View Full Version : Cherie Blair and Her Ridiculous Decisions

7th September 2011, 18:18
Good column here from Peter Hill in todays Daily Express


While on the subject of justice (usually crass injustice) how can Cherie Blair sit as a judge when she makes ridiculous decisions such as her suspended sentence for a man who tried to smuggle cocaine worth £145,600 into Britain?

That's not a casual nose-full it's enough to blow out the brains of a small town. The Appeal Court substituted a three-and-a-halfyear jail term, saying Mrs Blair's sentence had been "unduly lenient" and "a startling result".

Why do the mealy-mouthed metrosexuals who run our country believe that criminals should be let off with sympathy and tea and biscuits? Why do they think it's fine for hordes of fake gypsies to tarmac meadows, turn them into slum cities and wreck the lives of local people?

I'll tell you why. It's because such things never happen to them in their cosy, sanctimonious, super-secure, chauffeur-driven, CCTV-protected world.

They have no conception of what life is like for ordinary people at the mercy of callous predators who grab whatever they fancy and scoff at a law that treats them with misplaced compassion while ignoring the plight of victims. No wonder people want Jeremy Clarkson for prime minister.

7th September 2011, 18:23
thinking about it,,,,, is it not already wealthy people who buy such amounts of drugs and smuggle it in,,, after all its not the everyday person that could afford to,,, perhaps this could be why its a soft sentence, one law for the wealthy and another law for the poor

7th September 2011, 18:48
................ callous predators who grab whatever they fancy and scoff at a law that treats them with misplaced compassion while ignoring the plight of victims................

Mmm sounds like a lot of today's politicians to me.

8th September 2011, 10:09
I think you will find that hypocrisy IS mainly confined to the better-off members of society, as that's how most of them get there. :rolleyes: