The only pud that I liked at school was a pastry base with a toffee type of sticky goo spread over it. It was very sweet and there was never any seconds :angry:

30th August 2011, 22:00
mash with swede, bangers and mash, with thick gravy, mash with cheese then put under the gril

30th August 2011, 23:18
i guess tomoro nites tea is sorted terpe :xxgrinning--00xx3: any particular spud terpe ?

Everyone and their brother will tell you Maris Piper.
But I will always say long live King Eddie. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2011, 00:41
Cottage Pie :D ie Minced Beef covered in mashed spud & browned off in the oven -My Mum used to call it Shepherds Pie but it seems today's definition means it's made with horrible minced lamb which I can't stomach (the lamb that is)

Arthur Little
31st August 2011, 00:59
The only pud that I liked at school was a pastry base with a toffee type of sticky goo spread over it. It was very sweet and there was never any seconds :angry:

MY favourite from School Dinners of over half a century ago ... was banana flan with a biscuity melt-in-the-mouth pastry base. And ... [you've guessed!] ... there never were any second helpings of it either. :bigcry:

31st August 2011, 01:17
school id miss out the veg didnt like school dinners much, but loved the puddings, the dinner ladys always gave me big helpings of puddings, i didnt get just seconds i got thirds too,

apple pie custord, white custerd, semelina, sago, rice pud,couldnt get enough:hubbahubba:

31st August 2011, 07:57
apple pie custord, white custerd, semelina, sago, rice pud,couldnt get enough:hubbahubba: find me a bucket :repuke:

31st August 2011, 08:00
mashed tatties hehehehehe reminds of me a Scottish version of corned beef hash well sort of ... stovies very nice after a cold rugby match in the mid winter.. in fact all the clubs have a seperate cup competiton for the best after match stovies hehehehehe Garioch come to mind ... stormin stovies with oatcakes

my honey tells me a story of when she 1st worked for an English family in Singapore and the mother asked her to mash the potatoes....when shown what she meant and how to do it Ligaya asked if it was to give to the baby ..... :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: ever since then she thinks of it as baby food :doh:doh

31st August 2011, 19:57
how about a yorkie version of corn beef ash....:icon_lol: an oblong roasting dish to begin with...:icon_lol: then a bed of sliced layered onions then on top a bed of thinly say 5 mill sliced potatoes.. then a layer of corn beef.. then back to stage one.. a layer of onions a layer of tatties a layer of corn beef... repeat these steps 4 times.. then add 3 oxos to some water just enough to cover the last layer of corn beef .. the cook in the oven at gas mark 5 or or around 170 degrees on ur leccky stove... i think :icon_lol: .. when cooked serve with thick cut fresh crusty bread well buttered ( unsalted of course) and a lovely mug of tea...:icon_lol:

31st August 2011, 21:16
sounds nice to me:xxgrinning--00xx3:, will get my mahal on to it :)