View Full Version : Confused Filipina

18th October 2011, 02:12
Hi! I am LYNN from Cagayan de Oro Philippines! I came across this site out of desperately looking for someone to share my feelings and somehow help me make up my mind on what's the best thing to do. I am very confused now. I must say I have an ex British boyfriend that I met online last December 2010, we started chatting constantly almost everyday from then on. January 2011 he booked his ticket coming on June 2011. At first I didn't wanna believed even he already booked me a ticket going to Manila to meet him in the airport to the hotel where he also booked for us. He also booked us a hotel in Bohol where we will be spending our moments together for 4 days. And yes, it all happened according to his plan. So after Bohol we both came to my province where he met my 2 boys and family. He stayed in my house for few days before we all went to Camiguin with my whole family and spent another 4 days there where he also met some of my relatives from that Island. He then proposed me there as I understood it. He wanted us to start the "ball rolling" with regards to my annulment coz I was married before. I thought everything will be ok. After less than 3 weeks he went back to UK, just like any other long distance relationship sometimes we are ok but sometimes not but mostly we chat same as usual almost everyday. When he got back to UK he mentioned of wanting me to visit UK first before we make any move so for me to know if I like to stay there. But 1 day when I told him that a friend of mine just got the tourist visa and I also wanna try, he didn't show any interest. And never even started working on my annulment yet. But he has been helping me when my son was confined in the hospital, he paid the bills and he also helped me renovate my house which he spent around less than 50k php. But going back, when I told him that I wanna try he told me maybe not the right time coz it's winter there and I won't enjoy my holiday there being so cold, all I wanna do is just hide in the house which will cost him more money to pay for the heater. Then I start questioning his sincerity to me coz I am not even in his FB. He told me that FB is not a big thing to him and to British people either unlike to Filipinos who's really making it as part of their lives according to him. I added him and he didn't accept me. So finally he told me, he isn't ready to let the people to know about us which includes his family, his 2 boys, his friends. So I just tried to understand. One day he probably felt sick that time that he finally agreed for me to apply for a tourist visa so right away I grabbed the chance coz I honestly loved him so much already and wanna be with him and m not used of long distance relationship. I had my appointment in the embassy already, I had plane ticket going to Manila for my appointment, he gave me all the necessary documents already...all of a sudden a week before my appointment he told me he wanna cancel it and told me he isn't ready and not financially capable to do it so. I didn't know what to do that time then in few days he wants to break up with me as he always does but most of the time I begged for him to come back. But this time I got tired, so hurt. Then now he told me we can still be friends. We still even talk everyday as if nothing changed only that there's no commitment anymore. It is still hurting me now coz I love him so much and wanna have family with him. But he is telling me he cannot turn back from his responsibilities to his 2 boys 21 and 18 both no work staying with his ex wife and grandson 3 but visiting them constantly and somehow helping them financially. Now that his son 18 yrs old just recently moved with him the more he said he cannot afford to have his own family. But I am confused he still sending me some funds to help me when I needed so and still chat constantly. I am thinking of pursuing my application for tourist visa since I got all his documents and find my own way to get to him coz I really love him so much and I feel the same way only that he is financially struggling as he said but I think he is just exaggerating things to discourage me from going there. Now I am confused, should I pursue my application or should I just not expect from him anymore and move on with my life. But as of now, I really still love him so much. Pls I hope to hear from anyone who can help enlighten my confused mind. Thanks a lot in advance....God bless us all

18th October 2011, 14:26
Maybe you need to meet a younger man with less responsibilities and 'baggage'.

This guy is showing all the signs of not being ready to commit fully to a serious relationship with you, and all the sacrifices and compromises that that would entail.

Personally I also think it's most disrespectful of him to book you both into a hotel when you hardly know each other, rather than just visit you from HIS hotel, but that's just me. Maybe I'm old-fashioned'. :rolleyes:

I could line up dozens of girls from the internet and meet them in this way.

There is a lot more than that to a meaningful relationship and thoughts of marriage.

I recommend you look for a relationship with fewer obstacles and complications, otherwise you may only find misery and disappointment.

Sorry if that sounds harsh. :cwm3:

18th October 2011, 15:33
Maybe you need to meet a younger man with less responsibilities and 'baggage'.

This guy is showing all the signs of not being ready to commit fully to a serious relationship with you, and all the sacrifices and compromises that that would entail.

Personally I also think it's most disrespectful of him to book you both into a hotel when you hardly know each other, rather than just visit you from HIS hotel, but that's just me. Maybe I'm old-fashioned'. :rolleyes:

I could line up dozens of girls from the internet and meet them in this way.

There is a lot more than that to a meaningful relationship and thoughts of marriage.

I recommend you look for a relationship with fewer obstacles and complications, otherwise you may only find misery and disappointment.

Sorry if that sounds harsh. :cwm3:

Hi Lynn,
What a story you have.

Firstly, I would agree with most of what Graham has said.
Maybe that makes me old-fashioned too :rolleyes:

The thing that really gives me concern and puzzlement is why he is unable or unwilling to share the relationship you have together with his either his family, friends, or, (judging from the facebook aspect) anyone who knows him.

In reality you are his secret.
I feel that lies and deceit seem to be his byword.

In my mind, something somewhere is preventing him from being honest with you, with himself, with his family, and with his friends.

That 'something', I believe is the reason why he is making insincere offers and requests, false promises, tricks, manipulations, betrayals, halftruths, and giving his word falsely.

I do not think it's a good idea at all to go ahead with your suggested unannounced visit.
I think that kind of surprise should be avoided under the circumstances.

I don't get a feeling that he currently desires or is capable of any meaningful relationship.

No offence meant Lynn.
I just feel you are being used and that makes me so sad.

Is he divorced.

18th October 2011, 21:27
Thanks Graham and Terpe! but I am just wondering why is he still helping me, sending me funds and still communicating regularly? I just wanna accept his reason not putting me in his FB because he had past relationship from one he met online too from Thailand and he was opened about it to his friends and family before but it didn't work out so this time he wanna make sure first. But it is hurting me because all the people in my FB knows about him but he said he didn't ask me to be put there. Yes, he is divorced...one time he flushed me, I got so upset coz I didn't agree with his reasons that time so I went to his FB and added all his friends there put all our photos taken during his holiday here. I told him what I did, he got upset but he said he can't do anything anymore. But that time a close friend of him phoned him and told him about the FB thing and he didn't know that I can understand what they were talking...I was hurt coz he told him I am a stalker. But he said he was just embarrassed that time so he can't think of any reason to tell that's why he was able to say that. Then he asked me to take him out from my FB but I never did...I told him I did but instead I print the screen every time we talked in skype and post it in my FB with the date. I don't know if I am doing is right or not...all I know is I love him so much and I am hurting until now. We still constantly talk but he wanna make sure everytime that we are just friends and making a joke sometimes that maybe if he retires I am still available then maybe he will come back here in PI and will spend time with me in Bohol again. That really confused me so much if he really still or ever loved me?

