View Full Version : Showing old passports when applying for spousal visa.

9th October 2011, 10:16
Hello Guys

I have a question that just popped into my head. Wonder if people have any experiences to share with relation to this or tell me what you think.

I met my wife in Thailand. But when she renewed her passport she threw her old passport away

Also when I renewed my passport I threw away my old passport.

There is no way to prove how we met almost 6 years ago.

But of course since then i married in the Philippines and been living here with my wife and also had children.

Will this cause a problem if we cant show the old passports.

We have lots of dated pictures from when we first met.

My wife was just on a holiday at the time and I was travelling.

Please share your opinions


9th October 2011, 12:27
Why would you need to go back 6 years anyway ?

I'm sure the fact that you've been living together for years AND have got married and had kids should be quite enough. :D

Look at the guys who go out to the Phils only once or twice and then apply for fiancee visas a few weeks later.
Most are approved it seems, as long as the ECO's requirements are met.

9th October 2011, 12:59
Hello Graham

Thanks for the information mate.
On the Spouse Visa application they ask for information regarding old passports. If she aint got it wont it look bad or am i just worrying alot?


9th October 2011, 14:48
I haven't seen the latest application form, so not sure what they're driving at.

In this day and age I'd have thought any previous visas issued would be on computer file anyway....if that's what they're looking for.

A lot of people chuck away (or lose) their old passports anyway, so I can't see why just having your current one would be a problem.

Hopefully someone who has been through the process recently will be able cast some light on this, but YES, I do think you're worrying unnecessarily. :)

9th October 2011, 16:32
one and half years ago:D they ask my old passport luckily:rolleyes: i keep mine..so less worries..:D
in your case aiden if your wife loss her old passport she can execute an affidavit of loss from a lawyer notarized of course stating it was been lost etc:rolleyes: that might help..:D