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Peter D
16th October 2011, 13:00
Hello my first post . Eventually want to start a relationship again following a recent breakup following 10 years with an Irish partner , still hurting badly so at the moment ( she went off with someone else ) just looking for friends and chat as in my present state of mind I would not make a good prospect for anyone . I worked in SE Asia long before meeting my ex and rented a house in Manila , have not been there for years but got some great memories and regret not keeping in touch with old friends there , of the many countries I visited Philippines was the best followed a close second by Australia.

16th October 2011, 13:04
hello peter, welcome to this friendly forum :Wave:

16th October 2011, 13:29
Hi Peter:Wave:
Having this year been through a divorce, i can understand how you feel:rolleyes:

Things will get better:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th October 2011, 13:38
Hi Peter, and welcome to the forum...one of the friendliest you'll find. :)

I feel your pain, as my ex went off with someone else too.

It will take time, but with plenty of distractions and new experiences, you'll get through it ok. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th October 2011, 14:53
Hello peter D, welcome to the forum. There is always time to move on...:xxgrinning--00xx3: Not as easy, but everything will has its own reason.

16th October 2011, 18:45
Hi Peter, welcome here to the forum. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th October 2011, 19:49
Hi pete, welcome, like so many others, been there got the "T"shirt, happier now than i would have ever thought possible,
settle down an put yer feet up

stevie c
16th October 2011, 20:00
Welcome peter :Wave:

16th October 2011, 20:22
welcome :)

Arthur Little
16th October 2011, 22:37
Hello my first post . Eventually want to start a relationship again following a recent breakup following 10 years with an Irish partner , still hurting badly so at the moment ( she went off with someone else ) just looking for friends and chat as in my present state of mind I would not make a good prospect for anyone.

Hello, Peter ... I'm sorry to read about the recent split with your long-term partner. And somehow it seems trite :anerikke: - and a bit of an overused cliche' - to say the hurt you're feeling NOW, will ease with time. But it WILL - believe me! Meanwhile, :welcomex: to our friendly, online filipino/uk community. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th October 2011, 22:43
Welcome Peter D:)

Arthur Little
16th October 2011, 22:50
I worked in SE Asia long before meeting my ex and rented a house in Manila , have not been there for years but got some great memories and regret not keeping in touch with old friends there , of the many countries I visited Philippines was the best followed a close second by Australia.

You've evidently travelled extensively ... and it's particularly pleasing for US, here, to learn that the Philippines ranked as your favourite destination. :Jump:

Arthur Little
16th October 2011, 22:56
Well ... now's your chance to renew old friendships - and make new ones. :)

Peter D
17th October 2011, 01:21
Thanks for the replies . I have been going through hell this past four weeks , you wouldnt believe how just a few responses like this have given me a lift . Before the breakup I was not one for feeling sorry for myself or getting depressed but its like being hit by a sledgehammer . It does help to hear from people who have been through the same and seeing real people responding like this , thanks . I have it in mind to go back to the Philippines , harvesting Tilapia at Taal lake was one experience I will never forget . Approximately thirty of us spent three days landing and packing about 10 tons of fish , it was a surreal experience sleeping on a reed matt on the verandah of a bamboo house on stilts at the side of the lake with parafin lamps and giant beetles flying into them during the night . My friend who owned the fish farm hired three jeepneys for the journey from Manila to transport his staff and extended family who normally worked in his machine shop so we were effectively all complete amateurs and probably lucky none of us got drowned . What has stayed with me about this experience was after three days of working together any idea that I was just an English visitor had gone completely , I was accepted by everyone as an equal . The friendship of those people was something I have never seen anywhere else and its probably something that at this time is making me want to return .

17th October 2011, 01:40
Welcome to the friendly forum, Peter :Wave: I may not exactly know what you're going through but hang in there...give us a shout when u need someone to talk, rant here if u like, talking helps to let out what u're feeling.

17th October 2011, 06:18
What has stayed with me about this experience was after three days of working together any idea that I was just an English visitor had gone completely , I was accepted by everyone as an equal . The friendship of those people was something I have never seen anywhere else and its probably something that at this time is making me want to return .

I know where you are coming from peter, When i went to the philippines to meet and get engaged to my wife, i was treated like one of the family from the word go, from the first time i entered her home there, I felt as if i had been there before, like i had just come back home after being away. I had a strong sence of belonging there, and if i am honest it i miss my family there. it just dont feel right here in the UK even though born and raised here theres just something about the PI and its people, "I think it comes down to respect and the love they have for each other"

Peter D
17th October 2011, 10:04
sorry , I seem to have managed to post same thing twice , not thinking straight or maybe moderator could delete last post ?

17th October 2011, 11:00
Peter, go back and have some adventures, but a tip....keep your savings and any property in the UK.:)

I know exactly what you mean about your experiences in the Phils though, and the lovely people there. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Peter D
17th October 2011, 11:19
Thanks Graham , great photo made me laugh and looks just like where we stayed . That accommodation to me was better than a 5 star Makati hotel , I didnt even miss the obligatory airconditioning unit.

Arthur Little
17th October 2011, 14:57
sorry , I seem to have managed to post same thing twice , not thinking straight or maybe moderator could delete last post ?

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... DONE!

19th October 2011, 17:55
Hi Peter! just like u I just recently joined and somehow same as u still hurting from a break up and I really thank the people from here who made me feel a lot better and helped me realized my worth. Good luck to all of us who are hurting now for sure there's some good things will happen in the future for us to look forward to, more reasons for us to be thankful of. God bless us all