View Full Version : Amanda knox

3rd October 2011, 20:21
Guilty or not?
I think she will loose appeal anyone else?

3rd October 2011, 21:01
Bloody hell she got off!

3rd October 2011, 21:08
There's a turnaround, I guess the police messed up on this one. Unless of course she was really set up :Erm:

3rd October 2011, 21:11
nothing surprises me now, when OJ Simpson and Jackson got off

3rd October 2011, 21:41
The film will be out before Easter

4th October 2011, 08:11
Why do people say, 'She/he got off' when a person is acquitted, or as in the case, the appeal against conviction succeeds? That supposes that the person is guilty and that they got away with the crime.

How can anyone who has not been privy to all the evidence and had professional guidance on how to interpreter it, have the temerity to 'out guess' the process and give their guess as to what should have happened.

In this case, my sympathy goes out to the innocent couple who were wrongly convicted and wrongly imprisoned for several years. If they now get some money for their story, good for them.

4th October 2011, 08:34
We are allowed to voice our opinion John and mine based on what I have seen and heard is that I think they 'did it' and have got away with it.
Now I could be wrong and in that case they deserve compensation but alas this will no doubt be made into books,films etc.
Meanwhile if they are innocent we have a murderer prowling about and of course a very sad family who's daughter's life was taken away so callously :NoNo:
Doubt they will be making lot's of money from film and publishing rights.

stevie c
4th October 2011, 08:44
les it it is correct they did not commit the murder which imo they did not commit the murder then there is no murderer on the prowl as they have already got person convicted of murder. He has been sentenced to sixteen years a lighter sentence for co operating. Many people believe he was a sole murderer

4th October 2011, 08:45
Les, Whilst every does have the right in general to their opinion, what you are saying, is that everyone also has the right to say/ publish, what ever they like about anyone, based on anything they have guessed, imagined, dreamed etc. That would normally amount to slander and or libel, both of which are legally actionable.

Also at least in UK, everyone also has the right to presumed innocent until proven guilty. Knox has not been proven guilty surely she has the right to be presumed innocent.

If you or I were in that position I don't think we would be standing up for the right to be called a liar and murderer.

Steve quote:- les it it is correct they did not commit the murder which imo they did not commit the murder then there is no murderer on the prowl as they have already got person convicted of murder. He has been sentenced to sixteen years a lighter sentence for co operating. Many people believe he was a sole murderer

Exercising my right to express my opinion (thanks Les) I would not be surprised if it were discovered that the guy who admitted the murder, falsely implicated Knox and her BF, to attract a lighter sentence.

4th October 2011, 09:08
I don't say anyone can say exactly what they like at all,I'm saying in my opinion I'm not convinced they are innocent.
You have just contradicted yourself John by expressing your opinion that the guy who admitted the murder possibly falsely implicated Knox.
Easy done isn't it:)

4th October 2011, 09:29
I don't say anyone can say exactly what they like at all,I'm saying in my opinion I'm not convinced they are innocent.
You have just contradicted yourself John by expressing your opinion that the guy who admitted the murder possibly falsely implicated Knox.
Easy done isn't it:)

Re 'my opinion' I did show that I was following your line(and I had agreed we have the right to our opinion, but not to libel or slander anyone in expressing it) but I was not saying that a person who had not been proved guilty was wrongly acquitted, but commenting on evidence given by a person who had pleaded guilty to murder.

4th October 2011, 09:29
I have mixed feelings on this one.

A most unlikely crime for a female to commit is my gut instinct.

It should also serve as a warning to our kids and young people in general to be more fussy about the company they keep.

4th October 2011, 10:19
Also at least in UK, everyone also has the right to presumed innocent until proven guilty..

Having a laugh there are we John...... :doh

4th October 2011, 10:39

4th October 2011, 13:31
if she is innocent now, why was she found guilty at the first trial ? also look at the OJ trial and Micheal jacksons trial, the defence going thru everything with a fine tooth comb, just looking to put doubt in peoples minds.

4th October 2011, 13:35
If you got the money and the influence you can challenge anything:NoNo:

4th October 2011, 14:22
they should not have been found guilty the first time if you watched the trial. The whole case was based on dna that wasn't visible to the naked eye on a knife that didn't fit the wounds. The other lad was fitted up 6 weeks later with a bra clip that was supposed to have been present during the murder with blood everywhere but had no blood on it and wasn't discovered for 6 weeks after the murder scene had been cleared...duh!!!

4th October 2011, 14:37
there has been others imprisoned for crimes they didnt commit here and abroad,
it must be a terrible experience for her to have gone through as an innocent person.
i wonder if any of us could imagine what it must be like to be banged up for something you didnt do,

4th October 2011, 14:40
i bet Les thinks Dr Murray is innocent .... :)
i'm sure his defence team only have a qualification in stupidity!!

4th October 2011, 15:20
The prosecution are appealling the verdict

4th October 2011, 15:26
they don't have a choice, they are trying to save face, but as the judge pointed out yesterday, they have no evidence.

The only reason Knox was guilty of slander and made to pay compensation is just for them to save a bit of face

4th October 2011, 15:53
i bet Les thinks Dr Murray is innocent .... :)
i'm sure his defence team only have a qualification in stupidity!!

What! He is as guilty as hell as was in my humble opinion,Oj,Simpson,Michael Jackson,and I still think Knox and boyfriend

4th October 2011, 20:49
MJ was never guilty, no evidence (unless you count the witness who was a proven liar, and discredited and has since admitted he made it up to get money ) ... proven TWICE ... that was a witch-hunt by one muppet. If you read the court summaries of each, no evidence.... hence he was found not guilty as no other decision could have been reached.

OJ on the other hand did it but was proven not guilty, however he got his karma in Vegas :icon_lol:

4th October 2011, 21:56
MJ was never guilty, no evidence (unless you count the witness who was a proven liar, and discredited and has since admitted he made it up to get money ) ... proven TWICE ... that was a witch-hunt by one muppet. If you read the court summaries of each, no evidence.... hence he was found not guilty as no other decision could have been reached.

OJ on the other hand did it but was proven not guilty, however he got his karma in Vegas :icon_lol:

anyone who has that many locks on their bedroom door and shares their bed with kids must have something to hide :rolleyes:


i've only seen more locks on your wallet scouser Keith :D

4th October 2011, 22:11
Nothing against Michael Jackson great music artist and I love his early stuff but what a fruitcake.
Best mate was a chimp,bit too close for comfort with kids,dangled his own kid out of balcony window,thought he was Elisabeth Taylor etc etc
Don't forget he paid 15 million dollars to settle child molestation case
Never could understand if he was not guilty why would he pay it,to me it confirms guilt.

4th October 2011, 23:35
Hung his kid over a balcony.... wow, childs play compared with what we do with our scouse kids when they are young :D:D:D

Paying off doesn't mean guilt, if you've got the money and want to get rid of some hassle you use it... plus, and more importantly, the lad involved, now grown up, has since Jacko's death admitted he was forced to to lie by his mother to get money and nothing actually happened with MJ.

4th October 2011, 23:48
Jackson was a vile creature, Joe & Les summed it up, he did more than look up little boys trouser legs.

4th October 2011, 23:54
Jackson was a vile creature, Joe & Les summed it up, he did more than look up little boys trouser legs.

:Erm: Strange, as no one has any proof of this just the same as no one has proof of you bumming young boys. :doh ..... it doesn't mean that you don't though eh going by your argument? :rolleyes:

5th October 2011, 11:02
:Erm: Strange, as no one has any proof of this just the same as no one has proof of you bumming young boys. :doh ..... it doesn't mean that you don't though eh going by your argument? :rolleyes:

no wonder there was no proof, when you had that many locks on your door, even thou your living in a mansion with security guards :D

5th October 2011, 11:24
For whatever reason, Jacko was definitely :crazy:

5th October 2011, 15:07
What! He is as guilty as hell as was in my humble opinion,Oj,Simpson,Michael Jackson,and I still think Knox and boyfriend

Hey just thought of a way to save UK a fortune,

Employ Les to decide on the guilt or innocence of those accused.

That way, no need to call evidence or witnesses, as he knows its all a waste of time.

We could then change his name from Les Taxi to ' Les the psychic Convictor'

Sorry Les but you do jump to conclusions based on gut feeling not actual evidence or fact. Thank god UK has a justice system !!!!

5th October 2011, 17:13
Hey just thought of a way to save UK a fortune,

Employ Les to decide on the guilt or innocence of those accused.

That way, no need to call evidence or witnesses, as he knows its all a waste of time.

We could then change his name from Les Taxi to ' Les the psychic Convictor'

Sorry Les but you do jump to conclusions based on gut feeling not actual evidence or fact. Thank god UK has a justice system !!!!

No not really I concur with most of what the public think and you won't find many people who believe OJ Simpson did not murder his wife
Where is he now? Oh yes in jail serving a 33 year old sentence for robbery and kidnapping.
OK on to looney tune M Jackson paying off 15 million dollars for something he did not do yea course we would all do that if innocent:laugher:
OK I have not a strong case on Knox and It's just my gut feeling and I accept that could be wrong but of course I could not convict them on that alone.
I just believe there is more to it that meets the eye.
We all know if you have lots of money and influence in the right places you can 'get away with it'
Oh yes Bill clinton did not have sexual relations with that women ! Yea of course not bill:D

5th October 2011, 17:30
OK I have not a strong case on Knox and It's just my gut feeling and I accept that could be wrong but of course I could not convict them on that alone.
I just believe there is more to it that meets the eye.

Les as even you appear not to have a clue why you think she is guilty, but you still think she is. That's as logical as saying you believe in Santa Clause because some people have white beards !!!!!!

As I keep saying unless one has an intimate knowledge of the evidence (which probably only the investigating officer has) then it not possible to have a reasonable opinion.

Thus, in this case, any opinion is a wild guess and nothing more. But I don't expect anytime soon Les you will see the logic of that.