18th October 2011, 23:06
Hi Lynn, i'm sorry about your situation but i got one thing to say "you deserve better" you are too good for him. I understand that you love him but show him that he just can't treat you like that. You being called a stalker from someone you love is not right in any form don't buy his excuses. If you want to stay friends with him it's your choice but all you get is hurt and disappointments.
He is taking advantage of your kindness and you being so understanding. There's lots of "red flags" in your relationship.
Be strong Lynn and listen carefully what your own intuition is telling you.

Good Luck!

18th October 2011, 23:08
Oh dear, this really does seem a bad situation for you....and CRUEL, if I may say so.

Let's be frank, if a man truly loves a woman and wants to be with her, to marry her, then he wants the whole world to know.

I'd prefer to remain neutral on this, but my first instinct is to advise you to not let this person waste any more of your life and tears.

You are worth far more than that.

18th October 2011, 23:58
I think it's my fault coz he is being honest with me now that all he wants from me is FRIENDSHIP nothing more nothing less! I told him I'll be ok with us being friends now but I will still be faithfully waiting for him. I'll show him I won't be looking for another man. I asked him what was wrong with me why he can't love me as he told me before, he said there's nothing wrong with me but it's just the feeling is gone. It feels so unfair! he made me believed before that he loved me and wanna be with me for the rest of his life, he gave me false hope and showed me, my boys and my family the impression that he is a sincere man. We all trusted him coz of what he has shown to us, I was so honest, transparent to him from the beginning of our relationship, I gave my full trust and commitment coz he told me before that he was committed to me also. All of a sudden he just dumped me without me knowing have I done wrong, I couldn't think of anything or if I have done something that he didn't like I am very much willing to change for him I told him that but he still determined on us staying just friends and don't even wanna give a try to make our relationship work. I honestly am hurting but couldn't stop myself from loving him and I hate myself for that

19th October 2011, 00:09
Why should YOU change for him ?

You have done nothing wrong at all, so don't hate yourself.

I feel so much sympathy for you, but sadly this kind of thing can happen now that the internet has made it so easy for someone to strike up a relationship and then get on a plane, without having time (or even the intention) to get to know the other person properly.

Do keep posting Lynn, as there will always be good people here who will share their thoughts with you. :)

19th October 2011, 03:35
Lyn, I've read your post yesterday but it was hard to comment on your situation coz I dont know if what I'll say here will help you or just might offend you. I understand what you're going through, but I hope you wont be offended with I will say here. Terpe, Graham and Asiantropics are right.

He doesnt love you that much if he treats you that way. A man in love make things impossible to be possible. He find ways just to be with you, will be proud to be your boyfriend, and will make no excuses about a lot of things. I agree with Graham, he's cruel enough to tell his friend that you're a stalker. But what you are doing too is not right, it's like forcing yourself to him. If it's true that he's not ready yet to commit, give him the space and the time he needs. Maybe he's just also confused and just need time to sort his life out. The two of you should have a long talk about your relationship and about your own lives, what are your expectations from each other. Whatever you'll agree or his or your decision might be, respect that.

Even if you love him, love yourself more. Live your own life and enjoy. Maybe you just gave too much focus on him, dont. It's not wrong to love with all your soul but always leave something for yourself. Who will love you when you cant even love your self? Let him go, find someone who is ready to commit and who will love you for who you are. There are lots of men out there who are better than him. If you want to wait for him, make sure you know the consequences. If he wants you to be his friend, then be a friend. Dont force your love to him, that will only make him run away from you. If you have all the time in the world to wait for him, then wait. But with your eyes open, that there's a possibility that he wont come back to you. Dont cling to him, live your life without him. If it's too much for you to wait for him, find someone else who deserves you.

Maybe you know already what you should do, what's the right thing to do, but afraid to make that decision because you're scared or not ready yet to let him go. It's always hard but harder to stay longer in a relationship when you know it's going nowhere and you're the only one who'll get hurt. Imagine your life with him in the future, will he treat you better? I'm sorry if I've been frank here.

Love yourself, respect the person you are, and dont settle for less. Loving someone is the best thing in life, the sweetest and the happiest part of life.

19th October 2011, 04:05
I honestly appreciate your frankness sweetnote, thank u so much and to all who shared their thoughts about it. If I am not the 1 involved here I'll also say the same thing and I am actually aware of all what u told me coz a lot of my friends like to ask advices from me because they believe in my words and yet when it comes to making decision for myself that's where I usually fail. I myself wanna stop loving him, wanna forget him and move on but it just seemed so hard. I felt so low and lost my pride every time I beg for him to give our relationship a chance. Few minutes ago I talked to him and what hurts me a lot more when he told me he thought he loved me but he realized he don't that's why he just stayed as a friend to help me not feel that bad. He said there's nothing wrong with me, it's just the feeling fade away. It felt so unfair, so easy for him to say that.One thing also hurts me coz my family trusted him so much and proud of him. Now I don't know how to tell my dad about it and how would I explained to my 2 boys. I have 2 boys from my previous relationship 9 and 7 years old and because he showed us good impression, my boys expected from him too much that they become proud of him @ school and to their friends telling them they already have a family and 1 day will be all together in UK. I noticed that my boys are more inspired after they met him and getting good grades and u if u can see their notebooks full of drawings of a family and labelled it and he is the dad. So now, double the hurt. I wanted to move on but it just hurt too much too bear for now and don't know where to start....

19th October 2011, 07:45
Hi sweetnote!I honestly appreciate your frankness,it will somehow hurt me but it won't offend me because it's the reality. I just can't accept the fact that he made me believe of something that wasn't true from the very beginning! From the beginning I was so transparent to him and asked him a lot of times to be honest to me no matter how it hurts but he carried it on, made me feel that he loved me.I never asked anything from him but he was the one who mentioned all those future plans together so in return I gave all my focus to him,I gave all my love,my soul,my life to him.When he told me he cannot help me anymore coz he has boys to take care of, I said it's just ok I will take care of myself and my boys,it won't change my commitment to him. But I don't understand how so easy for him to dump me.If I did something wrong then I'll understand but I didn't. I am so careful in every move I make even we are far from each other coz I want him to be proud of me.One thing hurts me most is he gave my 2 boys false hope as well.That we can be 1 happy family.He gave so much happiness and inspiration to my boys. My boys was so proud to tell their teachers and classmate that they have a daddy already and if u can see all their notebooks are full of drawings of a happy family and labelled it him as the daddy. My boys 9 and 7 yrs old have been so inspired and getting good grades, I believed because they feel so much difference this time. They see me happy chatting with him talking about future together. He even told me we could be a good couple coz we get a long, we talked a lot like bestfriends then all of a sudden he dumped me. I just can't understand why?and he told me it's just simple the feeling faded away...simply faded away?so unfair.I know I should love myself more and let go of him,wish it would be easy sweetnote but this time I felt my life is so miserable. I don't know how to tell my family, my dad who trusted him and expected so much from him that he will take care of us. Thanks a lot to all of u for all the advices, I hope I'll get over him soon. The pain is killing me slowly, I can't believe and accept that he broke the dream he made us believe to happen.

19th October 2011, 09:33
That is so sad. :bigcry:

I wish I could give you and your kids a hug right now.

How can someone be so cruel ? :angry:

19th October 2011, 09:58
What a loser he must be... he just used you :cwm23:

I feel sorry for your children and can understand how you feel being let dumped by the one you love.

Sometimes it is easier to move on with no explaination as to 'why' Sometimes 'half reasons' are worse than knowing small bits that he confesses to you.
He either just used you as someone to visit and have a nice holiday or just to make 'him' feel better about himself.
It is hard for you to think straight right now... but, you must listen to your head not your heart. There is no future with him, that is clear. You have done nothing wrong, stop beating yourself up and dont be his dog, as this is my impression of what he thinks about you.

Be strong, you are worth more :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th October 2011, 10:05
my heart is breaking from what you are going through, Lyn. How can he be so cruel? :angry: I cant imagine if your kids will know about this, it will break their hearts and their hopes. He deserves a thousand slaps on the face.

be strong, Lyn. if you need someone to talk to, we're here for you.

19th October 2011, 10:48
Hello Lynn, welcome to the forum

Heraclitus says' 'the only constant in life is change' '...and love is not an exemption to this,... you should be thankful enough that the guy has ever been so honest to you ,I cant say he is bad as when he came to the Philippines he met you and your family ,even gave you money to renovate your house? sends you money when your child was confined?,.. I think along the way the circumstances change,maybe he think its not worthwhile to have another relationship as he has obligation with his children and you have to accept and respect his decision...dont waste your life on waiting for him and expect more from him ,he already gave you a definite conclusion to your relationship.

p.s. sorry but i dont believe that FB or any other social network should be one of the grounds to tell if a guy is being honest/sincere to you or not.. you must have just expected a lot from the start..settle your annulment before moving on with another relationship.
Good luck in the future!!
Remember, Men are like buses they come every 15minutes and
Men are like....Beer.
The first sip is always bitter.
No matter how many varieties you try, they are essentially the same; tasteless, full of bubbles, destabilize your metabolism and give you a headache, but somehow they linger and you either can't finish one or you can't get enough.

South-east boy
19th October 2011, 13:36
Sorry to hear your sad story. I know how much it really hurts when they say they don't feel the same as you do for them. It seems to me that he got carried away too quickly without thinking about the long run and should have got to know you better before promising too much such as he did. Maybe like you say he was worried about what friends and family would say about another long distance relationship what with family comittments etc. I think he should have been more open from the beginning about his problems & comittments and like you say it seems strange that if he's saying he's short of money yet, still sending you some. It makes it hard to work out if he's telling the truth about everything and if he's still hiding something.

I don't think what you did on Facebook helped by adding his friends and the pics etc. I wouldn't have been happy with that, and have you have to respect each others wishes. But then I wouldn't have treated you how he did. He could have done it slowly and just added you as a friend, then you could have seen what each other was up to. Viva and I are taking it slowly on Facebook, she didn't want to change her non-mentioned relationship status on Facebook as she has a big family who already give her pressure & ask questions about getting married etc! But some of her close family and friends know about us and will have seen the pics of us together on Facebook already which she hasn't hid.

Like you and others say, it seems like you are his secret and he doesn't want anyone to know. You shouldn't propose to someone and plan all what he did if you still want them to be your secret and no-one to know about them. As everyone has said, if you make all those plans, you should want everyone to know!

The trouble is, although you might want to keep chatting with him as friends, if he really does not feel the same about you and wants only to be friend's you'll make it harder on yourself as you'll want more which will keep hurting you. I think it's best to keep busy with family and friends or new interest & when you feel able to start to look for someone else. Maybe then he might realise that he does feel more for you, but if that does happen he needs to be 100% honest and realistic with you about his situation.

19th October 2011, 14:28
wow sory to hear your sad story

some good advice here for you

wishing you all the best

19th October 2011, 17:05
Thanks a lot to all who shared their thoughts about my sad story. As of the moment I have not made up my mind yet but I am hoping soon coz I can't continue living a life with full of hurts in my heart, the pain really killing me, I could hardly breath. My other problem is how will I tell my boys about it, my ex gave them the false hope that's one thing really hurt me so much. He was the one who shared his plan for us...he said he will bring us all to UK and start a new complete family there. My boys started to dream about playing with a snow, he even told my boys to start learning not to eat rice coz no much rice in UK and wants me to talk to my boys in english all the time to prepare them for UK. If he hurt me I maybe can easily bear and accept it but hurting the 2 important angel in my life that's worst. He played with our feelings...I hope u understand how I feel now but I still pray that I'll get over him soon, I am praying so hard I am tired of crying all day. He showed us a picture of our dream family only to break it up later...

19th October 2011, 22:33
sorry to be so blunt , but time to move and try to forget this person. what to say to your boys, just that mummy loves them loads, good luck in what ever you choose

19th October 2011, 22:36
thanks stevewool anyways, eventually they will know...i'll just have to wait and see

19th October 2011, 22:42
before this person came into your life , you and the boys managed , you will all get by with out him, we all feel for you, people that promise this and that should only do so if they are willing to carry it through, but some people what ever there reasons cannot, again good luck to you all

19th October 2011, 23:26
your story is very sad to read, i dont understand why he led you on so far, i hope he feels the guilt for a long time,
the worst is what hes done to your children and leaving you to face them with his broken promises,
be strong , brace yourself and let go,
more important than him for you is yourself,, your children and your family, they will always be there for you,
you got lots of good advise here from all these wonderful warm friends who are always here for you,
take care, you will get through this ok

20th October 2011, 01:07
Sorry to hear about your sad story, I been to the Phills 7 times meet many men, trying to make a big impression, spending heaps of money making big impression in front of the girl and family, funny thing they don't have money they borrow it ,when they get back to their own country, they realise they owe all this money, and the costs of getting visa airfares medical, going to embassy etc. going to cost lots of money they don't have, the relationship goes sour,just take your time and look around there many descent men around looking for a nice lady,also many men go to the Phills for one reason to have a good time because they cant get a good woman in their own country.

20th October 2011, 07:03

Time will heal all wounds. Its not that easy for now, but in the long run, you will get there. There is always a reason for everything. Be strong for your kids. You will the most important person to look after them. Keep busy and give more attention and care to your boys. True love can wait and you will find it.

Arthur Little
20th October 2011, 14:54
Lynn :rolleyes: ... as one who's borne the brunt of fickle human nature myself in the past, my heart goes out to you. :bigcry: Here in the UK, we have a saying "there's nowt so queer as folk". Believe ME there's a lot of truth in it! And sadly, the truth all too often hurts. Equally, I wish it were possible to wave a magic wand and heal your emotional pain and turmoil. Instead - like the others who've already responded to your thread - I can only empathise with how you're feeling right now.

:sorry-2: ... it's not what you want to read ... but the very fact he's already had a past relationship with someone from Thailand, suggests to me your "boyfriend" could well be an "adventurer" - an internet predator - preying on young South East Asian women ... promising them "the earth" ... yet lacking the "guts" to "own up" about his real motives ... until he has scurried back to his own country after indulging in self-gratification. Worse ... he's done all this, whilst simultaneously ingratiating himself with your family - especially your two boys - by instilling them with false confidence. :angry:

But, rest assured, things usually have a habit of turning full circle - "Karma", I think it's called in your corner of the world - and YOUR time will come. Forget this man. You deserve better!

:) It's good to have you "on board". :welcomex: to the friendly, online filipino/uk community. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th October 2011, 21:14
also many men go to the Phills for one reason to have a good time because they cant get a good woman in their own country.[/QUOTE]

maybe , maybe not but i think i can say all who are on here have never done this, there is lots of love from what you read from many members on here

20th October 2011, 21:30
I can't help but notice that "Facebook" plays a part in this sad story. Best avoided I think.

20th October 2011, 22:04
Hmmmmm there are always 2 sides to every story this guy has helped out the lady a fair bit in terms of financial support and my gut instinct is saying i dont think he is " all bad" just a bit of a coward and now in retrospect is taking a long sober cold look in the light of day and backing out, maybe?
Its very sad that kids do get attached a "kano" in the Phils seems like Father Christmas to a lot of these kids whose Moms are often living on a hundred or so quid a month.
The point i want to make here is BEWARE FACEBOOK! Its a:censored: NIGHTMARE. I have an ex* that my current GF knows all about and if ever the ex comments on anything etc then the full " tampo" starts up. I accept she has a past as well as i have - but FB is the cause of so much grief in many relationships, BEWARE!:NoNo:
* I don't believe in deleting the ex, cos still a friend just as i would not want my GF's past suddenly gone. Relationships are only good if based on trust.

20th October 2011, 22:14
,also many men go to the Phills for one reason to have a good time because they cant get a good woman in their own country.[/QUOTE]:NoNo::NoNo:

Haha in the past have had many UK Girlfriends and GUESS WHAT??!! I have great taste as many other members do too. Filipino girls are better simple FACT!:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th October 2011, 22:29
I prefer Filipinas...end of story. :)

All the Filipinas on my facebook are relatives...of the ex.

Sometimes I wish they weren't such a good-looking family. :bigcry:

20th October 2011, 23:14
[QUOTE=Jimbojac;319871]Hmmmmm there are always 2 sides to every story this guy has helped out the lady a fair bit in terms of financial support and my gut instinct is saying i dont think he is " all bad" just a bit of a coward and now in retrospect is taking a long sober cold look in the light of day and backing out, maybe?


21st October 2011, 00:38
Hi guys! thanks once again for sharing your thoughts. U are right Arthur, it isn't what I wanna read but honestly I really don't mind if u say things that aren't nice to hear if it's true coz reality really hurts. But as for now I still am confused maybe because I am still in contact with him and still love him. In fairness to him, jimbojac and sars_notd _virus are both right, I don't consider him real bad coz I appreciate him helping me not to mention that he helped me so much even before we met. But I would say I did my best to give something in return of all the help, I gave my FULL TRUST, COMMITMENT & so much LOVE. And I felt the same way before. First 2 weeks of our relationship he already forwarded to me his work schedule and from that day on even till @ present before and after work he really try to get online and talk to me in skype. We both share whatever we do everyday, whoever we interact with,everything. I must say, it's the obligation to his kids that made him back off from fully committing himself to me. He told me that if we continue on our friendship and if I won't stop talking to him everyday I will be able to see that he won't be looking for other woman but instead he will focus himself to his kids and work and he still even told me to still tell me if I have problems, he might be able to help. But he is also giving me freedom he is not stopping me from making friends with other men and if I decide to have another relationship he said he will respect and he will still be a friend. But when one time I was just making up a story, I told him I start chatting with someone interested on me, I could see his reaction and he told me that we probably need to stop talking so I could focus on my new one and I said he isn't my bf yet and I saw his face with a smile. And him telling me that he don't wanna lose me as a friend, I don't know if what he meant by this and telling me he won't be looking for another gf if he still loves me, it's just that he cannot afford to have an obligation with his kids and with mine if ever we continue. As for now, I feel lil better and would just remain friends with him and see later what will happen but I don't expect anymore.

22nd October 2011, 07:30
you must move on , he will,

22nd October 2011, 12:11
time will heal "wound":angry::)..i believe :xxgrinning--00xx3::Jump:

22nd October 2011, 12:29
Hi stevewool & moy! i just wanna know from u being a man also...he told me he still having hard time moving on and as I've said he also told me if our communication is still open, I would know and see that he won't be having a new one. What do u think, is it really the obligation to his kids that's caused him to break up with me?and maybe the fact that I am not annulled yet, maybe he realized it would cost so much money and he can't afford so rather he will just let go of me. Do u think he still has feelings for me if he still continues to talk to me and offers help anytime I needed?is it just the circumstances?I could tell he is just coward of the responsibility and worries so much. I am thinking of finding a way or convince him later by showing him that even if we are just friends I will never look for another man just like him will not be looking for someone else,maybe 1 day will still end up together?what do u think?i feel like if only i would be able to go there, I'll show him that I won't be an additional burden but instead I'll be a help coz I will work hard for the both of us and of course for our kids.I think I love him too much and feeling that he still love me, I still wanna wait...I don't know if it's right for me to do it that way.

22nd October 2011, 12:52
I am thinking of finding a way or convince him later by showing him that even if we are just friends I will never look for another man just like him will not be looking for someone else,maybe 1 day will still end up together?what do u think?.

Are you crazy Lynn...... are you really ready to STOP your life on the SLIM chance that he changes his mind????? :doh

You are better than that!

As a man, if he has said he only wants to be friends, he means that he is happy to let you think that there could be a be a future together, when in reality, he does not want any commitment anymore. He will keep you holding on until you are too old to want to find another 'good' man. Dont waste you life on his false promise and be your friend, if you want love, you have to move on. I am sure I could speak for many guys here, after a relationship has finished, being friends is nearly impossible as one of you will always be wanting back what you lost. Dont waste your life... move on.

22nd October 2011, 13:03
Hi stevewool & moy! i just wanna know from u being a man

firstly im not a man:omg::icon_lol:

secondly..sorry if i am blunt to say this to you..forget him :doh thats my instinct:xxaction-smiley-047

22nd October 2011, 13:24
Steve.r & moy, thanks a lot! I do respect your advise and I appreciate it so much...I think u are right and yes steve.r I am really this crazy when I am inlove wish I learned from my mistake in the past. I sometimes just can't understand, as far as I know not to sound proud but I have always been honest, faithful and focus to any of my relationship in the past but especially with the last one. I don't know why a sudden change of feelings?sometimes I think maybe I am ugly or maybe I have not given my very best yet which I thought I already did coz I never ask nor demand for anything, if he has given me some help it was his idea not mine but whenever I received help I make sure I do something in return like give my time to him even if I need not to sleep just to talk to him so he feels that I am just here loving him. Anyways, I'll do my very best with God's help, I keep on praying that God will help me move on as soon as possible coz I don't wanna be wasting my time for nothing only. Once again, tnx a lot guys...

22nd October 2011, 14:31
I am inlove wish I learned from my mistake in the past. I sometimes just can't understand, as far as I know not to sound proud but I have always been honest, faithful and focus to any of my relationship in the past

hiya Lynn..i do deeply feel how you felt and understand as well..YOU are not "ALONE"..I was in the same road as well..very similar..that only difference of us i think was i never been married from my past relationship:doh and of course very common i have a child from it..which i dont regret as because of her i have open my eye to a situation that at times we tend :) to forget to think when where enlove:bigcry::angry::heartshape1: and through that experience same with everybody else we learn from it:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Believe me..i know sometimes its so easy to say things and listen to other people opnion here and apply to your own situation but if you let go and just focus yourself to your kids right now ..you will be surprise one man will always come along your way to help you pick up your pieces again..
please believe me i was there already..and now i am fully aware and guarded by that feelings that lead me to who i am now..

cheer up and know that life is is too beautiful that you waste for someone who even not worthy to spend with from the start..!:furious3:

have a positve feeling that is the mean thing that you can move on..dont presssure yourself either of finding love when it come it will COME on the right time and right reasonable way..:xxgrinning--00xx3::Jump:

22nd October 2011, 14:37
for whatever his reasons, and it doesnt mean to say he is a bad guy, his intentions may well have been genuine, but maybe with his commitment to his own kids, and the pending commitment to you and your children, the needed anulment and all that it involves you becomming together, is such a lot to take on, it looks as though he has realised this, and now so should you,
he has come to realise his commitment is firstly to his own children and thats enough for most to cope with,
dont waste away your life waiting, your still young and you will and do have time to find someone who can give a life shared with you as a family

22nd October 2011, 15:13
[QUOTE=Moy;320019]firstly im not a man YOU ARE NOT A MAN:yikes:

22nd October 2011, 15:20
children can and do come between there mum and dads new partners, but everyone has there own life to lead, we are not here longenough to care for everyone , each person is entitled to happyness, it seems to me you both had a ferw weeks , months of a new adventure, but i think its time to move on, both of you, i dont know this man only what you have written about him, hes not a bad man, hes torn between two lives his old and his new, only he can change that nobody else can, and until he is ready you are chasing a wasted course, i knew from the moment myself and Emma meet i wanted to be with her all my life no matter what others thought, we was talking on the computer for over 2 years getting to know each other , time to move on Lynn

22nd October 2011, 15:22
[QUOTE=Moy;320019]firstly im not a man YOU ARE NOT A MAN:yikes:

what do you think steve:laugher: wool:laugher::omg::icon_lol:

22nd October 2011, 15:22
[QUOTE=Moy;320019]firstly im not a man YOU ARE NOT A MAN:yikes:

what do you think steve:laugher: wool:laugher::omg::icon_lol:

22nd October 2011, 15:26
now im confused about whose confused :Cuckoo::laugher:

22nd October 2011, 16:27

what do you think steve:laugher: wool:laugher::omg::icon_lol:

you are everybit a women , well i think you are :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

22nd October 2011, 16:36
Photographic proof needed :hubbahubba:

22nd October 2011, 17:16
Oh I am sorry moy!it's ncoz u have no clear picture here, I didn't realize that u are a woman :icon_sorry: what I was trying to say was from the sight of a man, how do thy interpret the way my ex bf is showing to me now?He still talks to me regularly just like before though there just some slight changed like he don't call me "babe" anymore instead only "lynn" but as usual he is still sharing everything he does with his 18 yr old son staying with him now who just moved few days ago, he still sharing to me what happened @ work or what he plans to do next day and he still wanna know what did i do for the whole day when he is sleeping or at work. And I think I agree with steve.r & imagine it's more on the COMMITMENT & money matter. He realized he can't afford d annulment & the responsibility to his kids and to me & my boys as well really worried him so much. Anyways, reading the threads really makes ma feel better and helping me to slowly accept the reality. Thanks to all who shared and sorry if I sound stubborn, it's the feelings that I have for him that hinders me to move on but just like what moy said I have my kids who need me & much more to look forward to.

22nd October 2011, 17:47
Oh I am sorry moy!it's ncoz u have no clear picture here, I didn't realize that u are a woman what I was trying to say was from the sight of a man

thats fine i am loopy at times reading some thread without realizing:doh:icon_lol: thats the result of the confuse.COM:laugher: and having many children:D so as you see your not alone..hehehe
but cheer up..youll make it

just listen to this song for your emote moments:xxgrinning--00xx3:

call me old fashioned but i do love old songs not being revise by various artist:angry::D:Wave:


22nd October 2011, 18:14
the little changes like not calling you babe" anymore instead only "lynn" it may seem a little thing,

i am sorry but it is a sure sign of him detatching from you,
accept how it is , and you will get through this ok,,, you will see, concentrate on yourself and your children for now , and all this will pass behind you

23rd October 2011, 02:05
Moy & imagine thanks a lo & to all who shared their thoughts about my sad story ! such a great help for me to wake up from the reality & start moving on, it maybe hard @ the beginning but eventually I'll get over it. It's not my first break up so I know that I'll get over it if not soon but later for sure...
Anyways, pls forgive me if I wanna share something here that is not connected or has nothing to do with my story,it's just that when I try to post somewhere else I don't know anymore how to find it.It's about my friend , she was married with an American citizen before who died here in the Philippines. She got the death certificate from the NSO authenticated. Will she be able to use this and show to the UK embassy when applying for a spousal visa?will she not be required for more documents since his ex husband was an American like the she has to show a Death Certificate recognized or registered in the US?or the Death Certificate from the NSO itself is already ok since the husband died here in the Phils ?your reply is much appreciated.tnx

23rd October 2011, 08:15
I so much agree with Graham... If he really is sincere about this relationship, he could just fly to where you really live and meet up with you there. If I am in your place, I wouldn't go to the hotel with a guy when I first met him.

23rd October 2011, 09:07
I don't want to criticise any lady for that....we're all different, but as a man I think I would feel disrespectful of a lady to ask her to put herself in that situation. ;)

Peter D
24th October 2011, 10:59
Hello Lynn , You have some good advice in these posts but I can probably understand why you might not act on it . I know myself that I should move on but I just cant do it yet , there are millions of other people in the world who I could probably be happy with but just one who I have been happy with but she now wants someone else . Why do we torture ourselves when deep down we know we should not look back to analyse where we went wrong , emotional weakness it maybe but at the moment cant do anything about it , just hoping time and talking to people will help .

24th October 2011, 12:41
Hi Peter! you're right there are still a lot of people out there that somehow can make us happy again but for me finding someone new right away will ease the pain, it will only worsen the situation in some way coz we are not being true to other people. If we haven't totally moved on yet and we jump into another relationship or dating it can be considered as using the other person,it's gonna be unfair to the person right?well, as of the moment I feel better being able to hear some good advices here. Honestly, I used to open my facebook right away as I turned on my computer but now I am more happy to be a part of this forum coz people in my facebook don't know yet about our break ups, my family, relatives and friends. I think time will tell them eventually if I am totally over him I'll have more courage to tell them. I love reading different stories and topics and I am learning a lot from here. And it really helped me a lot now...though me and my ex still talks but in some way if he wants me back I could be able to say now that we will just give each other more space and time coz I am afraid to be involved again with an unfixed mind, he just always change his mind every now and then. I am pretty ok now with our situation as being friends. With u Peter, good luck...i know u too deserve to be happy, 1 day we'll find our happiness with the right person at the right time.

24th October 2011, 13:50
thats the spririt Lynn:xxgrinning--00xx3: glad to hear it from you..having courage to say that means you have the perseverance to move on..as ive told you on my early reply from your thread..i was on the same road as well:doh:cwm24: and i know exactyly how you feel.. we can only learn and grow on our experiences and i do think you know and understand of what i am trying to say..as a woman:D

and please know along your way..one day someone or somehow will come to ease your pain and scars that has been in your heart and mind..:Jump::Jump:time will heal..thats very true..indeed i been there and was deeply fall and ive risen to a new person:xxgrinning--00xx3: and proud to say i did make it..:Jump::Jump::D
for now whenever i remember those days it just make me laugh how stupid i was "one moment day of my "life":angry::Help1::Cuckoo::laugher:

24th October 2011, 16:12
I have spent/wasted so many years of my life moping over past relationships. It is soooo debilitating, and quite honestly....pointless.

Of course like everyone else, I wouldn't stop kidding myself. :NoNo:

This isn't a criticism of the above posters, more a case of 'I understand'.:cwm3:

24th October 2011, 16:22
you can only felt wasted if you yourself dont have the determination of staying to a relationship..moreover we cant blame anybody why there are moments of our life that we feel unsettle..i suppose:doh:D :Rasp:

24th October 2011, 16:22
thanks a lot moy! it's not my 1st heartbreak but it's my 1st time that I thought I finally found the man that I wanna spend the rest of my life coz he just got everything of my ideal man, intelligence/smart, nice attitude, very down to earth, calm, responsible yet since nobody is perfect he is the kind of person also that cannot fix his mind,when he feels good he says something nice but when he doesn't feel good he steps back and take his word back, cancel whatever plans. I can feel he loves me but there's a part that I feel the uncertainty of our relationship. Anyways, though the pain is still there but it's slowly healing so I would say I feel better now and I owe it all to all of u who shared their experiences and thoughts and advises as well. I start loving this group though I don't personally know any of u here but I am really glad to be a part of this forum. Thanks a lot and God bless us all!

24th October 2011, 16:28
I have spent/wasted so many years of my life moping over past relationships. It is soooo debilitating, and quite honestly....pointless.

Of course like everyone else, I wouldn't stop kidding myself. :NoNo:

This isn't a criticism of the above posters, more a case of 'I understand'.:cwm3:

Thanks grahamw! u sound a very kind and understanding person, guess all of us has different stories/cases so everyone & I respect everyone's opinion as well coz everyone is entitled of his/her opinion. I am not perfect and I believe none of us either :) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2011, 16:35
Lynn i must say you this:)..i might not know you ,same as you dont know me..:)
but one thing i could say, we as a person need to have pain in order to grow
and through this trial you going through know that will mold you to be a better person:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:
well actually either it will make you in two way either a worst, grumpy unsettle/miserable or aN open-minded, sensitive and strong person ready to take the rough battle of "LIFE":D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

listen to this song lynn


24th October 2011, 16:46
Damn....why did I have to end up the grumpy miserable one ? :cwm3:

Time for a new lady to whip me into shape. :icon_lol:

24th October 2011, 16:48
:laugher: ill help you find one graham..but this time i would choose to give you both :omg::Rasp::laugher::hubbahubba:

24th October 2011, 16:49
right graham:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2011, 16:53
lol! :xxaction-smiley-047

24th October 2011, 16:55
You know, I go on the dating sites like tagged, and there are so many beautiful Filipinas there I can't decide, and just get a headache. :laugher:

24th October 2011, 17:01
ill give you site..worth to try sweet graham:omg::D..it might be an Indian site but worthy to try:Rasp:


24th October 2011, 17:11
OMG...those parents putting their daughters on there !

I's like a bloody meat market ! :yikes:

Some lovely girls, but they want their men to be god-fearing. :Erm:

Perhaps I will look at the Mumbai property section. :readingpapers:

24th October 2011, 17:19
hmm fair comments lolz:D i never heard the story of that though until now..:D:icon_lol:
but we can only risk to try to know he he:laugher: or we will never know at all lolz

24th October 2011, 17:20
nice song moy, very touching...1 thing I realized also, for as long as we are still living, life is going to be the same, it's like a wheel that will continue to roll, full of ups and downs but it isn't how many times we stumble, it is how we try to stand up , move on and start a life all over again. If only we try to count our blessings not those times we were down that's when we realized that there are more things in our lives to be thankful of than to complain about.

24th October 2011, 17:36
thats right Lynn:xxgrinning--00xx3:
sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down.
When you’re up, that’s good and well.
But when you’re down, you must be prepared.
Let us not forget that our life is like a wheel.
Coz there are no certainties here on earth.
Someday you might find yourself on top again.:Jump::Jump::xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2011, 17:43
Your children will always be there for you when others come and go.

My son has only been gone on his holiday 2 days and I miss him so much already. :cwm3:

I fuss over him like a mother hen, yet he's already 18....but always my 'little boy'. :)

24th October 2011, 17:52
"Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad".:heartshape1::xxgrinning--00xx3: ~Author Unknown

24th October 2011, 18:01
You have the love or you don't.

I have lots to spare. :)

24th October 2011, 18:05
was it for spare or repair? graham:laugher::D:Rasp: he he

24th October 2011, 18:33
Spare for my kids....repair for the ladies. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2011, 19:38
nah..you need a carpenter or plumber i think:laugher::D :xxgrinning--00xx3:that case graham :yikes::action-smiley-081::Rasp:he he:Rasp:

24th October 2011, 20:42
nah..you need a carpenter or plumber i think:laugher::D :xxgrinning--00xx3:that case graham :yikes::action-smiley-081::Rasp:he he:Rasp:

ah maybe graham needs a computer technician...i hope life is like a computer when we can ask a technician to reformat it and only leaves the important files on it and save it while delete everything that we don't need to keep. But life isn't like that no matter how we don't like anything that happened in the past, it will still always be a part of our past, though it will be considered a history but still there are times that we can remember it but that depends on the person if he/she has moved on from that history or still attached to it. Life is just really life, made to be not perfect or if life is perfect it would also be boring. peace graham :)

24th October 2011, 21:03
i hope life is like a computer when we can ask a technician to reformat it and only leaves the important files on it and save it while delete everything that we don't need to keep.

Lynn..as i always told you i exactly know how you feel:doh letting go at times is hard task but if you hang to your past it will kept hunting you for the rest of your life and either it will just make you miserable/grumpy or a better person at the end..just "LET GO" :)
"Letting go is one of the hardest lessons in life.In life, there's many things that we have to learn to let go. We have to let go of situations, things, memories, people and even ourselves. Letting go of your past and memories are also extremely hard. Even though old memories can be tormenting, yet you might hold on to the past and refuse to move forward. However, by refusing to let go of the painful past, it'll serve as a roadblock to love. ":(
as you said its history:bigcry::cwm24: a history should be completely destroy while you still have the confidence and strength, dont wait until it will eventually ruin your future relationship:cwm23::NoNo: because you are still clinging to the said history:xxaction-smiley-047

"og bisaya ka lynn taga cagayan man ka noh..? sa mga tiguwang nga pagnul-tehon.gaengon" pangutana sa mga katigulangan nga gekan na didtong dalana kay asuyan ka nila og unsa ang naa didto.." that principle will guide your confuse mind lynn i hope..:doh:D

24th October 2011, 21:18
the past is the past and thats where it belongs :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2011, 21:34
Wise words Moy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2011, 21:40
i so wanted to help her Graham:D shame i cant talk to her personally and let her know stop tormenting herself of the past:cwm23::yikes:

24th October 2011, 21:48
I have the same bad habit. :rolleyes:

Thanks for being our therapist. :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2011, 21:57
well frankly i was more worst that you both actually:omg::cwm24: there was a time where i have a suicidal attemp buried on my dark heart because i felt deeply in pain and agony and stress..you name it:cwm23::omg: i have it..but from that i was mold to who i was now:Rasp: luckily:D

24th October 2011, 22:01
History serves as a reminder or a lesson. Make it as stepping stone to become a better person, more stronger and wiser :xxgrinning--00xx3:
as you said its history:bigcry::cwm24: a history should be completely destroy

24th October 2011, 22:35
History serves as a reminder or a lesson. Make it as stepping stone to become a better person, more stronger and wiser :xxgrinning--00xx3:

very true and i very much agree confused.COM :) jokes..

“History informs us of past mistakes from which we can learn without repeating them. It also inspires us and gives confidence and hope bred of victories already won.”

" William Hastie quotes"

25th October 2011, 02:26
letting go at times is hard task but if you hang to your past it will kept hunting you for the rest of your life and either it will just make you miserable/grumpy or a better person at the end..just "LET GO" :)

:xxgrinning--00xx3: tama jud ka, moy! heartaches, pain, problems, stress, etc, are part of our life, but if you let these things get into you they will take you down...these will make you a bitter, grumpy, miserable person for the rest of your life.....my heart has been broken not only once but four times, I manage to pull myself up and live like crazy in love. Though my past made me a little bit cautious but I'm always looking forward to fall in love again :icon_lol: though at the right time when I no longer have hang-ups and my heart is healed.

Lyn, stay strong for you and for your kids...I know that you can make it, based on what you've been posting here I know that you're starting to let go. It's hard but you can make it. Life is too beautiful, reach out and live more. even if our heart is breaking, like the song says, 'gotta live like we're dying'. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th October 2011, 07:58
Oh yeah I think I can make it! it's just the first few weeks and honestly the people here including u really helped. And well, the good thing there also is we're still friends, we still talk regularly yet. I guess this time is better coz it feels more relax coz I know my stand already and slowly I felt like I don't wanna end up with a man who always change his mind. I want a man with strong determination, who has fixed mind. I thought it's only women who change minds easy. But I was asked by a friend & I don't actually know what to answer...maybe u can help. If he is still regularly/constantly chatting with me and still offers help if ever I need help, what does it means then?u think he still has feelings for me?I myself can't tell coz he is also telling me to make friends with other men maybe i'll find the right one?but he also tells me that maybe for a long time he won't be involved with another relationship and he will prove that to me he said. Sounds confusing...whatever at least I am ok now.

26th October 2011, 08:22
I guess this time is better coz it feels more relax coz I know my stand already and slowly I felt like I don't wanna end up with a man who always change his mind...whatever at least I am ok now.

good for you ......your slowly moving on!!

26th October 2011, 09:02
If he is still regularly/constantly chatting with me and still offers help if ever I need help, what does it means then?u think he still has feelings for me?I myself can't tell coz he is also telling me to make friends with other men maybe i'll find the right one?but he also tells me that maybe for a long time he won't be involved with another relationship and he will prove that to me he said. Sounds confusing...whatever at least I am ok now.

good to know that you're moving on :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'm not really a good one to advice when it comes to men, my past relationships were all a mess. Though I have myself to blame too. But I've learned my lesson that never assume something and dont expect something when it comes to men. I guess we tend to put meanings to their actions toward us, but from their point it was nothing special. The best way to know if you have doubts and questions, is to ask directly and frankly. Expect to hear something from them you might not like to hear, most men are frank, dont beat around the bush.

When a man says 'let's just be friends', take it as it is. Even if he is confused what he really wanted, treating him as friends will give him the space he needs. Time can only tell if you are meant to be friends or more than friends.

About for a man to have a changeable mind, you'll be surprised how men can change their mind overnight. :icon_lol: It's not really about being a man or a woman how a person can change her/his mind easily. It's our right to change our mind especially if we're not too sure of the result or the outcome of our decision. Though having a very changeable mind can make a person unreliable.

26th October 2011, 09:03
If he is still regularly/constantly chatting with me and still offers help if ever I need help, what does it means then?u think he still has feelings for me?I myself can't tell coz he is also telling me to make friends with other men maybe i'll find the right one?but he also tells me that maybe for a long time he won't be involved with another relationship and he will prove that to me he said. Sounds confusing...whatever at least I am ok now.

good to know that you're moving on :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'm not really a good one to advice when it comes to men, my past relationships were all a mess. Though I have myself to blame too. But I've learned my lesson that never assume something and dont expect something when it comes to men. I guess we tend to put meanings to their actions toward us, but from their point it was nothing special. The best way to know if you have doubts and questions, is to ask directly and frankly. Expect to hear something from them you might not like to hear, most men are frank, dont beat around the bush.

When a man says 'let's just be friends', take it as it is. Even if he is confused what he really wanted, treating him as friends will give him the space he needs. Time can only tell if you are meant to be friends or more than friends.

About for a man to have a changeable mind, you'll be surprised how men can change their mind overnight. :icon_lol: It's not really about being a man or a woman how a person can change her/his mind easily. It's our right to change our mind especially if we're not too sure of the result or the outcome of our decision. Though having a very changeable mind can make a person unreliable.

26th October 2011, 09:15
:xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3: you're not good @ that yet? excellent advise. Thanks sweet, maybe there's really nothing special on whatever he is showing me, well guess I'll just enjoy the friendship we have right now and see what will happen next in a few days.Wish I could chat with u privately maybe in ym. Thanks again and thanks sars!yes I am slowly moving on with all your help guys...

26th October 2011, 09:31
thanks, lyn...as they said, experience is the best teacher :cwm3: sure you can add me in ym :)

26th October 2011, 09:45
He sounds like a one-armed man trying to juggle. :cwm3:

26th October 2011, 11:12
If he is still regularly/constantly chatting with me and still offers help if ever I need help, what does it means then?u think he still has feelings for me?

lynn i must say " your just a girl" :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:same with everbody else in the whole world:yikes::icon_lol:

26th October 2011, 13:43
Take the money ! :D


27th October 2011, 11:41

10th November 2011, 15:18
Hi Lynn.
Taga cagayan de oro man diay ka taga cagayan pud ko asa ka sa cagayan dae??ang ako lang nga matambag nemo move on you deserve someone better..ako gibasa emo gi post wala mana cxa sincerety nemo..daghan pa ka makit an labaw pa nya....sorry for my visaya but i presume you are also visaya..hehehe

10th November 2011, 16:58
Please write English on here...or send pm.

It's not polite to the British members. ;)

10th November 2011, 19:10
Hi Lynn.
Taga cagayan de oro man diay ka taga cagayan pud ko asa ka sa cagayan dae??ang ako lang nga matambag nemo move on you deserve someone better..ako gibasa emo gi post wala mana cxa sincerety nemo..daghan pa ka makit an labaw pa nya....sorry for my visaya but i presume you are also visaya..hehehe

my interpretation for you graham:D just trying :cwm24::rolleyes::)

"so you are from Cagayan ? i am from cagayan too..where are you in Cagayan? the only thing i could advice is to move on you deserve someones better:D...ive have read your post he didnt have any sincerity in you..loads there whose better than him..am sorry for my languange(visaya/bisaya) :rolleyes::D but i presume you are visaya

10th November 2011, 19:28
Nice work :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th November 2011, 19:45
thanks moy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th November 2011, 20:17
:Jump: no probs pinayuk ..i can interpret that as well in illonggo :omg::D

11th November 2011, 03:27
sory graham for using my own language hehehe i just thought sometimes it would be nice to used it.makes me more comfortable to do so..hehehe i wont used it again..anyway special thanks to Mo for the translation..