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7th September 2011, 00:30
Another slug in the dock. I hope this vile woman is for the high jump - have a look at the charge list untold forged invoices this puts her a cut above the usual bent political trough feeders

Former Labour MP Margaret Moran faces 21 charges after 'fiddling expenses worth £60,000'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2034309/MPs-expenses-Former-Labour-MP-Margaret-Moran-faces-21-charges.html#ixzz1XDaENI9p


The former MP who claimed for dry rot treatment on a home more than 100 miles from her constituency will be charged with fiddling her expenses by more than £60,000.

Margaret Moran, the former MP for Luton South, will appear before magistrates facing 21 charges relating to her parliamentary claims, the Crown Prosecution Service said today.

She faces 15 charges of false accounting, contrary to the Theft Act 1968, and six charges of forgery, where it is alleged that she submitted forged invoices.

Keir Starmer QC, the Director of Public Prosecutuions, said 'there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest' to bring criminal charges against Moran.

7th September 2011, 01:00
will be an mp shortage soon :laugher:

Arthur Little
9th September 2011, 04:54
Former Labour MP Margaret Moran faces 21 charges after 'fiddling expenses worth £60,000'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2034309/MPs-expenses-Former-Labour-MP-Margaret-Moran-faces-21-charges.html#ixzz1XDaENI9p

:cwm24: ... what a Moron!

Ako Si Jamie
9th September 2011, 20:00
Hopefully she'll get a good stint in the clink.

19th September 2011, 14:32
The horrible woman was crying in court today :laugher: Too late for that love you'll soon be in a van heading for Holloway

Ex-Labour MP accused over £80,000 expenses cheat weeps in court

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2039108/Ex-Labour-MP-accused-80-000-expenses-cheat-weeps-court.html#ixzz1YPAowrQ6


19th September 2011, 14:35
Hypocritical parasites.

Put them on bread and water. :angry:

19th September 2011, 15:45
Video http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14971586

19th September 2011, 18:56
I'll bet that taxi driver gave her a piece of his mind.

"Yer not one of them bleedin crooked MPs are yer ?":laugher:

19th September 2011, 19:03
And my misses says the phils is corrupt? :doh

19th September 2011, 19:07
I would tell her to .... off and get another cab:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th September 2011, 19:08

IT IS....BIG time.

Makes our lot look like amateurs. :icon_lol:

19th September 2011, 19:23

IT IS....BIG time.

Makes our lot look like amateurs. :icon_lol:

I dont know about that Graham, I still reckon our MPs get loads of backhanders. Its a tough call mate.