If I were to make a 'professional guess' from what I have seen on TV, I would say the Italian police lost the plot and were totally out of their depth and happy to stitch up anyone who was available. In just the way the Portuguese police were in the Maddie McCann case. Incompetent beyond belief.

But as I don't guess ...........

5th October 2011, 18:25
See you fail to comment on the other cases I mentioned :Erm:
Remember she was convicted, for now overturned but not finished.

stevie c
5th October 2011, 18:32
i bet Les thinks Dr Murray is innocent .... :)
i'm sure his defence team only have a qualification in stupidity!!

:laugher: :laugher: :laugher: :laugher: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th October 2011, 18:40
:laugher: :laugher: :laugher: :laugher: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I don't think that was aimed at me,it was the post above:D

stevie c
5th October 2011, 18:55
Sorry les i had to laugh the way Keith puts his words so sarcastic & funny :yikes:

5th October 2011, 20:13
im sooo pleased they have stopped the death penalty in the uk les... :icon_lol: phewww :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th October 2011, 20:37
put em all against the wall, :NEW3: him and him they both look guilty :laugher:

5th October 2011, 20:55
Shoot first, ask later! OK i will make a few mistakes but I believe I will get most right-it's all about balance:laugher:

5th October 2011, 22:15

6th October 2011, 10:20
no wonder there was no proof, when you had that many locks on your door, even thou your living in a mansion with security guards :D

Well the security guards weren't much use, they even welcomed the killer :doh

6th October 2011, 10:44
As we seem to have side tracked to Jackson.

At the moment we have only heard the prosecution case, it maybe that when the defence is presented a totally different impression will come out.
At that time. maybe laymen can make a reasonable guess as to what happened, but until then we just don't know what the facts are.

PS I have just heard about the huge debts Murray had.

One might think that one is unlikely to kill the golden goose when you need the money so badly. Murray had very good reasons to keep his 'goose' alive.

6th October 2011, 10:57
Ah... but he never intended to kill him, hence no charge of manslaughter, he just needed the money and so done whatever his boss asked, even though it involved breaching US medical guidelines, which he obviously did as he ordered the drug that killed MJ regardless of who administered it.

I think it's funny that CM deleted loads of stuff off his phone and the FBI recovered it :icon_lol: ..... the wonders of technology :D

6th October 2011, 10:59
PS I have just heard about the huge debts Murray had.

One might think that one is unlikely to kill the golden goose when you need the money so badly. Murray had very good reasons to keep his 'goose' alive.

i've heard on the news he was paying him $150,000 usd a month :yikes: and for that amount of money, and i wonder if he got what ever meds HE asked for :rolleyes:

6th October 2011, 10:59
If he had intended to kill him the charge would have been Murder, not manslaughter.

Involuntary manslaughter

Involuntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought. It is distinguished from voluntary manslaughter by the absence of intention. It is normally divided into two categories; constructive manslaughter and criminally negligent manslaughter.

The intention mentioned probably means that, a charge of manslaughter would be brought if the person intended to cause harm (by an unlawful act) but not to kill.. So if I punched a guy on the nose, unlawful act, and he fell, hit his head and died, charge would be manslaughter.

6th October 2011, 11:01
I think it's funny that CM deleted loads of stuff off his phone and the FBI recovered it :icon_lol: ..... the wonders of technology :D

he should have dropped it in the toilet they wouldn't have got anything off it then :D

6th October 2011, 11:06
he should have dropped it in the toilet they wouldn't have got anything off it then :D

Don't ever believe that.

6th October 2011, 11:21
he should have dropped it in the toilet they wouldn't have got anything off it then :D

Crabs :Erm:

6th October 2011, 12:49
Crabs :Erm:

Dont judge everyone's toilet by your own Boss :action-smiley-082:

6th October 2011, 16:03
regardless she was acuited the crime will always be attached to her name 4 ever i know it happened to me i had a bad time with ex,s familey but i was still draged to court lucky for me i had evidance that they was not aware off and so acuited but its still there nobody ever lets you off inocent or guilty :censored::furious3:

6th October 2011, 16:42
Very true.

6th October 2011, 22:35
it was a very devastating news to hear ...a happy family and a sad family ... well only GOD knows what happen yet they cant escape from what they have done. To Kercher RIP and hope justice will prevail maybe not in this lifetime but we all face the real judge. It could be unfair judging other people without the proper evidences or proof, yet it is also inhumane to convict someone who was not the real culprit. However, there are some confusions in between the stories...why did she lied in the first place? But whether it was set or not still someone knew what happen that day.

6th October 2011, 22:48
It has been said that she was bullied and pressurised by the police.

I will pass on the part 'God' may have played in the loss of one life and the ruination of several others, as I'm an Atheist.

7th October 2011, 09:45
Dont judge everyone's toilet by your own Boss :action-smiley-082:

My cleaner gets to fish mine out for lunch :D

7th October 2011, 10:01
My cleaner gets to fish mine out for lunch :D Like these I found earlier :vomit-smiley-011:
