View Full Version : upset with payslip issue... what shall i do?

19th September 2011, 01:11
im so upset to learn that the bus company (where my my hubby's having his regular part time job for school run) is not issuing payslip and not paying his tax ad they are only paying his tax for extra work and it appears on his P60 that he was just earning for the whole year of £1500. But when they issued a letter of employment it says there that they are paying my hubby £7,000 for 190 days but has given him payslip for extra work only.. This bus company told my hubby sorry for the only paper work they can give him is P60 of £1,530 only with a tax of £306 for the year and employment letter saying that they are extending again his contract for another 12months...

My hubby's P60 in the restaurant(another part time job for years) shows his pay was £7,100 for the year complete with 6-months payslip and employment letter...

please advise.. what shall i do? do i need to write in the additional information section of the settlement form about his situation in the bus company? or include his situation on his letter of support?

need you advice
thanks a lot in advance.:doh

19th September 2011, 04:21
Sounds very strange, I think you need to tread carefully, as this doesn't sound legal and could get both your husband and his employer into inadvertently into trouble if thats right.

19th September 2011, 09:04
It may be worth him having a word with the CAB

However, although your are asked to include payslips, P60, etc the purpose is to PROVE that he can support you without you claiming public funds. If he shows a constant income on his banks statements, savings, and spare cash then that should be good enough. He would need to explain in detail about the jobs/payments etc on his sponsor letter. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th September 2011, 09:49
It may be worth him having a word with the CAB

However, although your are asked to include payslips, P60, etc the purpose is to PROVE that he can support you without you claiming public funds. If he shows a constant income on his banks statements, savings, and spare cash then that should be good enough. He would need to explain in detail about the jobs/payments etc on his sponsor letter. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I forgot to mention that this bus company is paying him in cash so it is not reflected on his bank statement and most of his spending is in cash mode.. He is depositing weekly what is left on hand and very seldom use his account for payment that's why when he sent me some of his papers i noticed that his bank statement is 1 or 2-page only, mostly savings . He's having flex account at nationwide for more than 3years. Even his rental for his flat is paid in cash that's i asked for their rental record.

this situation is giving me a hard time on how shall i explain it if i will apply... or shall i still proceed to application.... or if he'll find a new job, my worry is the longer i wait the tighter and new rules are coming in British embassy as they're strengthening some of their rules due to some applicants :doh :doh :doh

19th September 2011, 10:12
ok, from what you've said, you need to discuss this carefully with your husband. If you told the Embassy what you've told us here, you'd most likely encourage an Inland Revenue investigation into your husband.

19th September 2011, 10:28
Sounds very strange, I think you need to tread carefully, as this doesn't sound legal and could get both your husband and his employer into inadvertently into trouble if thats right.

oh yes that's why i cant proceed to apply as i really dont know how shall i explain and prove that he can afford me to have his wife in the UK :doh

19th September 2011, 10:50
OK, this is something you need to sit down with your husband and work out. The application is based purely on the credible evidence placed in front of them. So as has been said above, you look at contracts, cash in the bank balance. But unfortunately, tax avoidance (whether by the employer or employee, not sure how instigated this), has come to bite you.
It may be that your husband needs to try and legitimise everything, and do that for three months or more so that he has three months of payslips and bank statements justifying everything.

19th September 2011, 16:01
Tell him to speak with a local accountant on how to legitamise everything as it is now, he'll probably charge but may be worth it.

19th September 2011, 18:17
The UKBA (Immigration) and HMRC (Inland Revenue) share information on the same data bases.
Just as everyone has advised, you hubby does need to get his affairs sorted out properly.
He will need at least 3 months bank statements. Maybe more.

19th September 2011, 23:43
The UKBA (Immigration) and HMRC (Inland Revenue) share information on the same data bases.
Just as everyone has advised, you hubby does need to get his affairs sorted out properly.
He will need at least 3 months bank statements. Maybe more.

yes we have his 6-months bank statements of one-page or two-page each month... i just dont know how to resolve my hubby's payslip issue, it's complicated... :doh :doh :doh

20th September 2011, 00:25
Get letters from his employers stating what his wages are, how long he's worked there, and that his job(s) are permanent.

The payslips were thrown away. ;)

That's your only hope.

20th September 2011, 10:16
Get letters from his employers stating what his wages are, how long he's worked there, and that his job(s) are permanent.

The payslips were thrown away. ;)

That's your only hope.

oh yes we have that letter from his employer but my worry is what if embassy will ring and request me to submit my hubby's P60. this is his 2nd part-time job and his tax code is classified as BR which 20% tax on his earnings....

My hubby will talk again to the bus company's accountant on what is best to do... if it's possible to have his 6-months payslips back dated then he'll pay his tax for 6months back so that we can present his payslip and no need for his P60 :doh :doh :doh

thank you to all of you who are trying to help me think of a solution...It is deeply appreciated...