View Full Version : Motorway speed limit

29th September 2011, 18:17
Looks like it will be raised to 80mph in 2013:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th September 2011, 18:24
That does make sense in clear and dry conditions. However, if they do that, I also think there should be greater enforcement if anyone pushes it over that speed.

The strange thing is, I've really noticed how motorway speeds have slowed down over the last couple of years due to the high cost of fuel and less disposable cash in most peoples pockets. I'm quite happy to turn my cruise control on and stick at 65-70 on the inside lane of a motorway now, and watch the MPG computer on my car. Wheras a few years ago, I didn't care and was happy running around in gas guzzling Turbo's, V6's and V8's:yikes:

29th September 2011, 18:28
It pays me to get a move on and in good conditions I'm hovering between 80-90mph with occasional slow down as traffic dictates.

29th September 2011, 18:31
Fair enough Les, it's your job:xxgrinning--00xx3: but how much would you save if you drove everywhere at 56:icon_lol:

29th September 2011, 18:34
No i would loose I'm on say £25 an hour before fuel costs slowing down to save maybe a couple of quid on fuel is pointless as as soon as I get back more work :)

29th September 2011, 18:36
I did a little test a few months ago. I sometimes have to make a 40 mile each way trip along the M1 for work. Depending on traffic and the time of day it usually takes me an hour, and during that time my speed can vary between 50 and a bit more than the legal limit;). My car's a 2.1 automatic diesel and weighs about 15 tonnes:icon_lol: I'd normally get 40 mpg on that run.

One day I decided to do the same trip with my cruise control set at 65mph. It took me about a minute more to do the same journey and my MPG was 50:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th September 2011, 18:43
I'm not slowing down for anyone. :D

AND....even if they raise it to 120 there'll STILL be a bloody white van up yer chuff. :rolleyes:

29th September 2011, 18:53
It's simple maths for me.
If I do a Harrogate to cockfosters run (about 200 miles for me each way) it takes about 2hr 50 mins each way and I'm at 90 for long stretches.
If I lower my speed to say 70mph its going to take me about another 50 mins
50 mins to me is about £22 lost yet my fuel will be down by maybe £8 I'm guessing.
Plus I want to get the bloody job done and when I'm flying down motorway very few lane changes and messing about so it's actually more stress free.

29th September 2011, 19:43
Takes longer than it did 30 years ago...simply because of extra traffic volume, including millions more HGVs and... spit... women drivers. :angry:

I could do 100 all the way in me old Mk3 company Cortina.

29th September 2011, 19:46
I do a few miles too, and often get 650 miles on a fill-up thanks to some laid back driving myself. I'm able to average 44mpg until I hav to drive around Milton Keynes!:doh

I too have seen the average speeds decrease and it's really not surprising when it's costs £1.40 a bloody litre...

29th September 2011, 19:50
Aye, but remember 25mpg was about the norm not so long ago, so fuel costs may well be cheaper now...and how often do you need to put oil in these days ? :)

29th September 2011, 20:35
My mondeo does about 43mpg and that's all driving all roads and motorways.
Very rarely put oil in apart from service

29th September 2011, 21:20
Well speed doesn't kill on motorways, it's driver stupidity in bad weather that is the biggest killer.

My current Qashqai gets 35mpg, that seemed good 3 years ago but with the cost of fuel that was the significant factor in buying a new vehicle which I get in a month :xxgrinning--00xx3: Renault Grand Scenic with Tom Tom/Bose, 7 seats, automatic, and it gets 62mpg!!! :cwm24:

That's 3X more than the average US car :icon_lol:

29th September 2011, 21:54
My TVR does about 15 if I'm pushing it, 25 on a gentle run....not that that ever happens. :icon_lol:

Fortunately my diesel MG does about 55. :)

1st October 2011, 10:21
80pmh on the motorway and down to 20mph in built up areas simples

1st October 2011, 10:30
Built up areas should be either 30mph and nears schools 20mph as happening more and more.
The 20mph limit should not apply outside school hours it's ridiculous:)

1st October 2011, 12:10
most of us do 80 on the motorways, and 20 is too slow

1st October 2011, 13:05
Don't get me going on speed limits AAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! :cwm23:

I drive 30 miles each way to work each day, mostly smaller a/b roads. I counted up all the different speed limits on the journey and on a run there and back I go through 56 different limits and 4 'revenue cameras'
The problem is that you get idiots who will never go fast enough for the limit. These idiots never use their rear view mirrors or care that there is a queue or ten cars behind who need to be places at certain times. One of these people I get caught by several mornings a week will do 20mph in a 30 limit, 35 in a 40, and 40 in a 60. Its so frustrating and people will take risks to pass them...... why don't they realise this???
All these 'do 'gooders' who move from the city to the country where I live get all these limits put in place with no regard for anyone else... drives me nuts :cwm23: makes me so mad. All of these new limits are often along country roads where there are no pavements, and maybe one or two houses several hundred meters from the village limits, you never see any children or people walking. Just mad.

