View Full Version : going to Croydon on Monday to file Flr

2nd September 2011, 20:58
well we are off to london this monday to file wife & daughters FLR. hopefully if that does not take too long and the weather is ok they want to go round London :doh

2nd September 2011, 21:03
no matter what the weather londons not bad:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd September 2011, 21:43
They will tell you when to return. Usually a couple of hours. If you're able to relax and go touring for 4 or 5 hours, respect to you.
Me, I needed to go back 15 mins before they said. Then go touring. (and celebrating) he he he.

Good luck to both, I agree with your decision to do personal application.

3rd September 2011, 00:57
well we are off to london this monday to file wife & daughters FLR. hopefully if that does not take too long and the weather is ok they want to go round London :doh

Good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3: Enjoy the smell of burnt buildings around Lunar House

3rd September 2011, 21:10
Good luck with that mate!

3rd September 2011, 21:17
thanks i did not know that we will have to go and come back, oh well Croydon/ Sampaloc not much in it.
i had to laugh about them wanting a bank statement of my savings, after paying for a wedding and the flr fees.

Arthur Little
4th September 2011, 02:31
i had to laugh about them wanting a bank statement of my savings, after paying for a wedding and the flr fees.

It DOES seem a bit of a :joke:, Alan ... :yeahthat:! Anyway, you're doing the right thing in applying through a PEO - it's worth the extra £300 to be spared the agony of waiting around for the postman and wondering: "Could this be it ... ?" for weeks on end.

All the very best to you and Jen for Monday. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th September 2011, 22:53
Goodluck, I had my flr m done last friday 2nd of September in Liverpool, was nerve wracking but worth it, visa granted!
As long as all documents are complete, no need to worry, all the best

4th September 2011, 23:40
Pleased to hear that .:)

We need more Filipinas ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th September 2011, 16:28
Well after 6 hours waiting for refused as they said the English language test jennie took in April is no longer valid as the test is not on approved list now.:cwm23:
They said it will be passed to another dept to check but if its not valid we would have to apply again after new English test taken and to pay the visa fee again

5th September 2011, 19:09
This English test for Filipinas really is beyond a bloody joke ! :angry:

Very sorry to hear of your problems. :NoNo:

5th September 2011, 20:23
Well after 6 hours waiting for refused as they said the English language test jennie took in April is no longer valid as the test is not on approved list now.:cwm23:
They said it will be passed to another dept to check but if its not valid we would have to apply again after new English test taken and to pay the visa fee again

Eh? :Erm: how did that happen? I thought seeing you'd done the test for your visa app, before the changes were implemented, got visa, now married etc. it was just a formality?
Sorry for your stress. :NoNo:

5th September 2011, 21:58
Well after 6 hours waiting for refused as they said the English language test jennie took in April is no longer valid as the test is not on approved list now.:cwm23:
They said it will be passed to another dept to check but if its not valid we would have to apply again after new English test taken and to pay the visa fee again

Alan, I am totally shocked by your experience. I have never heard of anything like this.
Did you question this with the Officer? or speak with a Manager?
This cannot be correct that the listing will be applied retrospectively.
It means all those FLR applications made with Test certificates issued before July 18 will be refused.
When does the Fiancee visa expire?

Arthur Little
5th September 2011, 23:25
Well after 6 hours waiting for refused as they said the English language test jennie took in April is no longer valid as the test is not on approved list now.:cwm23:
They said it will be passed to another dept to check but if its not valid we would have to apply again after new English test taken and to pay the visa fee again

:angry: ...that's UN:censored:BELIEVABLE!

Eh? :Erm: how did that happen? I thought seeing you'd done the test for your visa app, before the changes were implemented, got visa, now married etc. it was just a formality?
Sorry for your stress. :NoNo:

God - and the UKBA - only knows! :anerikke: ... I also genuinely believed it was a formality. :omg:

Alan, I am totally shocked by your experience. I have never heard of anything like this.

Me too !! Nor have I :nono-1-1: ... I'm completely GOBSMACKED! :cwm24:

Arthur Little
5th September 2011, 23:44
Did you question this with the Officer? or speak with a Manager?

:gp:, Terpe ...

This cannot be correct that the listing will be applied retrospectively.
It means all those FLR applications made with Test certificates issued before July 18 will be refused.
When does the Fiancee visa expire?

... :iagree: ... the very :idea:'s totally ludicrous!

Arthur Little
6th September 2011, 00:00
Oh, Alan ... I'm so sorry! I imagine you'd be in such a state of shock and disbelief that it may not have even occurred to you at the time to challenge the decision. But challenge it you MUST, my friend - contact Citizens' Advice ... your MP ... WHOEVER - because this ruling is totally unacceptable. :cwm23:

6th September 2011, 00:17
I agree Arthur.

This has to be one for the local MP.

Arthur Little
6th September 2011, 00:25
I agree Arthur.

This has to be one for the local MP.

Thanks, Graham ... it's a :censored: diabolical state of affairs!

6th September 2011, 04:31
I hope I can find a family friend! I'm little bit scared moving to uk:bigcry:

6th September 2011, 08:04
oh my i cant believe this,since i took my english test last jan 2011 and my test provider is no longer on the new list approve it means i have to take another english test here in UK before submitting my flr.:NoNo:

6th September 2011, 10:21
we were totally shocked when they told us. the person who dealt with us asked her managers about the test and said the language test has to be from the new approved list the have passed this to another team to make further enquiries and will hear in the week and we were advised to take a new test straight away and send it in to them within the week.
been phoning test providers and earliest is 17th sept and we need her passport what ukba hold so will have to requset that back from them.
Jens visa expires at the beginning of november
i will contact my MP as well
so if anyone else is about to apply for their FLR check you test cert is still recognised by ukba or you will end up paying again for the visa

6th September 2011, 10:26
we were totally shocked when they told us. the person who dealt with us asked her managers about the test and said the language test has to be from the new approved list the have passed this to another team to make further enquiries and will hear in the week and we were advised to take a new test straight away and send it in to them within the week.
been phoning test providers and earliest is 17th sept and we need her passport what ukba hold so will have to requset that back from them.
Jens visa expires at the beginning of november
i will contact my MP as well
so if anyone else is about to apply for their FLR check you test cert is still recognised by ukba or you will end up paying again for the visa

Appalling state of affairs, I'd copy your MP letter/email to Theresa May 'mayt@parliament.uk' and your Euro MP. Also take it up with the UN Secretary General as they seem to now be meddling in our internal affairs.

6th September 2011, 10:29
.....so if anyone else is about to apply for their FLR check you test cert is still recognised by ukba or you will end up paying again for the visa

Alan, did UKBA give any indication that they will allow you dispensation on the FLR fee if you can get another Test Cert quickly?

I really feel for both mate. What an absolute bombshell.
I still cannot believe it. It's neither 'right' nor fair at all in my mind.

6th September 2011, 10:51
Alan, did UKBA give any indication that they will allow you dispensation on the FLR fee if you can get another Test Cert quickly?

no if we can not get a new test before the make their decision we loose all the fee we paid. I am just trying to contact them to ask for an extension and to get the passport back as she can not take a test with out it

6th September 2011, 12:23
no if we can not get a new test before the make their decision we loose all the fee we paid. I am just trying to contact them to ask for an extension and to get the passport back as she can not take a test with out it

Alan, I've been thinking more about this.
Did they give you any kind of refusal letter?
Did they mention that they will send you a refusal letter?

I would say continue the route you have planned and they have suggested.
But...... at the end of the day you should have a refusal letter. This letter will state the reason(s) for refusal, and would be the basis and key for next steps as it needs to be based on immigration rules.
Just suggesting 'straws' to grasp.

7th September 2011, 14:43
try pearsons, I took it last August 10, and got the result the day after.
It was one of my documents submitted so Im sure this one is accepted. sorry for that but am hoping for the best for you both

The test I took was located in Euston.

7th September 2011, 15:06
:furious3: I cant believe it! I hope you get resolution soon, I am assuming this is for the A1 English testing right?

Although I cant offer any better advice you have our best wishes that you get a speedy and simple resolution mate.

Tone & Rina

7th September 2011, 16:59
Sorry to hear that..I would like to ask the expert here Im going to apply a citizenship this year do i need to take a new test again? :NoNo: thanks

7th September 2011, 18:00
try pearsons, I took it last August 10, and got the result the day after.
It was one of my documents submitted so Im sure this one is accepted. sorry for that but am hoping for the best for you both

The test I took was located in Euston.

Thanks dyannesky! can they expedite the result of the english test? coz i believed it will take 5 working days to get the result. and how was the test? was it hard or easy? :-) thanks again!

7th September 2011, 19:22
Its a total disgrace. I really feel for the both of you. I just pray things work out for you. Keep your chins up.;)

8th September 2011, 07:50
hi dyannesky i look at the pearsons website and it offers fast turnover fot the result wc is good.since yours has been approve when you applied for your flr i guess its no problem but i just wana make it sure cause pearsons is not included in the new listing of approve test proiders by UKBA or maybe im wrong?

8th September 2011, 07:53
hi jen28, they said it usually takes 5 days but me and a friend got the results a day after. Try their website pearsonvue.co.uk or google it. I think it is a bit easier than ielts, it is computer based and has a practice exam online. Goodluck!

8th September 2011, 07:57
ybba, I just had my visa approved last September 2, 2011 and they looked at my english exam result so, I don't think it will be a problem, but just to make sure try phoning them, and ask. But before I took the exam last August, it was in the list that is why Itook the exam since we were running out of time and ielts says I can get the result by 15 days.

8th September 2011, 08:06
hi dyannesky,im wrong, i just read it now from the new listings of ukba aprrove test provider and pearsons is included which is great. tnx for the info.

8th September 2011, 08:09
i forgot to ask dyannesky what level of exam did you take? is it A1 or higher? was it not difficult? tnx for the replies.:)

8th September 2011, 08:28
they give the same exam to all applicants, I got B2 grade for flr they just want a1 which is 24...so it will be easy!

8th September 2011, 08:47
hi dyannesky sorry for lots of question im now in the pearvue website you gave im trying to locate the nearest place to take where im now but its says select your testing program for scheduling how did you do it? or can we just phone them an ask the nearist testing center? really aprrecaite for your help:)

8th September 2011, 09:34
Ybba we called them yesterday they have a test friday in watford and in holburn, London on sat. So just ring them and they will let you know. Unfortunatelyfor us ukba still ha e Jen's passport so we are unable to take the new test yet

8th September 2011, 10:07
Hi! It's better to phone them, my hubby phoned them and they did the scheduling as well.Goodluck! I took my test in Euston.

8th September 2011, 10:31
Ybba we called them yesterday they have a test friday in watford and in holburn, London on sat. So just ring them and they will let you know. Unfortunatelyfor us ukba still ha e Jen's passport so we are unable to take the new test yet

UKBA are certainly not making things easy for you?

8th September 2011, 13:10
tnx dyannesky :) how much is the exam cost? alanp hope everything will be with yours flr apllication. your right terpe UKBA change thier rullings from time to time and its stresfull

8th September 2011, 13:13
they charge us for £130 for that exam.

Arthur Little
8th September 2011, 13:48
I would like to ask the expert here Im going to apply a citizenship this year do i need to take a new test again? :NoNo: thanks

:nono-1-1: ... NOT if you've reached the stage of applying for British Citizenship. NOR will you need to take ANY further tests, :NoNo: because you would've already taken - and passed - the 'Life In The UK Test' prior to being granted ILR. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th September 2011, 21:13
just an update Jen finally got a letter from ukba today it was dated the 6th giving her 14 days to take and submit a new English test or her application will be refused but still no passport what she needs to take the test.
so after after 40mins on the phone to them today to send us her passport or to send a scanned copy to the pearsons test centre so she can take the new test they agreed to sent her the passport tomorrow and to give her more time to submit the docs from the test.
hopefully if it comes before Friday she will take the test on Saturday in Holburn

12th September 2011, 23:25
I hope you kept the date-franked envelope. ;)

Having worked at a govt. 'head office', I know that they are VERY careful to stamp 'received on' on THEIR incoming mail. :rolleyes:

Play them at their own game.

13th September 2011, 07:28
hi alanp ive called the tel no. of the pearsonvue but it seems not working. could you please share the no. you use to call them thnks a lot and wish you and jen all the best:)

21st September 2011, 11:41
hello everyone! I took my english test yesterday at Pearson in Watford and got my test result now. I got B2!!!!! :Jump: yipeeeeeee! i was so stressed yesterday because of the time pressure while taking the exam. at the same time, i was so worried for the result of my english test coz i wasn't able to think well coz of the limited time during the exam. anyway, now i am better. will forward the result to UKBA later. God is really good. Yahooooooooooooooo! i am so happy. finally, we can iron out everything. no hassle at all. :xxgrinning--00xx3: thank you so much for all the support! God bless you all! xoxo

Arthur Little
21st September 2011, 11:59
hello everyone! I took my english test yesterday at Pearson in Watford and got my test result now. I got B2!!!!! :Jump: yipeeeeeee! i was so stressed yesterday because of the time pressure while taking the exam. at the same time, i was so worried for the result of my english test coz i wasn't able to think well coz of the limited time during the exam. anyway, now i am better. will forward the result to UKBA later. God is really good. Yahooooooooooooooo! i am so happy. finally, we can iron out everything. no hassle at all. :xxgrinning--00xx3: thank you so much for all the support! God bless you all! xoxo

That's really GREAT news, Jen! :xxgrinning--00xx3: ... Congratulations ... and :thankyou: for your update.

21st September 2011, 12:39
wow thats great jen28!:Jump: its good that you sorted out everyhting and got the result fast. ill will take too the english test soon.jen28 did you have to go for another biometrics before the submission?or you will do it on the same day of the flr apllication?

21st September 2011, 15:22
Congratulations ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good thing we don't have to take a Tagalog test to settle in the Phils. :yikes:

21st September 2011, 18:29
hello everyone! I took my english test yesterday at Pearson in Watford and got my test result now. I got B2!!!!! :Jump: yipeeeeeee!

Well done you :xxgrinning--00xx3: and congratulations.
You certainly performed well under so much pressure and stress. Hope all is smooth from now on :)

21st September 2011, 18:35
well done jen28, hope everything will be sorted out soon...dont forget to pass the result via online and make a copy to pass to the UKBA.
God is indeed good, I have to find an english exam right away last august as my visa is about to expire...but now after all the stress and the things needed to be done, its sorted, I am sure all these stress shall pass....

22nd September 2011, 08:29
Well done Jen hope everything goes okay for you and your asawa now. I can totally imagine what your going through!


23rd September 2011, 10:14
wow thats great jen28!:Jump: its good that you sorted out everyhting and got the result fast. ill will take too the english test soon.jen28 did you have to go for another biometrics before the submission?or you will do it on the same day of the flr apllication?

hi ybba! when we filed our FLR (M), we chose the premium service so I had the biometric on the day of our application of the FLR (M). but if you will do the normal service, once they received your application, they will schedule your biometric.

23rd September 2011, 10:22
well done jen28, hope everything will be sorted out soon...dont forget to pass the result via online and make a copy to pass to the UKBA.
God is indeed good, I have to find an english exam right away last august as my visa is about to expire...but now after all the stress and the things needed to be done, its sorted, I am sure all these stress shall pass....

hi dyannesky! thank you so much for the info re Pearson. yes, we already forwarded to UKBA my english result via email and sent the hard copy yesterday and as per checking on the website of the post office, our passports and my english result were already been delivered. haaaaayz, this fiance visa is so stressfull. we should have just married in the Philippines if we were just aware of all the hassles. :doh coz we just found this site when we already finalized everything for the application of my fiance visa. anyway, atleast everything will be fine now. i just got a wrinkle with all the stress. hehehe

23rd September 2011, 10:27
Congratulations ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good thing we don't have to take a Tagalog test to settle in the Phils. :yikes:

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: if there would be a Tagalog test, there will be no tourist at all in the Philippines. :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:


25th September 2011, 17:37
thnks for the reply jen28 and were all happy to hear that you able to handle everything.thnks to dyannesky too i had already booked an english test appointment at pearsonsvue euston wish me luck hehehe.

25th September 2011, 19:52
Goodluck ybba im sure it will be good!

27th September 2011, 10:26
thnks dyannesky,hi jen28 aside from paying our flr application thru online is it possible to pay it on the day of submission in person at PEO.is the current price is 1,350 pounds for premium service?

28th September 2011, 12:28
ybba you can pay when you have your appointment via debit card or cash.The fee we paid last septmeber was £850 for the premium service with no dependants.

26th October 2011, 14:00
:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo: This is really unfair this one.

A friend just applied last month in PEO and provided an English certificate that is not in the new list. She was approved and visa process went it smoothly...

I wish they have uniformity with their decisions ...:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

26th October 2011, 19:13
Thanks for that info Confused - I phoned PEO Croydon on the weekend and were told we would be refused as our English test was no longer valid, so we didn't visit them on Tues as planned (I didn't want to risk spending the whole miserable day down there and losing my £800 if I got a particularly miserable person behind the desk)
My wife retook the test on Tues, passed and we are now hoping that we get the certificate before Nov 11th when we are due to visit, wait for it, the PEO Belfast, which was the only one with availability before her visa run out.

What a joke!

I've raised the issue with my MP and made a formal complaint to UKBA. I will be seeking reimbursement of my extra costs through the court on the basis that the FLR is a continuation of the process started throguh fiancee visa; If it is not, then why must you take English test at fiancee visa stage, it would just be the same as a visit visa?!?! They should have allowed a longer timeframe to allow Fiancee visa holders (i.e. the full 6 months since the rule changed) to complete their process.
Wish us luck. Cheers!

26th October 2011, 20:19
...............What a joke!
I've raised the issue with my MP and made a formal complaint to UKBA. I will be seeking reimbursement of my extra costs through the court on the basis that the FLR is a continuation of the process started throguh fiancee visa; If it is not, then why must you take English test at fiancee visa stage, it would just be the same as a visit visa?!?! They should have allowed a longer timeframe to allow Fiancee visa holders (i.e. the full 6 months since the rule changed) to complete their process.
Wish us luck. Cheers!

Good for you tboy, it really is an absolute disgrace. I get the feeling that someone somewhere screwed up.
If you get any response would be good to hear.

26th October 2011, 21:29
Also local press/TV.

Racial discrimination people.

In other words, what all the damned illegals do.

Govt.departments hate such publicity.

26th October 2011, 22:32
I took my TOEIC test in philippines last April from Hopkins and it says ETS on the certificate. As i look through the UKBA website on new approved english test, ETS is there.
Do you think i will be ok as my documents are all ready for flr.

26th October 2011, 22:41
Thanks for that info Confused - I phoned PEO Croydon on the weekend and were told we would be refused as our English test was no longer valid, so we didn't visit them on Tues as planned (I didn't want to risk spending the whole miserable day down there and losing my £800 if I got a particularly miserable person behind the desk)
My wife retook the test on Tues, passed and we are now hoping that we get the certificate before Nov 11th when we are due to visit, wait for it, the PEO Belfast, which was the only one with availability before her visa run out.

What a joke!

I've raised the issue with my MP and made a formal complaint to UKBA. I will be seeking reimbursement of my extra costs through the court on the basis that the FLR is a continuation of the process started throguh fiancee visa; If it is not, then why must you take English test at fiancee visa stage, it would just be the same as a visit visa?!?! They should have allowed a longer timeframe to allow Fiancee visa holders (i.e. the full 6 months since the rule changed) to complete their process.
Wish us luck. Cheers!


12th November 2011, 17:52
Well, we finally got flr :xxgrinning--00xx3:

After a day trip to Belfast - it was very quiet in the office there and the whole thing took less than 2 hours - Half an hour of that was the girl checking with her boss whether they could accept my copy bank statements on HSBC paper (which had been fine at our fiancee visa stage) - she asked me to go back into central Belfast and get a signed letter from the bank! But in the end she spoke to her boss and common sense prevailed (is this a verified first for UKBA?).

Just need the biometrics card to arrive now. As an aside we had a lovely time in the Crown pub in Belfast after we were done (nearly missed flight back!)

And now to go after UKBA for recovery of my additional costs..... :cwm23:

12th November 2011, 18:03
It DOES seem a bit of a :joke:, Alan ... :yeahthat:! Anyway, you're doing the right thing in applying through a PEO - it's worth the extra £300 to be spared the agony of waiting around for the postman and wondering: "Could this be it ... ?" for weeks on end.

All the very best to you and Jen for Monday. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Funnily enough, the reason we are applying in person is because we don't want to be without a passport.

My wife has an aging big family..the thought of anything bad happening there and then not being able to get back is a thought too much to bear.

Whether the visa take a month or 12, it don't matter...its not being able to go home in an emergency....hence the personal application :)

What a terrible state off affairs...surely commonsense should of prevailed and there honestly obtained certificate should of been honoured.

This is the sort of escapade you'd expect in The Philippines, not in good ol blighty.

So glad my wife got here before this test came into force.