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21st October 2011, 16:11
my first question was if my uk bf Divorces his Filipino wife in the uk can we then get married, the reply was yes and i am thankful for your help :) but then it made me think why do people go to the trouble of an annulment ???? that is hard to do i think, i understand the difference between divorce and annulment but if it is as easy as getting a divorce why do people worry about annulment, this question ply on my mind can you help, thank you :Erm:

21st October 2011, 16:17
I suppose we don't need annulments here, since divorce is legal and easy.

No interference here from those so experienced in marriage as priests :rolleyes:.

Things are different in the Phils, as you'll know.

24th October 2011, 20:04
If you were married in the Philippines then you are only able to seek an annulment under Philippine Law for the marriage to be legally recognised as ended in the Philippines.

If you were married in the Philippines but are no longer resident in the Philippines then it is possible to obtain a divorce in the country where you are resident, subject to the laws of that country. This divorce will not however be recognised in the Philippines and if you re-marry outside of the Philippines then you would be regarded as a bigamist if you return to the Philippines. Bigamy carries up to 12 years imprisonment in the Philippines.
i just read this :omg: i worried for my bf now HELP

24th October 2011, 21:54
See my reply to your other posting here:-

25th October 2011, 17:34
my first question was if my uk bf Divorces his Filipino wife in the uk can we then get married, the reply was yes and i am thankful for your help :) but then it made me think why do people go to the trouble of an annulment ???? that is hard to do i think, i understand the difference between divorce and annulment but if it is as easy as getting a divorce why do people worry about annulment, this question ply on my mind can you help, thank you :Erm:

There is a recognition of foreign divorce but you need to tell us the whole situation ,..we cannot just pick needles in the field.

your bf is divorced with the filipina or is just planning to divorce the filipina wife?where did they get married? your bf will not have problems marrying again if he got final divorce decree.

30th October 2011, 17:46
thank you for your help, my bf married his wife in Makati, 3 years ago, she done a very bad thing to him and they seperate 3 months later, he lives back in the ukand she is now in hong kong, he wants to get divorce, he needs marriage certificate first i think, then we need to decide where we will get married, is this correct so far? ty :)

31st October 2011, 11:53
thank you for your help, my bf married his wife in Makati, 3 years ago, she done a very bad thing to him and they seperate 3 months later, he lives back in the ukand she is now in hong kong, he wants to get divorce, he needs marriage certificate first i think, then we need to decide where we will get married, is this correct so far? ty :)

Your b/f is married.
He cannot legally marry you unless he is single.
To be officially single and free to marry you he needs a divorce decree absolute.

Simples. :D

31st October 2011, 15:13
we are starting to understand now :icon_lol: we thought he needs anulment to marry another filipino, but thanks to everyones help we get the message now we need marriage certificate for divorce :doh

31st October 2011, 15:26
............... we need marriage certificate for divorce :doh

No Reichelle, your b/f needs divorce certificate (decree absolute) in order to marry again.
After only 3 years of marriage he may need to study the UK divorce law and understand how it applies to him.
Probably a good idea for you to also research UK divorce law and understand what to expect.

If I misunderstood anything sorry, just trying to help you.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st October 2011, 16:25
we are starting to understand now :icon_lol: we thought he needs anulment to marry another filipino, but thanks to everyones help we get the message now we need marriage certificate for divorce :doh

Or his head testing. :icon_lol:



31st October 2011, 17:21
he does,nt have his marriage certificate so needs to get it to start divorce, thank you

31st October 2011, 17:25
he does,nt have his marriage certificate so needs to get it to start divorce, thank you

This link woulod be a great start for you both:-