View Full Version : American kidnapped in Pinas..........

13th September 2011, 16:53
I watched Banged up abroad last night and laughed my socks off,as soon as the program finished I actually said to the guy watching it with me there was something about the guy and his story that didnt quite add up :rolleyes: My mate has also been to sulu,jolo,zambo etc and said the story was fishy :rolleyes:
Anyone watch it?The american supposedly kidnapped by the Abu Sayyaf and held for 13 days while his friend was beheaded:rolleyes: in downtown Cebu one bright sunny day and whisked off to Basilan :Erm: in a small speedboat :Erm::rolleyes: I did a little digging,I am not the only one who doubted the credulity of his tale :icon_lol: The whole story was farcical from begining to end,just surprised Nat Geo fell for it???


13th September 2011, 17:02
When I was in Bicol a few weeks ago, one of the places I stayed at was being looked after by a Dutch guy who'd been living in the troubled areas of Mindanao for the past 15 - 20 years. He never actually said what his 'profession' was, but based on some of the survival tips and things he told me, I'd say that he was there on 'official' business, or maybe even 'un-official' business ;)
He was a sound guy though and we shared more than a few Dead Horses:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th September 2011, 17:09
Well,I know lots of people who do things most members on here couldnt understand or will never be privy to,but the american guy in the Nat Geo was chatting bollox plain and simple,fictional story made up for cash,not even a plausible story at that :NoNo: Real life is often stranger than fiction :) But,as I said,surprised Nat Geo bought his tale of derring-do :icon_lol:

13th September 2011, 21:05
yes i think its the one where the taxi driver drives around the containers at the port and all of a sudden the kidnappers are waiting for him :icon_lol::doh

13th September 2011, 21:35
I usually enjoy 'Banged Up Abroad'. However, as Tawi indicates, sometimes things just don't add up.
I haven't seen this one, but I'll make a point of watching.

14th September 2011, 00:39
Its more dangerous where I live here in North London. 3 murders this week all within a 4 mile radius.The first was the youngster killed in a row over conkers, the next day someone was again knifed to death in more or less the same spot and yesterday (Tues) the car jacking where the driver was murdered, again with a knife.
Every time our boys go out we dont sleep until we hear their key in the door.:NoNo:

14th September 2011, 07:51
Is 'Banged Up Abroad' on freeview?

14th September 2011, 09:03
Is 'Banged Up Abroad' on freeview?

Mick, If I remember well it's on National Geographic Channel.
Don't know if that part of the Freeview package

14th September 2011, 09:25
Its Nat Geo mick,the guys story didnt ring true at all,he went from Cebu to Basilan in the same day by a small speedboat without stopping :Erm: there are no newspaper reports whatsoever of him ever been kidnapped,and upon his escape he spent 2 days recuperating with a family then headed back to the states without any official reports,he has since written a book on his ordeal and is also now writing a sequel :Erm:

14th September 2011, 09:44
Thanks, I will hopefully have a look, could be more intresting than other programmes on the box:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th September 2011, 11:03
No worries Mick....it'll be repeated at least 20 times on different channels.

That's why I got rid of most of my cable package last month. :rolleyes:

14th September 2011, 11:20
I've seen it before on Freeview, not sure which channel though, probably one of the obscure ones like Quest+1

14th September 2011, 18:25
Wouldnt bother watching it to be honest,your going to click 10 minutes into the program its a fabrication ;)

yes i think its the one where the taxi driver drives around the containers at the port and all of a sudden the kidnappers are waiting for him
Thats the one,took a shortcut to his boat,rounded a corner in the port and a load of masked-up Abu Sayyaf just happened to be there and kidnapped him :Erm: The guy who watched the program with me is economical with his words,taciturn in the extreme,he has been to sulu,jolo,basilan etc,his description of the program,the guy,and the story was..........."What a load of s**t" :icon_lol:

stevie c
14th September 2011, 18:29
I've seen it before on Freeview, not sure which channel though, probably one of the obscure ones like Quest+1
Yeah same here ian i saw it on Quest also