View Full Version : Cultural Differences ; When a Filipino recommends something

27th October 2011, 13:32
I picked up on something on another thread, and I hope the poster doens't mind me reposting it here and doesn't take offence, but I just wanted to use it to highlight something in Filipino culture for anyone that is still new and exploring the differences.

HI, you can inquire to this website http://www.planwisetravel.com . A friend of mine own this agency, prolly you can get a good deal for your holiday if you try to haggle :) :)

Essentially, in British culture if we are to recommend a friends or family members business, this would have quite a special meaning. Mostly we would expect if recommended that we'd probably get special assistance and would often probably get a heavy discount or cost price. If anyone disagrees with this, it might be because I have true Yorkshireman blood and like a bargain.

Anyway in the Philippine culture, from my personal experiences and from talking to those around me, a recommendation doesn't always mean that your going to get anything special or different treatment. It's just a suggestion, even if you're being referred to a family or friends business.

I learn't this the hard way by accepting some bad recommendations when I initially moved to the Philippines, and have since taken more of an effort to fully research a decision before I do it.

Would be interested to hear other experienced posters views, especially filipino's views on my understanding of this cultural difference.

27th October 2011, 13:41
when a filipina recommends something, my misses has told me, that a couple of filipina's she knows have tired to sell her ' titanium pans' :laugher: and they only want £2,000 for them :laugher:. well i think she feels a bit pressured becuase they are filipina's and she knows them.

being a manc anything thats cost me money is a 'considered purchase' :D

i told her if she even mentions it again, shes sleeping in the shed :angry: with or without pans :D

27th October 2011, 13:47
I have decided that living in the Phils or having a Filipina gf/wife DOES NOT mean that I have to take leave of all my senses and make idiotic decisions based on sexual desire, alcohol, or a combination of both. :)

Well, that's the theory .:cwm3:

27th October 2011, 13:57
on my own opinion i would say that First, Filipinos like mixing business :yikes::icon_lol:with pleasure. While most Westerners approach business in a direct and strictly formal manner, Filipinos are cheerful and chatty. Filipinos like chatting :cwm24::yikes:about common friends, common interests, and the news, even during business meetings and negotiations. One must approach their Filipino employees or associates in a friendly and cheerful manner. even when exchanging business cards, one must keep the exchange cordial and informal.:D

27th October 2011, 14:21
My experience of business recommendations made by natives of southern Europe and Asia really means the following:

" deal with this person and mention my name because he will give me a huge backhander after he's ripped you off"

27th October 2011, 16:58
My experience of business recommendations made by natives of southern Europe and Asia really means the following:

" deal with this person and mention my name because he will give me a huge backhander after he's ripped you off"


27th October 2011, 17:26

27th October 2011, 18:30
when a filipina recommends something, my misses has told me, that a couple of filipina's she knows have tired to sell her ' titanium pans' :laugher: and they only want £2,000 for them :laugher:. well i think she feels a bit pressured becuase they are filipina's and she knows them.

being a manc anything thats cost me money is a 'considered purchase' :D

i told her if she even mentions it again, shes sleeping in the shed :angry: with or without pans :D

and there was someone here selling wonder pants that cured cancer !!! WTF

27th October 2011, 19:10
I recommend sites/links/business when I've tried them and not because I want to have discounted prices or anything from that business, but I want others to experience the great service I got from them..:xxgrinning--00xx3: Like when I posted a link of Boracay Best Deals (http://boracaybestdeals.com) in one of the threads here, I've personally tried their services and the owner is actually very accommodating and you can really trust them..I want others to experience the same and at the same time help the business of the owner to be successful because of a job well done..:D

27th October 2011, 19:21
I recommend them AND buy the tee-shirt. :D


27th October 2011, 19:43

27th October 2011, 19:54
Another cultural difference: When a Filipino asks if you can lend them money or if they can borrow something you own, what it really means is can you give that to me and I have no intention of ever paying you back or giving said item back to you, and if I sell said item the following day, I will keep the money and tell you that I lost the item:rolleyes:

27th October 2011, 20:02
Another cultural difference: When a Filipino asks if you can lend them money or if they can borrow something you own, what it really means is can you give that to me and I have no intention of ever paying you back or giving said item back to you, and if I sell said item the following day, I will keep the money and tell you that I lost the item:rolleyes:

not all Filipinos..but most.. :D

27th October 2011, 20:11
Another cultural difference: When a Filipino asks if you can lend them money or if they can borrow something you own, what it really means is can you give that to me and I have no intention of ever paying you back or giving said item back to you, and if I sell said item the following day, I will keep the money and tell you that I lost the item:rolleyes:

Quite a few cultures have something like that, here in the Middle East money seems to be handed over freely to friends but it's almost an embarrasment if you pay it back, so it seems that its a gift not a loan lol. I don't pretend to understand and get involved.
In the Philippines, I've never loaned money ever, just gifted on the odd occasions small amounts.

27th October 2011, 20:15
not all Filipinos..but most.. :D

Too true mate iI have had that done on me a couple of times.

27th October 2011, 21:59
Let's be careful though people, as we don't want to upset our lovely Filipino friends on the forum. ;)

My approach is to ask to borrow money off THEM.

Now that DOES cause some consternation. :icon_lol:

27th October 2011, 23:47
Another cultural difference: When a Filipino asks if you can lend them money or if they can borrow something you own, what it really means is can you give that to me and I have no intention of ever paying you back or giving said item back to you, and if I sell said item the following day, I will keep the money and tell you that I lost the item:rolleyes:

throughout my life, i have found that here in uk too, so it must be a multicultural thing,
example, did you ever lend a hammer, lawn mower or electric drill, months later when you needed it, you couldnt find it! why? you got it ,,,, it wasnt returned, so off you go, and ask if you can borrow it back :laugher:
did you lend your pal a fiver, didnt get it back , so whats the difference in cultures :doh

28th October 2011, 00:07
I'm a tight-fisted :censored: so NEVER going to happen.:D

28th October 2011, 00:10
I'm a tight-fisted :censored: so NEVER going to happen.:D

well you are a yorkshire man :laugher::laugher:

28th October 2011, 00:11
worst still north yorkshire :laugher::laugher::laugher:

28th October 2011, 00:12

Don't even ask.

The answer is NO ! :icon_lol:

28th October 2011, 00:14

Don't even ask.

The answer is NO ! :icon_lol:

go on mate lend me a tenner , give you it back next week honest :laugher:

28th October 2011, 00:16
:censored: off ! :D

28th October 2011, 00:17

i knew youud say that :laugher::laugher::laugher:

28th October 2011, 00:18
now thats cultural difference :doh:laugher:

28th October 2011, 02:39
I recommend sites/links/business when I've tried them and not because I want to have discounted prices or anything from that business, but I want others to experience the great service I got from them..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: agree with you there.....If I recommend something, example a product, it's because I've tried it and I very well like the effect or the outcome by using it. Though I have a friend here who gets commission or discounts by recommending some products to us.....so I dont know if it's really about cultures....and about borrowing, not all Filipinos borrow money without the intention of paying it back, maybe they're so hard up that they find it difficult to pay back whatever the amount they borrowed.....when I borrow, I usually pay back the same amount or with interest :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2011, 10:53
:censored: off ! :D

thats would be my reply to :D , i told me misses next time they ask her about the pans, to let me speak to them, i'll tell them where they can stick, their non stick pans :action-smiley-081:
