View Full Version : The waiting is killing me

31st August 2011, 15:44
Hi :NoNo:

I know the waiting times can be long and it has only been 25 days but I need some supportive words.
I am slipping into a big depression, I have been away from my husband for over a year. What pains me the most is that my children are not enrolled in school as we are supposed to leave soon and they are very down to see their friends moving on while they stay home every day.

What can I do with our lives when we have no idea how long it's going to take? I have been looking for weakly activities but seems all is paid by the month. :(

Some days I can't stop crying, I argue with my husband as if it was his fault and sometimes I even feel it's personal that the UKBA is taking it's time lol (I know it's not :cwm3:).

My life has stopped and I feel so lost, help. :bigcry:

Thanks :Jump:

31st August 2011, 16:10
never easy the waiting.... just try to keep busy and think of the people/relatives and friends that you would like to see before you leave ...when you get your visa.... one of the things I have heard the ladies say on here is that therer was never enough time to catch up with everyone to say goodbye when the visa came through and they were busy preparing to come to the UK:) ingat, good luck and god bless

31st August 2011, 17:01

Used those days left there in the Philippines with friends and relatives because you don't get it here in the UK.

Life here is so different back there, specially when winter comes you'd wish you are back there. Make the most of it. Spend time with your friends and family to make the time goes quickly.