View Full Version : Bad News :(

21st October 2011, 13:10
Rizza was denied a visit visa today... we both knew it was the most difficult to get but you cant help but get hopeful.

We are both gutted by it, apparently the embasy guy was really nice and said if it were a finacee visa we would have had a 95% chance of a yes.

I have been looking for the visa charges and cant find them on the new site, maybe im just to down to look properly. Our friends Steve and Florsel are trying to help us here and we say thanks to them. I was wondering if anyone can tell me the costs of spouse visa and then leave to remain costs. Also the fiancee visa cost etc etc.

Well thanks for reading guys and girls

21st October 2011, 13:35
Hi james sorry to the bad news
fiancee visa fee is about 810 pounds and the flr fee is about the same cost http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/countries/philippines/?langname=UK%20English
hopfully this link works

21st October 2011, 13:58
Hi I'm sorry to hear about that. It's a fairly common issue, and needs quite a bit of evidence to convince them that there is no risk of remaining in the UK.
Good luck with the Fiance visa, and all the best.

21st October 2011, 14:02
Like the others have said, I am sorry to hear that. I am sure it will work out in the end, just never give up :)

21st October 2011, 14:05
Rizza was denied a visit visa today... we both knew it was the most difficult to get but you cant help but get hopeful.

We are both gutted by it, apparently the embasy guy was really nice and said if it were a finacee visa we would have had a 95% chance of a yes.

I have been looking for the visa charges and cant find them on the new site, maybe im just to down to look properly. Our friends Steve and Florsel are trying to help us here and we say thanks to them. I was wondering if anyone can tell me the costs of spouse visa and then leave to remain costs. Also the fiancee visa cost etc etc.

Well thanks for reading guys and girls

Really sorry to hear your bad news. Many will know just how you both feel.
All the UKBA fees can be found on the Fees for our services page (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/aboutus/fees)
The table showing all the fees is here (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/aboutus/fees-table-spring-2011.pdf)

21st October 2011, 14:56
what ever you choose, good luck:)

21st October 2011, 16:30
I'm so sorry to hear that, I pray that you get to be together soon, don't give up, hang in there :)

21st October 2011, 16:31
good luck on your next application:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st October 2011, 20:59
I m sorry to hear that. but hopefully the next application will be fine.. I pray for you guys
same way I pray for my application too.

22nd October 2011, 00:33
good luck guys and never give up :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2011, 11:29
Thanks to all the good luck wishes, we have been chatting since and looks like we may go for a spouse visa and get married in Ph Davao next year. Just wondering what you guys think which is best fiancee or spouse visa. It prob wont change anything but just getting peoples opinions. Thanks again.

24th October 2011, 12:00
Hey James
Was going to ask how you were doing, but now I know! Really sorry to hear about this - to be honest one of the reasons we decided for a Fiancee visa was the difficulty in a visitor visa when no hard concrete evidence was available to show Rina would return.
It did of course mean I had to make a decision quickly which wasnt so hard in the end but it does mean a commitment has to be made.
Once we got all the requirements in place (TOEIC was the pain in the rear) it only took 10-12 days and the visa was granted.

Wish you all the best with it mate!


24th October 2011, 12:03
I think fiancee visa is quicker to process... But the advantage of spouse visa is the wife immediately gets the 2 year visa which also allows her to work...

24th October 2011, 13:27
spouse visa as you pay once not twice if you go 4 fiancee visa both cost about same but with fiancee visa £810 then you pay again to change to spouse again around 600

24th October 2011, 14:38
goodluck to your next visa app....wishing the best for both of you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2011, 17:39
if u don't mind James, for how long did u wait for the decision of Rizza's application. I have a friend who is now in UK almost 2 months already. She applied for a visit visa with her bf as a sponsor, was denied and reapplied again last August after 3 months and made a letter with supporting documents answering the refusal letter of the ECO and after 10 days she was granted a visa. I think it isn't that difficult if only you'll be able to meet all the requirements with a letter of explanation for the documents submitted and should also be organized so it would be easy for the ECO to check on your documents, that's just my personal opinion. Good luck though for whatever future plans u have...:)

8th November 2011, 11:35
So sorry to hear of the refusal James. What was the reason for it?