View Full Version : Uk border agency

27th October 2011, 19:44
This is what gets my goat statements like this: Introduce a minimum income threshold for those sponsoring family migrants to ensure they are supported at a level that helps integration;.
I know what they mean by it but they dont tell you the threshold. How much? Anybody got any ideas?

28th October 2011, 19:03
am with you on this what there saying is if your on a low income dont bother looking for a partner outside of the uk unless your rich just another way to kick us in the nuts as if its not hard enouth to get our fiancee,s here they make me :furious3: uk is getting worse every day am uk born but when i got enougth money am outer here and going live in phil with my fiancee

28th October 2011, 20:49
You are both getting paranoid.
There is already a limit on disposable income levels for settlement visa to UK.

Better you will be concerned about the income levels needed for even a reasonable life in the Philippines.

If you really cannot support your loved one here in UK why do you want to bring them here?

28th October 2011, 23:24
am not saying i cant support her here its lot harder now than it was a few years ago even before shes here we get :censored: on visa and ielts fee,s unlike other.s

29th October 2011, 01:05
I think the driving force behind all this is to counter all the arranged marriages, spurious applications etc emanating from the Indian Sub Continent. Unfortunately these shysters have been allowed to get away with it for years and the upshot is genuine applicants are now paying the price.

30th October 2011, 15:31
Call me a cynic. But if you look at the UKBA business plan it seems that the driving force is how to make money in an shrinking environment.

31st October 2011, 03:54
Call me a cynic. But if you look at the UKBA business plan it seems that the driving force is how to make money in an shrinking environment.

not a cynic terpe, just realistic,

We went the whole nine yards cost us over 4 grand in the end, But the time, the effort and the stress cannot be measured.
What pissed me off the most was at one of the interviews neither of us could understand a word the guy was saying. :Erm:

31st October 2011, 07:01

Call me a cynic. But if you look at the UKBA business plan it seems that the driving force is how to make money in an shrinking environment.