Yes, make the speed limits higher, great news. Speed is not bad, bad driving is bad. Modern cars with modern technology far exceeds the need for lower limits.
Of course, outside schools I totally agree, we must take care and observe lower speed, but on the open road ... lets go!!

1st October 2011, 13:08
Totally agree . :xxgrinning--00xx3:

My pet hate too. :angry:

Learned my lesson 42 years ago when I failed my first driving test for failing to keep up with traffic, or however it is termed. :rolleyes:

1st October 2011, 13:27
Yes the bloke with the red flag got too far ahead of you Graham:icon_lol:

1st October 2011, 13:35
Ba humbug. :1056158225:

Made up for it since. :D

2nd October 2011, 08:29
There must be a mathematical equation for it:-

Drive at 90 mph save 'x' time, use 'y' more gas, get caught, fine 'a' `pounds, loose license for 'b' years, then pay 'c' more for insurance when you get DL = 'd' does not make a lotta sense !


2nd October 2011, 09:00
so if the current limit is 70 and you already travel at 90, if the limit is increased to 80 will you now travel at 100? :laugher:

2nd October 2011, 09:20
so if the current limit is 70 and you already travel at 90, if the limit is increased to 80 will you now travel at 100? :laugher:

Either way they'd still be breaking the law :doh
You will be allowed to do 85mph without getting nicked .... remember that most speedo's in the UK show 5%-10% under the speed you are actually doing. Which is why when you pass a speed sign showing how fast you are doing it is always less than what your speedo tells you.

2nd October 2011, 10:40
There must be a mathematical equation for it:-

Drive at 90 mph save 'x' time, use 'y' more gas, get caught, fine 'a' `pounds, loose license for 'b' years, then pay 'c' more for insurance when you get DL = 'd' does not make a lotta sense !


The limit is being changed to 80mph not 90 John, and to be honest, I really dont need my backside wiped by people telling me I cannot drive my car safely at higher speeds. So many fuddy duddy wooley jumpers out there, make them do my journey each day...... get them stuck behind these 'do gooders' who would sooner chop their hands off than go over a speed limit and then see if they break the limit with frustration to get past them.
Give people a little more credit for their abilities. I have been a biker for many years owning ALL of the latest top superbikes, I could wipe 25 minutes off a my hour's trip in my car by going over these ridiculous speed limits now enforced in my area. I did it safely and with care for other road users. We are not all maniacs because we go faster than you.

Just another thought....... anyone who tells you that they never speed is a liar..... I can 100% garrentee that!!

2nd October 2011, 10:55
Steve, Fine so you can drive better than most. Know something, almost all of us think that, including those who cause accidents. But speed limits are there to protect us all from the idiots who wrongly think they can drive faster and better than they really can.

Whilst you may be able to drive safely faster than others, unfortunately there are a lot of other road users who cannot, thus you may kill them and others, albeit as a result of their inability to drive safely.

(PS I too have been a biker, cyclist and car driver for 55 years and still have a 600 cc bike, a car and a road racing cycle, but as I have got older I have come to realise that my opinion about my driving perfection was probably wrong)

2nd October 2011, 13:33
Being a 'professional driver' I agree with Steve I'm afraid John.
Accidents are caused by bad driving not speeding, I'm a currently waiting for my car to be repaired due to a silly dopey women who changed lanes as I was along side her and never even thought to look:yikes:
On a motorway I'm doing 90mph middle lane pretty much clear of anything,totally safe and no hazard to other road uses.
I move into inside lane if it's clear for a while but I'm not moving in and out all the journey getting stuck behind the 50mph's and great wagons.
If someone wants to speed then they will no matter what the limit.
On b roads most accidents are caused by lack of concentration,phone use,eating while driving,tiredness etc.
Old drivers are a bloody nitemare:omg:
They tootle along without any due care,consistently drive at well under the speed limit driving other road uses mad:cwm23:
I notice when I'm behind them the drivers rarely look into the mirror,fail to acknowledge me when I let them out and haven't a bloody clue whats going on.
We can't help getting old but some of these 'old boys' should simply not be driving.

2nd October 2011, 14:02

Yes, of course, bad driving causes accidents, but the 'innocent' driver involved could have avoided the accident in many cases if he/she were driving more carefully.

Experienced Motorcyclists and experienced cyclists drive defensively (as of course they always come off worst no matter who is to blame) and thus they try not to put themselves into positions where the actions of bad drivers might kill them. Many car drivers don't think that way, thus may not make sufficient allowances for 'dodgy' drivers. So when they are involved in accidents, in which they were not overtly to blame, they are less likely to realise that they were a contributory factor and that more care on their part may have prevented the accident.

But, as I said, we all know we are great drivers, so I don't expect many to agree.

2nd October 2011, 14:48

Yes, of course, bad driving causes accidents, but the 'innocent' driver involved could have avoided the accident in many cases if he/she were driving more carefully.

So speed is not a contributary factor :rolleyes:

You and me both John, being bikers and riders of fast bikes are more than aware of 'poor' drivers as Les well points out, you can see they are not aware of what is around them and you can predict a stupid move and you avoid them. In a car, you cannot move past these dodderers and so you get frustrated. If only they realised the anguish they cause:cwm23:

Another one that really winds me up is the 'do gooder' who will do 25mph in the village and hold everyone up and then when he gets to the 60mph limit ...boooosts off and 80mph :doh:doh then you catch them up again at the next village and so it goes on... total rpicks:xxaction-smiley-047

2nd October 2011, 16:37
Well the government are happy to raise the speed limit for motorways as they are not overly concerned as we know it's not usually speed that's to blame:xxgrinning--00xx3:
By the way John figures show that Speeding accidents account for only 3% of traffic accidents so clearly as bad as any accident is Speeding is generally not the problem.
Poor driving standards are:)

2nd October 2011, 16:43
Either way they'd still be breaking the law :doh
You will be allowed to do 85mph without getting nicked .... remember that most speedo's in the UK show 5%-10% under the speed you are actually doing. Which is why when you pass a speed sign showing how fast you are doing it is always less than what your speedo tells you.

I think you meant most speedos read OVER what you're actually doing ;) (ie optimistic), which is usually true, yes....unless someone has fitted different size driven wheels or tyre profile.

I use my satnav when driving through areas with cameras, as it's very accurate. :)

Naturally, being an old bloke I only speed up when pulling out to overtake 10 or more slower cars....mainly driven by women of all ages, but normal female timid driving habits. :D

Been driving average 20,000 miles + a year for 42 years, only ever had 3 points, which came off in 1973.

In other words, yes I have been very LUCKY. :icon_lol:

2nd October 2011, 20:10
....I use my satnav when driving through areas with cameras, as it's very accurate. :)

It's interesting you mention that Graham. Recently I've been using my sat-nav much more than I normally do. I noticed a good margin of difference between the speed according to the sat-nav and that of my speedo.
Looks like I can follow the sat-nav then?
No wonder everyone else is passing me on the M1 in the 50mph area. :doh

2nd October 2011, 20:13
I'm sure the sat nav will be far less accurate than the speedo as it takes time to update and is dependent on line of sight.
I would say a speedo has to be more accurate:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd October 2011, 20:16
I'm sure the sat nav will be far less accurate than the speedo as it takes time to update and is dependent on line of sight.
I would say a speedo has to be more accurate:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hmmm, interesting issue this.
Thanks Les.
I'd better do some research before changing my driving habits.

2nd October 2011, 20:17
Oops I take it back just read two articles which say sat nav is more accurate
Damn hate being wrong:icon_lol:

2nd October 2011, 20:20

2nd October 2011, 23:31
Ayup Les....thought Taxi Drivers knew everything. :D

3rd October 2011, 09:26
Another one that really winds me up is the 'do gooder' who will do 25mph in the village and hold everyone up and then when he gets to the 60mph limit ...boooosts off and 80mph :doh:doh then you catch them up again at the next village and so it goes on... total rpicks:xxaction-smiley-047

I love doing that :laugher:

3rd October 2011, 09:31
I think you meant most speedos read OVER what you're actually doing ;) (ie optimistic), which is usually true, yes....unless someone has fitted different size driven wheels or tyre profile.

:Erm: No UNDER!!! If the speed sign says you are doing 50, you speedo will say 45/46 mph. You can also prove this using GPS which gives the most accurate speed reading.

3rd October 2011, 09:47
Disagree. (Not sure what you mean about speed sign telling you something...maybe we're talking about two different things).

I do use my satnav to check for accurate speed...as stated above.:)

3rd October 2011, 09:55
It does depend on the vehicle, age & tyres though, especially the latter. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd October 2011, 10:36
Ayup Les....thought Taxi Drivers knew everything. :D

Yes once every ten years I am wrong:D

3rd October 2011, 15:53
While we're on driving.

Just bought a 2001 Punto in nice nick for my boy to get some practice in, and then pass on to him. £550. :)

BUT, got a quote for me owning the car and adding him as a named provisional licence driver.

£3,300 !!! :yikes:
This is just getting daft. :NoNo:

Most of this is due to to these :censored:s putting in fraudulent claims after staging accidents, and of course our litigation culture feeding all the parasites in that 'industry'. :cwm23:

Something needs to be done about it.
It's just not fair on the current generation of youngsters, who from what I've observed drive a lot better than people of my generation ever did at their age. :rolleyes: