View Full Version : Botched Operations Surgeon still employed by NHS

9th October 2011, 21:28
Disgraceful :cwm23:

A surgeon who is being blamed for botching a series of operations is still working for the NHS as the General Medical Council carries out an investigation.

Five patients have already received pay-outs totalling £750,000 from one hospital over complications they suffered after surgery by consultant Mr Manjit Bhamra.

However, the 55-year-old is now working as a consultant at a number of other hospitals.

Lawyers say they are probing a 'deeply worrying' number of complaints about hip operations by the surgeon.

Law firm Irwin Mitchell say there have been a 'significant number' of enquiries from other concerned patients from Rotherham General Hospital.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2035492/Surgeon.html#ixzz1aJnj1cOj

Doc Alan
11th October 2011, 22:21
It may be disgraceful , but we don't yet know all the details. The £ 750,000 pay-outs for the five patients after " botched operations " is a tiny fraction of the estimated £ 15 billion it now costs the NHS in settling negligence claims each year :yikes:
The GMC regulates doctors in the UK.
It can take action if the doctor's " fitness to practise is impaired ". That may be deficient performance ( more mistakes than the minimum which are unfortunately inevitable, regardless of expertise and experience ). It might also include misconduct, criminal conviction or ill-health.
This particular surgeon, registered for almost 30 years, is named and shamed in the media while under " Investigation ". " Stream 1 cases " - as here - include obtaining evidence from complainants, employers, experts in the specialty, and assessment of the doctor's health. It's usually completed within 6 months. ( " Stream 2 cases " don't require further action by the GMC and are referred back to the employer ).
At any stage in the proceedings the GMC can suspend or restrict a doctor from practising while the investigation continues.
At the end of the investigation there may be no further action, a warning may be issued, retraining or working under supervision may be required, or the doctor may be referred to a " Fitness to Practise " Panel. This could suspend or remove the doctor from the medical register. Suspension ( with withdrawal of licence ) or erasure ( licence revoked ) are obviously not undertaken lightly. In a perfect world, doctors would make no mistakes, and the GMC ( including members of the public on its governing body ) would always make the right decisions.

11th October 2011, 22:38
We're all human and make mistakes.... bad day at the office ... human nature and can't be avoided.

£15 Bill is the drop in the Ocean to what they pay out in the US :yikes:

12th October 2011, 00:11
I wonder what the chap who finished up with one leg 3 inches shorter than the other thought ?

Sounds to me like another dodgy foreign Doctor who's qualifications might have been purchased in the Kasbah. The bloke is inept what the hell are the NHS doing in employing him ?

Doc Alan
12th October 2011, 00:30
I wonder what the chap who finished up with one leg 3 inches shorter than the other thought ?

Sounds to me like another dodgy foreign Doctor who's qualifications might have been purchased in the Kasbah. The bloke is inept what the hell are the NHS doing in employing him ?
That's your opinion. I've explained what happens in these situations. I didn't join the forum to become embroiled in this sort of discussion. My response #2 was a courtesy to yourself and the few other members interested enough to read your post. If you disagree with the GMC and how it investigates such cases, consider giving up your own anonymity and try to become one of the members of the public on its governing body.
Everyone does make mistakes. An informed judgement must be made as to how many are tolerable for doctors before they are struck off the register and litigation costs soar towards levels seen in USA.

12th October 2011, 00:58
I don't feel comfortable with what is effectively a trade association investigating it's own. The NHS is a state organisation any enquiries/investigations should be carried out by a body free of vested interests.

12th October 2011, 11:06
dedworth, my misses will be working friday night from 9pm til 11am sat, then 9pm sat til 11am sunday, 9pm sunday til 11am monday morning, then 8am to 4pm for the rest of the week if she :censored: up, then the NHS trust is as much to blame as her for making people work those hours :angry:

12th October 2011, 17:49
dedworth, my misses will be working friday night from 9pm til 11am sat, then 9pm sat til 11am sunday, 9pm sunday til 11am monday morning, then 8am to 4pm for the rest of the week if she :censored: up, then the NHS trust is as much to blame as her for making people work those hours :angry:

Ridiculous hours Joe but the fella involved here is a consultant who's on a min of £90k pa for a forty hour week http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-12115669 then there's the overtime and private work

12th October 2011, 18:26
of course incompetent surgeons should be struck off, but mistakes and problems will happen when operations take hours to perform.

as for pay good luck to them, they've studied for many years to get where they are, i would rather someone who has saved my live gets paid £100,000s a year than the £800000 a year the BBC director general gets :angry:

12th October 2011, 18:53
of course incompetent surgeons should be struck off, but mistakes and problems will happen when operations take hours to perform.

as for pay good luck to them, they've studied for many years to get where they are, i would rather someone who has saved my live gets paid £100,000s a year than the £800000 a year the BBC director general gets :angry:

Mr Bhamra appears incompetent what's the problem Joe in suspending him whilst the investigation is carried out - it might prevent some other poor bugger having one leg shorter than the other. I share your contempt for the BBC leech, competent Doctors deserve a decent salary although there are hordes of GPs laughing all the way to the bank on the over generous contracts given to them by Labour.