View Full Version : Matt + April

31st August 2011, 12:45
Been on the forum for some time but generally we are Philippines side and weren't looking to go to the UK until recently. I'm just about to start the voyage of getting my wife April and our two kids Ewe and Zoei to the UK. First steps will be hopefully securing the kids passports and then Aprils Visa not expecting overnight success but planning around 6 months for the process which to be honest is fair as I need to head home ahead to sort out a house, job, car etc. ready for everyones arrival. After 4 years of Cebu looking forward to Fish and Chips, Friday Curry nights and introducing my family to the ways of the UK and Europe.

just wanted to drop by and say hello in case anyone wondered who I or we are :)

31st August 2011, 13:05
welcome formally to the forum, I am just up the road in Birmingham, will you be heading back to Worcester?

31st August 2011, 13:29
yes will be using Worcester as our home base as generally I work nationally hoping can get something nearby this time last contract was Norwich.

31st August 2011, 18:15
Good luck Matt with the return to UK!
Sorry to read that your plans didnt work out long term for you in Cebu!
I have read a few of your blogs!
Welcome here!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2011, 18:19
Matt.. Its all part of the learning process.. With your work ethic and worldly experience the future will always look good.. Keep on truckin!!



31st August 2011, 20:53
Hi Matt & April, welcome here.
Hope all works out and you find what you're looking for. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
2nd September 2011, 15:20

just wanted to drop by and say hello in case anyone wondered who I or we are :)

:welcomex:, Matt & April. :68711_thanx: for sharing your various *experiences of family life in the Phils ... *which I've been reading with interest.

Matt ... I can well understand your reasons for wishing to return to Blighty, and wish you Godspeed with your plans. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd September 2011, 15:59
Hi Alan,
thanks hopefully won't be too painful getting everything sorted. But business will still go on in the Philippines its just too slow for me to be honest. Although will be looking to develop some ventures between UK and Philippines which so far are making progress. 2 people looking for custom made garment manufacturers which have already sorted out. A lot of the stuff I do isnt about money but more about creating jobs and development. Real pain when you see people completely lacking any interest.

2nd September 2011, 16:00
Thanks Fred and Terpe never look back only forwards :)

2nd September 2011, 16:08
Thanks Arthur :)

2nd September 2011, 22:15
Hi Matt
Nothing is forever, what seems right for a while, can often change...Just time to come back.
I've enjoyed reading your blog, read a lot of it, though not all, coz you're too prolific. :icon_lol:

Was really interested, in your container homes idea. :)

Maria B
3rd September 2011, 10:01
:Wave:Matt + April....
and the english tea as well :Wave::Wave:

4th September 2011, 14:48
hi matt, welcome here in the forum. :):Wave:

stevie c
4th September 2011, 15:18
HI Matt welcome to this friendly forum & good luck for you & your families move back to the uk :Wave: