View Full Version : Total Sham - Tesco Big Price Drop

3rd October 2011, 20:36
Endless free plugs for the German hard discounters in the readers comments - I've been a convert for years

Shoppers are paying more for groceries at Tesco than before the supermarket giant launched its biggest ever price-cutting campaign, it has emerged.

A basket of 33 staple items from the chain now costs £58.37 – up by £1.34 since the campaign began.

And despite threatening a price war against its rivals, Tesco’s items were actually more expensive than those in Sainsbury’s and Asda.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2044531/Tesco-price-war-starts-shoppers-end-paying-more.html#ixzz1ZkVfPDQs

3rd October 2011, 20:42
doesn't surprise me:NoNo: but i do like their currys,,,3 for £10 especialy chicken madrass, and their pita bread i find is better than other supermarkets :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd October 2011, 21:27
It's the same with their half price toy sale. I've just bought all of my kids forthcoming birthdays and Christmas presents from a variety of on line retailers. I looked at Tesco's half price toy sale, but they were still no cheaper than Amazon or any of the other inernet only retailers.

I stopped doing my main shopping at Tesco, Sainsbury and Asda years ago. There's an Aldi just down the road from me and I reckon I save between £10 and £20 a week by going there. The car park is always full of brand new Mercs, BM's, Audi's and Jags, it's definitely not the down market shop that some people think. I can't get everything I need from there, but what I do buy is good quality and good value for money:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd October 2011, 21:40
I stopped doing my main shopping at Tesco, Sainsbury and Asda years ago. There's an Aldi just down the road from me and I reckon I save between £10 and £20 a week by going there. The car park is always full of brand new Mercs, BM's, Audi's and Jags, it's definitely not the down market shop that some people think. I can't get everything I need from there, but what I do buy is good quality and good value for money:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Absolutely our nearest Lidl and Aldi are 8 or so miles away so we only go once every couple of weeks but load up.There's a Lidl going through planning at the mo - established cartel of retailers don't like it one little bit even though it will be on the edge of town, I can't wait.

I think Aldi is excellent many top spec products at non rip off prices - cooked meats, fruit & veg, booze, cleaning stuff (some of which shows Jeyes as the manufacturer) etc etc. You're right about the motors in the car park :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd October 2011, 21:51
I still chuckle to myself when I go to Aldi and see their weekly non grocery special offers that are sandwiched in between the vegetables and frozen section of our local.....one week it's deep sea diving equipment complete with lead boots and a goldfish bowl, the next week it's a DIY build your own Earth Orbiter complete with it's own launchpad:Cuckoo:

Doc Alan
4th October 2011, 23:12
Some good points here :xxgrinning--00xx3:. Figures are expected to show a record £ 10 million profit a DAY for Tescos :yikes:.
Wherever we shop, it's claimed we waste money and food by throwing away over 8 million tonnes of food every year from our homes in the UK. That's estimated at £ 50 / month for the average family. This is because we cook or prepare too much, or don't use food in time - our plans change, we forget what food we have, or we forget to chill / freeze to use at a later date. We also lack knowledge and confidence to safely use up " leftovers ".
A healthy diet is more costly than junk food, so if you're health conscious, it's all the more important not to waste food.
Three dates can be confusing :-
" Use by " is for food or drink that goes off quickly, and
there's a risk of food poisoning if consumed after the date,
even if you follow storage instructions like keeping in the 'fridge. Food can often be frozen on the day of purchase to extend its safe life ( remember to defrost thoroughly ).
" Best before " is more about quality than safety, so when the date is passed, it doesn't mean the food is harmful, except for eggs ( may contain Salmonella bugs which can multiply to dangerous levels after the recommended date ).
" Display until " / " Sell by " are instructions for shop staff, not customers. It's to be hoped more supermarkets arrange for foods - which may still be safe when removed from shelves - to be taken by charities for distribution to homeless and needy individuals, rather than throwing it away.

4th October 2011, 23:40
The supermarkets can keep up themselves with the price hikes in stuff these days, costs in packaging, delivery, feeding animals, etc is all shooting up. Luckily I use the buy 1 get 1 free offers so now have over 500 mouldy doughnuts :xxgrinning--00xx3: ..... as it's white mould I'll sell them to the stupid Mancs as Xmas snow doughnuts :D

5th October 2011, 07:30
aldi, farmfoods and the pakshop, thats where i go:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: and wilkinsons too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th October 2011, 11:05
Because Tesco is so close to me I shop there.

