View Full Version : Grrrrrrrrrrr

18th September 2011, 16:53
Some bloody women changed lanes straight into my taxi one side needs replacing completly:cwm23:
Thank god for man utd:D

18th September 2011, 17:03
Typical !

They shouldn't be allowed to drive ! :angry:

18th September 2011, 17:06
Man Utd? No they shouldnt.:laugher:

18th September 2011, 17:20
Some bloody women changed lanes straight into my taxi one side needs replacing completly:cwm23:
as long as you are ok , the wing, doors and back panel can be replaced you cannot:)

18th September 2011, 17:26
Yes of course but the hassle,financial .... up an general inconvenience is so annoying.
Only had car for 6 months too:cwm23:

18th September 2011, 17:28
...and the story will change that you changed lanes and her insurance don't pay :rolleyes:

18th September 2011, 18:00
Not a chance,2 witnesses in car, two independent witnesses who gave me their details,cctv in operation on the road, plus the cherry on top i got the woman to sign and admit she was totally at fault.
I'm too experienced to cock up on this:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th September 2011, 18:11
And if she reads her insurance contract, admission of fault breaches the contract, thats the insurance companies responsibility. However, I'm sure they'll just accept her admission of guilt and payout.

Anyway, so sorry to hear about this Les, time for a beer! :cwm3:

18th September 2011, 18:13
I'm on my 5th:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th September 2011, 18:19
Good! Makes it all feel better.

18th September 2011, 18:28
It does,got in at 2pm after crash,pissed off so nipped to off-license bought 6 bottles of cider on 5th already and things don't seem as bad:xxgrinning--00xx3:
tmrw will be a different story though:NoNo:

18th September 2011, 18:50
haha, but thats tomorrow, better not to think about that.

18th September 2011, 18:56
Yes true:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th September 2011, 19:17
My dads written off 3 Micra's in 2 years, and none of them his fault :doh

19th September 2011, 22:02
Bad new Les I only just read this.Whats the score about a replacement motor while your's is being fixed ? Presumably the stupid woman will have to pay for that but are there Council licensing implications etc - I can see there might be a fair few additional costs added to your claim

19th September 2011, 22:08
I will use one of our company spare vehicles while mine gets fixed,damage is about £2,500 and 10 days til sorted
Not much chance of claiming anything as her insurance company admit liability but want to provide me with replacement taxi while mines fixed but it's too much hassle.
So at end of day i still loose out,you should get maybe £500 inconvenience and goodwill gesture i think when you are completely not at fault:cwm23: