View Full Version : Take risk or wait for 6 months or more? :confused:

4th September 2011, 12:10
Hi guys!:Wave:

Here's our current situation and would really appreciate some advice. I guess this is a long read. :cwm24:

Me and hubby just got married and we have been talking about when to submit or lodge my visa application. We have been together for about 3years now and we already have supporting documents to prove that our relationship is genuine like our photos from year 2008-2009 when he visited me in dubai for four times, in 2010 when he visited me in the phils to meet my family and aug 2011 when we got married.:lovecouple: We also have chat logs, emails, boarding passes or itinerary, and some moneygram receipts when he sends me money for our wedding.

Currently my hubby still lives at home with his parents and has his own room. We thought of not getting a new place yet upon application for my visa as his currently salary after deductions is only about 450 per month. His parents are ok with it and willing to give their letter of support too if ever we will be in financial needs. He also has a sister who lives in Germany who can also give us a letter of support, but i don't know if this will count?. We just want to be together so much, even though it might not be the ideal situation at the moment.

Hubby is working at his company for 7 years now so no problem in providing 6 months bank statements and payslips. However as we just got married he has got no savings left in his bank account coz all of his savings went towards our wedding. He also got overdrawn in aug as we booked our flights to hong kong after the wedding and didnt noticed that he has no money left in his account.:doh

Another thing hubby still has two loans coming out of his bank account (thats why he only has 450 left a month). He got screwed by a computer course thats why he's still paying for it. One loan will finish in feb and another one in april. He can pay extra off one of the loans which he would stop paying in nov and another one in feb, but this will mean that there will not be enough money left in his account every month to support us both.

Can we rely with the support coming from his parents and sister or we will just wait for 6 months or more when hubby finish paying his loans?:Erm:

4th September 2011, 18:19
I would suggest to wait till everything is stable regarding loans, no overdrawn in bank statments, and the accomodation shouldnt be overcrowded.
good luck in your future visa application.

4th September 2011, 18:22

For settlement visa applications you need to keep any risk to the lowest level you can.
Based solely on the information you supplied the financial standing of your hubby would be seen by the ECO as marginal.
The minimum number of banks statements is 3 months (although 6 months is preferred)
Why not focus on achieving 3 or 4 months of 'good' bank statements before making application.
Believe me when I say I do know it's so tough to wait 6 months or more, but that's all about keeping a focus to ensure settlement visa success.
Visa's are expensive enough without taking any unecessary high risk (ie don't gamble)

Based on what we know now, it is highly likely that there will be significant changes to the settlement visa rules next April 2012.
My advice is to do whatever you can to make application before then.

Whatever you choose to do I wish you all the best luck.

4th September 2011, 19:49

Do the ECO look at the amount of loan outstanding or the repayment sum or both?

4th September 2011, 21:13

Do the ECO look at the amount of loan outstanding or the repayment sum or both?

Normally the ECO is not interested in regular bank loans.

4th September 2011, 21:46
Normally the ECO is not interested in regular bank loans.

Ah. OK Thanks.

Is that because the loan is considered to be a manageable sum of debt, compared to an overdraft? (Sorry if I have used the wrong jargon.) I guess an overdraft is potentially indicative of spending more than one has.....is that the reasoning? Whereas a loan repayment would be considered to be within ones means?

4th September 2011, 22:27
Ah. OK Thanks.

Is that because the loan is considered to be a manageable sum of debt, compared to an overdraft? (Sorry if I have used the wrong jargon.) I guess an overdraft is potentially indicative of spending more than one has.....is that the reasoning? Whereas a loan repayment would be considered to be within ones means?

The ECO is really wanting to know just how much of your income could be classed as discretionary spending (your personal choice) and how much is non-dicretionary.
Mortgage or rental is normally considered non-discretionary, basically because non-payment could result in loss of accomodation.
Credit-cards and normal bank loans are in a way considered to be discretionary. Payment default does not usually result in loss of accomodation and is generally only a civil issue.
You are correct about overdraft. Plenty of people have one, but being in varying levels of OD can be indicative of living beyond ones means.
This is just a very basic explanation. As with most things there are usually many facets.

4th September 2011, 22:30
This is just a very basic explanation. As with most things there are usually many facets.

Nope. Thats good. Helps me to get my head around things. Thanks.

5th September 2011, 16:37
I would suggest to wait till everything is stable regarding loans, no overdrawn in bank statments, and the accomodation shouldnt be overcrowded.
good luck in your future visa application.

Thank you so much sars_notd_virus for the reply. appreciate it. :)

5th September 2011, 17:16

For settlement visa applications you need to keep any risk to the lowest level you can.
Based solely on the information you supplied the financial standing of your hubby would be seen by the ECO as marginal.
The minimum number of banks statements is 3 months (although 6 months is preferred)
Why not focus on achieving 3 or 4 months of 'good' bank statements before making application.
Believe me when I say I do know it's so tough to wait 6 months or more, but that's all about keeping a focus to ensure settlement visa success.
Visa's are expensive enough without taking any unecessary high risk (ie don't gamble)

Based on what we know now, it is highly likely that there will be significant changes to the settlement visa rules next April 2012.
My advice is to do whatever you can to make application before then.

Whatever you choose to do I wish you all the best luck.

As always thank you so much Terpe for your helpful advice :).
When we checked yesterday that there's no reply yet on our thread, i know that your one of the people who will reply and will give a helpful advice :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

This is going to be tough for both of us :bigcry: but in the end we will still get over this.
Will just keep you posted guys! Thanks a lot! :).