View Full Version : durian..:)

25th September 2011, 12:15
cant bit my fav scumptous fruit:omg::D wish the UK has this argrrrrr:laugher::icon_lol::Rasp:



25th September 2011, 12:30
I've still not tried it yet. It's not that I don't want to, I just haven't got round to it, I'm not really that squeamish about food and have eaten many other Filipino delicacies:icon_lol:

25th September 2011, 12:32

Smells like hell :yikes:
Tastes even worse :yikes:

Sorry Moy just my opinion based on experiences best forgotten.:Bolt:

25th September 2011, 12:49
You can buy it in the Chinese Warehouse in Liverpool... £20 each though :yikes:

25th September 2011, 12:53

Smells like hell :yikes:
Tastes even worse :yikes:

Sorry Moy just my opinion based on experiences best forgotten.:Bolt:

cant blame:action-smiley-081: you Terpe:icon_lol: its true but who CARES:D:Rasp: I GROW up with it and i will die with it eating:laugher: until my last breath:laugher::rolleyes::yikes:
here in the UK what i cant take to eat is Marmite:bigcry::cwm24: might be smeels nice but it taste like a rotten foot:Rasp::icon_lol:

mells like hell
Tastes even worse

it might be smeels like hell but taste like heaven:)hehehe
PS terpe...have you been to hell?? anyway how you know the smeel of Hell:) LOLZ

25th September 2011, 12:55
I've still not tried it yet. It's not that I don't want to, I just haven't got round to it, I'm not really that squeamish about food and have eaten many other Filipino delicacies:icon_lol:

youll see and best to tried englishman..it worthy and youll miss the chance of your wife:icon_lol::cwm24::Rasp:

25th September 2011, 12:58
You can buy it in the Chinese Warehouse in Liverpool... £20 each though :yikes:

really..:D daft as i live nearby to the coast and to get there the cost of 200 quid of petrol versus 20 quid of durian..unfair:laugher:

25th September 2011, 14:29
I have eaten Durian in Singapore. They are not allowed in hotels there as they stink out the whole place, you sometimes see stickers on the windows saying NO DURIAN :ReadIt: We saw it in SM Mall in Baguio too 2 weeks ago. It is a delicacy for some, but the combined smell, taste and texture are not the best experience I have ever had. But, if you like it.... just dont eat it near me :icon_lol:

25th September 2011, 15:16
Laugh out loud. I had some of this when I was in Phils in June. Quite tasty! :icon_lol: There are some amazing fruits out there....

25th September 2011, 15:16
not for me thanks

25th September 2011, 18:05
not for me thanks
am afraid its because you not use and grow eating that wothingmale:D:rolleyes: thats why:laugher:

25th September 2011, 18:09
......Quite tasty! :icon_lol: ...

:yikes: You're kidding me................... aren't you :Erm:

25th September 2011, 18:16
i too tried durian some time ago.. prior to eating the fruit i was told that it has a pong but tastes nice.. wrong on both accounts i thought.. the smell was not that bad and the taste was quite bland.. and i also had the skins from some kind of grape fruit nearby and cleansed my hands with those.. but im sure there is some good nutrition facts regarding durian.

25th September 2011, 18:29
your :vomit-smiley-011::cwm24: ross
good job the misses doesn't or can't buy any of that :rolleyes:

25th September 2011, 18:31
You're kidding me................... aren't you :D

its true terpe :icon_lol::rolleyes:im afraid lolz..if you grow eating it thats how you describe:omg: the taste is:laugher::icon_lol:

25th September 2011, 18:37
your :vomit-smiley-011::cwm24: ross
good job the misses doesn't or can't buy any of that :rolleyes:

come on joe's:D the mango:laugher: she can buy a joe's:laugher: the dried mango :action-smiley-081::D:laugher: instead


Arthur Little
25th September 2011, 19:41
Hmm ... I remember in the Phils, being handed a bowlful of what I fondly imagined to be vanila ice cream. 'Great!' :) I thought :rolleyes: ... 'makes a pleasant change from that ubiquitous purple concoction known as ube or some such' (which everyone and their grannies seemed to enjoy in these parts).

Turned out the ice cream I'd been about to consume was durian flavoured ... yeuch! :vomit-smiley-011:

Arthur Little
25th September 2011, 19:56
Turned out the ice cream I'd been about to consume was durian flavoured ... yeuch! :vomit-smiley-011:

:omg: ... anyone eating this pungent fruit :yeahthat: would be willing to go to HELL for a pastime!

25th September 2011, 21:18

one my fav fruit as well.aside from durian..:D:icon_lol:

Doc Alan
25th September 2011, 23:03
I tried durian when I worked in Malaysia, and it's not to everyone's taste ! It's banned from airline cabins and many hotels there because of the smell.
It is Malaysia's most famous fruit - " duri " in Malay means " thorn " - and is native to that country, Brunei, and Indonesia. It may be native also to the Philippines ( especially Davao area ) or could have been introduced.
As for health - giving properties, like many fruit it contains sugar, vitamin C, potassium, also fat and protein.
It's reputed - with no proof, and surprisingly considering the smell - to be an aphrodisiac. There's a Malay saying " When the durians are down, the sarongs are up " :icon_lol:.
Durians can kill :yikes: - as they weigh up to 3 kg - when they fall from the tree ( which can grow to 120 feet in height ). Malaysians claim to know when they are ripe and ready to fall :icon_lol:. Many wild animals, including the tiger, also like this fruit.
They can be stored in the boots of most cars, but not the Volkswagen Beetle ( the boot being at the front, so the smell would be overpowering ) :icon_lol:.
Probably no other fruit has had so many contradictory descriptions of its smell and flavour.