During the past few months EVERY item on my regular list has gone up by considerably more than inflation.

One thing I do NOT do is waste a single crumb of food.

A mouse trapped in my bin would quickly die of starvation.

There is no necessity or excuse for it, and there are millions of innocent starving kids in this world who would be grateful for some nourishment.

My weekly food bill for the two of us is about £35, even at Tesco's ripoff prices, and I always try to cook our meals from scratch using fresh ingredients, rather than consume the mean quantity of unhealthy (high fat and sodium content) crap normally provided in the average over-priced ready meal. (Sorry Imagine ;))

Why would I want to feed my son unhealthy rubbish ?

I usually make enough so that I can freeze some for when time is tight. :)

ps.....Must stop being such a smug :censored::laugher:

5th October 2011, 13:21
I am very similar to you Graham and have the same views on wastage and processed food :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I can't say that no food is wasted in my house as my kids, being typical kids don't always eat everything on their plates, but no food in my house is thrown away due to it going past its sell by or use by dates.

5th October 2011, 13:57
I suppose I'm fortunate in that my boy is a human hoover with food. :icon_lol:

He's a bit peeved that he hasn't reached my 6'1" I think, poor lad, but makes up for it by being super-fit and strong.

Sadly, when your mum is not much bigger than an insect your chances of being tall are a bit reduced.:cwm3:

Anyway, he's reached a handsome and healthy 5'9", and the girls keep knocking on the door, so not too bad. :)

Doc Alan
5th October 2011, 14:38
There's no need to apologise for being " smug " about avoiding food wastage ! Similarly, I'm not saying " dates " on food or drinks should be adhered to, merely explaining what they mean ( #6 ). Common sense, an awareness of healthy diet, and planning ahead can save money and incidentally help the environment ( energy, water, and packaging for food production, transport, and storage ).
The estimated £ 50 / month saving could be increased - by stopping smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, walking more, driving less - and using some of it for going to the gym or swimming pool :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th October 2011, 15:45

Maybe if people still had to CARRY their food home on foot... :Erm:

5th October 2011, 16:43

Maybe if people still had to CARRY their food home on foot... :Erm:

or catch it themselves:D

5th October 2011, 21:08
I do my food shopping everyday , I always get it fresh and on great deals with different shops (morrissons,asda,tesco,sainsburys,butcher etc..) plus it lessens my stress from work looking at those wonderful bargains:cwm24::D....Tesco always have the great deals when it comes to gadgets:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th October 2011, 21:16
I do my food shopping everyday , I always get it fresh and on great deals with different shops (morrissons,asda,tesco,sainsburys,butcher etc..) plus it lessens my stress from work looking at those wonderful bargains:cwm24::D....Tesco always have the great deals when it comes to gadgets:xxgrinning--00xx3:

You must have too much time on your hands:icon_lol:

5th October 2011, 22:28
You must have too much time on your hands:icon_lol:

its nothing to do with having too much time on my hands ..its getting the most out of my money:icon_lol:....they all carry loss leaders, a penny saved is a penny earned etc. If people havent got the time to do a little thinking and are happy to throw their money away then more the fool them.

5th October 2011, 22:32
Darn it .

I've got competition. :icon_lol:

5th October 2011, 22:37
I'm a snob i go to waitrose great food:laugher:

5th October 2011, 23:17
There's a newish one in York.

I thought only posh people went there. :Erm:

5th October 2011, 23:22
Waitrose - top quality I frequent them now and again mainly for the offers and pikey end of day reductions. Kettle Spicy Chilli Ridge Crisps - 2 for £2 at the weekend.

6th October 2011, 09:53
There's a newish one in York.

I thought only posh people went there. :Erm:

I look posh in My Blueline uniform:D

6th October 2011, 09:59
Les, if you're passing in the taxi...please grab some of their posh bog paper for me.

I've run out ! :yikes:

6th October 2011, 10:02
I get you some smart price from asda, the one where your fingers pop through it:omg:

6th October 2011, 10:17
Too much information ! :laugher: