View Full Version : Scottish guy checking in - any help would be useful.

14th October 2011, 15:18
Hi guys - here is my situation in a nutshell - any help or suggestions you can give would be helpful.

I am a successful businessman - mid 40īs - living in Scotland. Reasonably good looking - quite fit etc. Married for over 15 years - 2 children - but...

Inevitably the old "love life" isnīt like it used to be. I miss the regular sex & GFE. I love my wife & donīt want to disrupt my whole life at this stage , mainly for family reasons.

With my wifeīs blessing , she would be OK for me to take a mistress / girlfriend. The "cunning plan" would be to sponsor a filipino woman to have her own flat in the UK & enjoy an excellent standard of living , she could work for our firm , send money back ( or just save it up) & simply have a fulfilling life over here.

If anything went wrong , we would simply pay for her to fly back to the Phils.

Any thoughts - Iīm thinking 2 issues:

(1) Getting a woman in the first place who would be happy with such an arrangement.
(2) VISA requirements for entry into the UK.

14th October 2011, 16:57
I am opening this post up to the general forum because I cannot believe what i just read. Put your helmet on Joe, I think you will need it :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th October 2011, 17:02
Words fail me

14th October 2011, 17:08
I am sure the UKBA have a section on bringing in a mistress dont they :crazy:

14th October 2011, 17:17
gob smacked :omg:

14th October 2011, 17:32
troll or a wind up

14th October 2011, 17:39
and what does the wife get out of this? a philippine toy boy ?:laugher:

14th October 2011, 17:49
........Inevitably the old "love life" isnīt like it used to be. ..

That's what your wife said too...................:D

14th October 2011, 18:10
, she could work for money back & have a fulfilling life over here.

If anything went wrong , we would simply pay for her to fly back to the Phils.

Any thoughts

Yeah, slavery is outlawed in the Uk

Maybe your just need some viagra or just:sexy_146: more :doh

14th October 2011, 18:39
With my wifeīs blessing , she would be OK for me to take a mistress / girlfriend.

how did you get your wife to agree to that:Erm: maybe shes seeing some to :rolleyes:

stevie c
14th October 2011, 18:41
UNBELEIVABLE :yikes: :doh :NoNo:

14th October 2011, 19:58
Maybe you should get in your car and drive around your local red light area and pick up a slapper, when you get bored with her you can drop her back at the curb you picked her up from. The beauty of this is that you can have a different one every day and add a bit more variety to your life. It will be a lot cheaper than paying for flights and visas....if you're into it, they might even want to share some of their smack or crack with you....let's hope they don't share any of their STI's though. :cwm3:

14th October 2011, 20:08
:NoNo::doh In the words of John Mcenroe "You cannot be serious". :crazy:

14th October 2011, 20:12
Maybe you should get in your car and drive around your local red light area and pick up a slapper, when you get bored with her you can drop her back at the curb you picked her up from. The beauty of this is that you can have a different one every day and add a bit more variety to your life. It will be a lot cheaper than paying for flights and visas....if you're into it, they might even want to share some of their smack or crack with you....let's hope they don't share any of their STI's though. :cwm3:

I'd have thought it more cost effective for him to carry on with the hand shandy :D

14th October 2011, 20:24
I'd have thought it more cost effective for him to carry on with the hand shandy :D

or buy a blow up doll:laugher:

14th October 2011, 20:24
I'd have thought it more cost effective for him to carry on with the hand shandy :D

or buy a blow up doll:laugher:

14th October 2011, 21:20
Ur just on here taking the piss mate ,don't u know how hard it is for us guys who have family in the Philippines and not got them here yet and u just want some one to use as some sort of toy u need to get back in ur cave and stay there

14th October 2011, 21:42

Doc Alan
14th October 2011, 22:46
... any help or suggestions you can give would be helpful.
I miss the regular sex & GFE. I love my wife & donīt want to disrupt my whole life at this stage ...
If anything went wrong...
Any thoughts ? ...

My thoughts :- " GFE " is " girl friend experience " , and whether " full " or " light " means NO protection like condoms. It DOES risk STI's ( sexually transmitted infections / diseases ), regardless of the nationality of your GFE partner / employee. Top 10 in the UK : - genital warts, genital herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV / AIDS, hepatitis B and C, pubic lice, syphilis, trichomonas. They range from treatable to incurable :yikes:. What could possibly go wrong ?:doh You, your GFE partner, and your wife could discover you have one or more of them.
Check ups at your nearest GUM ( Genitourinary Medicine ) Clinic and attendance at Accident and Emergency, when your wife finds out, would help. Better still, as already suggested, " hand shandies " ( masturbation ) -much safer :xxgrinning--00xx3: Best of all, counselling, with friends more sensible than you, or more formally ( such as " Relate " ), if it's not too late :)

14th October 2011, 23:33

It’s such a shame that the relationship that you have with your wife isn’t as “successful” as your business. Since you are in your mid 40s, the first thing that springs to my mind is “mid-life crisis”. The second is how could any decent human-being want to use a woman of any nationality in the way that you describe. Thirdly, it would appear that agreeing to this, your wife is probably glad to get you off her back at the moment and finally, if you go ahead, in time it will almost certainly damage the relationship you have with your wife further and you can kiss goodbye to your marriage. If you are serious, in my opinion, your proposal is a receipe for disaster and god help any woman who is silly enough to become involved. :NoNo:

Doc Alan’s suggestion of counselling is a far more sensible solution, be it with either a marriage or a sex counsellor.

Good luck!

14th October 2011, 23:58
He is definitely on crack! :crazy:

15th October 2011, 00:05
Can I do this if I haven't got a wife ? :Erm:

15th October 2011, 06:44
:NoNo: can't believe what i just read :cwm24:

15th October 2011, 09:03
What must you think of Filipino women? Seriously....

15th October 2011, 09:16
why not get a women who lives near you or just go onto the street and pay for it,you may sound a loving family man for your wife but to many here you sound a right ....... too

23rd October 2011, 08:30
I am opening this post up to the general forum because I cannot believe what i just read. Put your helmet on Joe, I think you will need it :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:


25th October 2011, 11:32
troll or a wind up

A troll! :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

25th October 2011, 13:29
is it right? your wife is a Filipina and would allow u to do such a weird thing? unbelievable :omg: :omg: :omg:

25th October 2011, 14:40
There ARE some weird people out there.

I've certainly met some odd guys looking for Filipina wives...or married to them. :NoNo:

Be careful out there ladies....not all are wonderful like me. :D

25th October 2011, 14:54
well said graham:yikes::icon_lol:

Be careful out there ladies....not all are wonderful like me.

it will be omen days for someone to find you anyway:laugher::icon_lol::Rasp:

25th October 2011, 14:59
With my wifeīs blessing , she would be OK for me to take a mistress / girlfriend.

thats sounds taboo.com for me lolz

or shall i say http://www.hotwivesonline.com/hot-wife-and-cuckold-advice/what-is-a-hotwife/

25th October 2011, 15:20
I shouldn't worry him Ross, he was just a troll, he wont be back :crazy:

25th October 2011, 15:32
wow such a HIGH OPINION on us filipinas.....:cwm23::cwm23:

25th October 2011, 16:50