View Full Version : Paedophile killed in jail

3rd October 2011, 00:01

3rd October 2011, 06:43
Another one bites the dust:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd October 2011, 07:59
I hope before the 2 inmates responsible are given early release the prison authorities move them into a cell next door to Ian Huntley

3rd October 2011, 08:17
Good riddance to him. I'm not usually a supporter of vigilante attacks or people taking the law into their own hands, but anyone who kills or abuses children deserves everything they get. Whatever the liberal Psychiatrists and the other do gooders say, there is no cure for these animals

3rd October 2011, 08:27
It's the lowest of low being a paedophile and they deserve what they get.
If my kids had ever been attacked by one I would have waited all my life to get even and would have cared not about the consequences:censored:

3rd October 2011, 09:41
Ah well..... next :D

3rd October 2011, 10:59
It's the lowest of low being a paedophile and they deserve what they get.
If my kids had ever been attacked by one I would have waited all my life to get even and would have cared not about the consequences:censored:

Same here Les, there's nothing else I would ever consider worth going to prison for, but God forbid, if anyone ever harms my kids I would take my revenge

4th October 2011, 19:06
Is there an article or something? I can't see anything... (http://www.datebeach.com.au). PS on another note why do prisoners who kill murder their wives or rape adult women and stuff think that they are on some higher moral platform above pedophiles? I think they are just as bad.

4th October 2011, 19:07
Oops i meant to say murder not 'murder kill' lol