View Full Version : I feel really bad!!

4th September 2011, 12:07
I've just realised something that has made me feel pretty bad as a person! :NoNo:

It's just dawned on me a whole 18 MONTHS (yes, I know, 18 MONTHS!!!) later that I have never formally thanked everybody here for the help and support you all gave myself and Yam when we were going through the spouse visa application process! I don't know how and can't believe how I have never conveyed our feelings of gratitude to everybody at the time she was sucessful! I feel like such a s:censored:t now!

So, hopefully this isn't 18 months too late, but I really would like to thank everybody here who helped us at the time with your advice and support! We couldn't have done it without you guys. I have learnt so much since joining the site and it has helped tremendously on numerous occassions.

Going forward, I promise not to wait as long to thank people the next time I need help! :D

4th September 2011, 13:17
we are all here to help , with what ever we can give, advice or just morrel support:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th September 2011, 13:32
No apologies need Dave,
Its a big group and we are all smiling:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th September 2011, 13:52
Yep. Its a great site. With a wealth of informative advice. And lots of good historical threads too. I have found it very useful indeed. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks to all, past and present.

4th September 2011, 14:18
I hope everyone can help me too to have my fiance visa..:pray:

4th September 2011, 18:07
Dont feel bad Daveuk, your reply on my thread about remittance (Nationwide) help me a lot when i was preparing my documents for my spouse visa....all happy and helpful members here :):xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th September 2011, 12:05
Glad I could sars_notd_virus :xxgrinning--00xx3:

And thanks to everyone else for being understanding :)