View Full Version : 4 Years Outside UK

31st August 2011, 08:29
If you and your husband, wife or civil partner have been living together outside the UK for four years or more, and you meet all the necessary requirements to stay permanently in the UK, you may be granted indefinite leave to enter. These requirements include showing that you have the necessary level of knowledge of the English language and life in the UK (see relevant section of this guidance for more information).

I came across this above and we are currently looking to relocate from Cebu to the UK. Dec 7th we would actually be married 4 years but the information is a bit "vague" on what terms living together as I do transient work. Just wondered if anyone else has come across this issue as I am looking to hold off applications until December if it will assist the process.

31st August 2011, 09:51
If you already researched this entry route sorry to duplicate, but just for the sake of clarity, you get an ILE visa endorsement (Indefinite Leave to Enter) only if, at the time you apply, you have lived outside the UK for four years with your sponsor and have passed the KOL (Life in UK Test). Otherwise, without the KOL certificate, you get a standard 27 month limited leave to enter endorsement but with an additional endorsement that permits you to apply for ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain) at any time after you have passed the Life in UK Test rather than waiting the mandatory two years that is usually required.

You can only take the Life in UK Test in the UK. I'm only guessing that your wife has not previously taken it.

Provision of evidence that you were actually living together during the past 4 years, follows the usual stuff really. Utility bills, Bank statements etc etc spread over the duration and covering both of you.

Just as an aside and for your added information, the UKBA have recently shown their intention to remove the '4 year rule' if the proposed changes to the Immigration Rules are passed, so they're obviously not fans of this as it stands. They certainly believe too many applicants use the 4 year concession to gain quick access to ILR, set up a business in the UK and continue to remain resident in the home country as it's an easier and cheaper option to applying for an Entrepreneur visa or work permit.
Not that I'm suggesting that this applies to your case, but is simply an observation to show just how closely applications under the '4 year rule' may be scrutinised.

The new consultation on immigration runs until April 2012 when any changes will be implemented.

I'm sure you'll have no issues but forewarned is forearmed ....

Good luck

31st August 2011, 12:31
Thanks for the quick response, just waying up the options before looking to submit any paperwork. I think im likely to come in ahead back to the UK and then start submitting things once I sort out that side again. Was looking to stay in the Philippines full-time but its been difficult to develop any real business.

31st August 2011, 13:09
right idea to come back and re establish yourself ,get an address, job and at least three months pay slips before bringing the wife and family back, hard for the seperation but focusses your mind on getting everything right in my opinion.