View Full Version : Free Horse Racing Tips

21st September 2011, 09:33
Turbo Lays (http://www.win2win.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?73516-Turbo-Lays-–-Fast-Profits!!) on my Win2Win Racing site are free for the remainder of the year. Results are impressive:

List 1: DAILY = +5 : Total P/L = +103
List 2: DAILY = +5 : Total P/L = +153
List 3: DAILY = +1 : Total P/L = -35

My Live Betting Daily Profit/Loss: +11

My Overall Live Betting: +355 points
(Results include deducted commission. Overall P/L are my personal live betting results.)
*Individual list results started 10/8/11, except List 1, 18/8/11. Live betting from start of first post 6/5/11.