View Full Version : after 7 years:)

7th September 2011, 16:12
just curious:rolleyes: how many here have been married before/divorce or single first before they marry :D again..:rolleyes: and why this 7 years of itch during marriage attact..:angry::cwm23: and so struggling to deal with and how other overcome it..coz me personally i am married for almost 7 years now but everyday i felt the itch:Erm::doh strike me badly and so frustrating:doh:bigcry::Help1:
any advice and experience here :rolleyes:

7th September 2011, 16:32
but everyday i felt the itch
Visit a clinic or doctor Moy :heartshape1:;):icon_lol:

7th September 2011, 16:39
Visit a clinic or doctor Moy :heartshape1:;):icon_lol:

been there few times Tawi boy:cwm24::D but it seems it wont go away this itch is:doh:cwm24::D

7th September 2011, 16:42
Does Mr Moy have the same itch :Erm: If so there would be some questions getting asked in Casa Moy :Erm:

7th September 2011, 16:52
Does Mr Moy have the same itch :Erm: If so there would be some questions getting asked in Casa Moy :Erm:

in that case i dunno:Erm: as im only concern about myself not him:cwm24::bigcry:

7th September 2011, 18:06
they say you shouldnt scratch it :omg::laugher:

7th September 2011, 18:17
is it not something most people go through, you get what you believe you want and when you have it,you begin to wonder if you was better without, if you give it up ,then you wonder if you did the right thing , then think you want it back,,,, and so on. i think its a humane thing:Erm:

7th September 2011, 18:27
i can't remember how long i've been married :cwm24:, must be more than 7yrs, then again number 7 was never i lucky number for me :doh

7th September 2011, 18:46
they say you shouldnt scratch it :omg::laugher:

7th September 2011, 18:47
i can't remember how long i've been married :cwm24:, must be more than 7yrs, then again number 7 was never i lucky number for me :doh

7th September 2011, 19:26
take your mind off the itch have lots of:Sex::Sex::Sex:

7th September 2011, 19:30
take your mind off the itch have lots of:Sex::Sex::Sex:

aha thats your secret..:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:
no wonder you look young steeve:icon_lol:

7th September 2011, 19:31
wow thanks look it and feel it , well most days:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

7th September 2011, 19:48
wow thanks look it and feel it , well most days:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

in your age i doubt:rolleyes::icon_lol:

7th September 2011, 20:52
Moy, you may need to study this carefully.

I've heard of a scientific theory (well kind of) for the seven-year itch. It's about the possibility that you will have completely replenished all the cells in your body every seven years, so that after 7 years you become a totally different person.
Likely with an itch due to all that particle replacement.

I think I've had quite a few. Bit like Doctor Who really.

Anyway, solely on a chemical level, there's a lot to be said for atoms switching between molecules and consequently forming new molecules, then breaking up existing molecules, etc etc.
It seems logical, well to me, that this is one level on which human bodies are like simmering soups of frenetic activity.
Hormones are extremely sensitive to chemical activity in our body. Right?
So after 7 years they create certain behaviours and accompanying 'hormonal itches'.

Now, to really answer the nub of your original question... if we can't really hold onto our protons for very long because we lose the atoms and molecules that they're attached to. And if our hormones are likewise affected by all this chemical activity, then yeah, after 7 years of this activity we do become a different person, we become someone else.

Mmmmm................. I hope this helps you Moy.
If not give me a call!

7th September 2011, 21:16
Moy, you may need to study this carefully.

I've heard of a scientific theory (well kind of) for the seven-year itch. It's about the possibility that you will have completely replenished all the cells in your body every seven years, so that after 7 years you become a totally different person.
Likely with an itch due to all that particle replacement.

I think I've had quite a few. Bit like Doctor Who really.

Anyway, solely on a chemical level, there's a lot to be said for atoms switching between molecules and consequently forming new molecules, then breaking up existing molecules, etc etc.
It seems logical, well to me, that this is one level on which human bodies are like simmering soups of frenetic activity.
Hormones are extremely sensitive to chemical activity in our body. Right?
So after 7 years they create certain behaviours and accompanying 'hormonal itches'.

Now, to really answer the nub of your original question... if we can't really hold onto our protons for very long because we lose the atoms and molecules that they're attached to. And if our hormones are likewise affected by all this chemical activity, then yeah, after 7 years of this activity we do become a different person, we become someone else.

Mmmmm................. I hope this helps you Moy.
If not give me a call!

hmm reading your reply takes a while:rolleyes::D for me to absorb about the stuff you said Terpe:D its sounds complex but really simple idea behind those theory but im still confuse though:Erm::rolleyes:..:icon_lol: its a mix between chemistry and physics:doh:cwm24::D

Doc Alan
8th September 2011, 14:25
The Seven Year Itch - inclination to become unfaithful after seven years - is the title of the film from the 1950's starring Marilyn Monroe.
In the UK the average length of marriages ending in divorce is actually over eleven years ( in 2007 there were 270,000 marriages and 144,000 divorces ).
It can't be explained on a cellular level. It's true many cells die + are replaced by stem cells which contain all the genetic information needed to produce identical tissues. With skin and gut, this is rapid, other tissues slower, and some cells ( in brain and heart ) can't be replaced. There are controls and balances, including the action of hormones like insulin, thyroid and steroid hormones. Germ cells ( sperm and eggs ) allow genetic information to be modified and passed on to the next generation.
Errors in cell division may result in disease like cancer. But we don't become "totally different person(s) ". There may be other reasons for not sustaining love and interest in each other beyond a decade or two. In the past people married younger, had children, and stayed together until " death us do part ". Now with increased life expectancy people live several decades after marriage, children have left home, emotional and economic benefits may decline, and new opportunities exist ( like internet dating ). This is not to condone what is happening, just to explain the facts.
The original " seven year itch " was a phrase used in the USA from the 19th century to describe a skin condition which LASTED seven years - probably scabies, which can now be effectively treated :xxgrinning--00xx3: