View Full Version : Spouse visa approved in three days, hear my story...

31st October 2011, 03:52
Hello it’s me again with a happy smile thinking that soon i will follow my hubby and can start the family life together in the UK...:heartshape1:

I lodged my application on 24 October 2011, Monday at 10am-11am and i received a text message the same day at 2:55pm that my application has been dispatched to the British embassy for processing.
Wednesday came, 26 October 2011, i received an email saying “Your visa will be despatched shortly. Passports can normally be collected from the Visa Application Centre after 3 days. Applicants in Australia and New Zealand should allow 3 days before tracking their documents via the local post. UKBA-Manila Visa Hub”. Another email and text message received on 28 October at around 2pm saying “Your processed visa application reference no. AMAN/241011/189053/1 dispatched to you via 2GO Aboitiz on 10/28/2011”.
And on the 29th of October 2011, Saturday i received my original docs and original passport with sticker of spouse visa via courier...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I can’t imagine that my spouse visa would be processed in 3-days time as I had submitted some other documents in scanned copies for I believe that our other additional Original documents sent via airmail were lost in transit... My hubby mailed said documents on 08 October 2011 and yet until 24th of October it hasn’t arrived. My husband and I decided to take the risk of lodging our papers for settlement visa despite most of the documents are in scanned copies. Good enough that my husband has scanned all the original copies before mailing them to me.

With my experience, I have a piece of advice to have a courier service with tracking number so that it will be more secured and on time than a special postal service at post office.

Here are the following order of the documents I submitted:
1. "Checklist" is on top of everything. Here’s the link for settlement checklist:
2. Manager’s check amounted to P58,320 (paper clipped to printed online application)
3. Printed online application filled up form for wife with 1 passport size photo pasted on it. Here’s the website
where you can apply online http://www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk . They are no longer accepting the
downloaded VAF4A form filled up by handwriting as online application is available here in the
Philippines. So it's a must to apply online first then you must print it off and submit with your supporting
documents on your appointment. Never ever go to VFS without the printed copy of online application
or else they would refer you to the nearest computer shop to apply online then print it off then submit.
4. My Passport bio-data and all stamped pages(old and new)
5. Tuberculosis Certificate (though it’s not applicable in the Philippines, i still opt to submit)
6. Marriage certificate ( I submitted 2 copies of marriage certificate, see checklist no.19)
7. Official score of English language test for Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing and its filled up form for
english test requirement
8. Diploma, Transcript of records, Caregiver certificate TESDA accredited (for my credentials to prove that i
have skills and can find a job and will never be a burden to a UK public funds)
9. My Parents DTI, Mayor’s permit, Sanitary permit and business license. ( I submitted them because im
managing family business. So i attached my parents business related docs. If you may ask, no income tax
10. Land title for farm (as I said im also managing farm and family business)
11. My bank certificates
12. My hubby’s bank statements (6-months) savings of only £2000-3000
13. My Hubby’s 6-months pay slips and employment letters ( 2 sets for his 2 part time jobs.. then each
employment letter is place on top of its payslips (2 sets). I have not submitted P60 as I submitted
6-months payslip and tax/NI deductions are reflected on it which means my hubby’s paying his income tax.
14. Rent Records
15. Tenancy agreement ( 1-year contract but will expire in December 2011 but it’s alright as long as you have
letter from your landlord pf permission of stay with you husband)
16. Permission of stay letter from the landlordincludes also the description of the accommodation (I have not
submitted photos of accommodation) (if you want a copy, email me or let know and i will send you a copy
of it for your guidance)
17. Scanned copy of my Hubby’s passport (bio-data and all its stamped pages)
18. Support letter from my hubby ( if you want a sample copy, just let me know or email me)
19. Certification from the money transfer agency of my hubby’s remittances and its receipts.
20. Our both birth certificates
21. Marriage certificate from NSO and local (again)
22. Many photographs arrange from 1st meeting, before and after wedding up to leaving the Philippines (I have
submitted around 60 copies maybe without a duplication, i mean all different occasions and places) Photos
from the wedding, i have included one with blessing of the priest, picture with both parents, with principal
and secondary sponsors, friends and guest and at the wedding reception. I also submitted 2 photos of
screen shot of our video chat(Skype & Ooovoo). (i just cut a about 1 inch of white paper then wrapped the
photos and taped them so that they are intact.
23. Phone bill from the time we started communicating up to the present.
24. Emails (one email before and one email after wedding).
25. Screen shots of email and chat logs from the time we started emailing and chatting.
26. Lastly, 1 letter and a birthday card sent via airmail.

I photocopied all of the documents in the list (1-26) and arranged them exactly the same as listed above. Ooooopppss, before i forget, when i was applying online, at the last part there’s a question of “is there any other information you wish to be considered as part of your application?” then I wrote that i regret to inform them that i will be submitting some other documents in scanned copies for i believe that the additional (original) documents sent via airmail were lost-in transit as it was mailed on 08 October supposed to deliver in 5-7days.

With online application, very limited characters are given for us to type your answer the question so be concise and precise with your answers.

When you submit your application at VFS centre, always think positive and pray... Make yourself busy to avoid too much worry on your application.

These are all I can share for future spouse visa applicants... God bless everyone....

31st October 2011, 04:36
well done to you , this should help many more people trying , :)

31st October 2011, 04:36

congratulations ann,,,

same message as mine;;

again congratulationsss:Hellooo::Hellooo:

Eyes O'Donnell
31st October 2011, 06:59
hI ann,
congatulations. im new here in filipino uk my husband ask me to register here. and im going to apply for spouse visa but i have to finish my ielts test. its very hard because my husband is in london and im here please wait 2 seconds for an uncompressed image, or press Ctrl+F5 for original quality page
im happy for you ann. goodluck and God bless

31st October 2011, 08:00
Congratulations, and well done on your successful application. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Also, many thanks for taking so much time and trouble to explain the procedure so that others may benefit from your hard work and experiences.

You're a star !:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I wish you and your husband a wonderful life together in your new country. :)

31st October 2011, 08:06
Well done :xxgrinning--00xx3:- what a huge list of documents you submitted ! I'm sure it will be of help to others

31st October 2011, 08:20
congrats and well done! im sure your post will help those who are applying for a visa in future...:Hellooo::Hellooo:

31st October 2011, 09:34
Congratz ann hope mine will be as fast as your also when i apply for spouse visa by march:):Hellooo:

31st October 2011, 09:36
Congratz!!! Wish to have samples and checklist and guide everything... :):Hellooo:

31st October 2011, 10:14
That's great so happy for you as. Soon as my wife gets her a1 English test. Results then we hope to. Make her spouse visa. Application I hope to god. We can be luck and get a visa for my. Wife's it's so hard. Being apart

stevie c
31st October 2011, 12:23
Congratulations anne thats fantastic news :Jump:

31st October 2011, 12:42
Congratulations Anne and well done :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st October 2011, 16:24
congratulations and welcome here in uk soon

31st October 2011, 20:30
Congratulations..and thanks for the information :D

is the checklist you posted at the top is the same with the check list used in the Fiancee visa? if yes.. it is ok to print off that one?

thank you so much!

31st October 2011, 20:50
wonderfull news Congratulations to you both :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
31st October 2011, 21:43
:) Heartiest Congratulations, Ann. Well done ... and :thankyou: so much for your kind thoughtfulness in outlining the procedure in order to help future applicants. It's greatly appreciated. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st November 2011, 14:55
WOW!!! Congrats Ann!!! I hope we can be lucky too when we apply someday!:)

4th November 2011, 13:57
I'm starting to fill the VAF4A for my fiance visa. There's some questions that I don't know how to answer it....








I hope someone from here can help me. Thanks in advance :)

4th November 2011, 15:21
Your fiancé is your sponsor, therefore,

8.4.2 - if you met in person for the first time when he came to visit you in the Philippines, what was the date of that visit?

8.4.3 - where did the above meeting take place, for example, Manila.

8.4.4 - if you first met online before you first meeting in person, what date was the first contact?

8.4.5 - how many times have you met in person, how many times has he visited you?

8.4.6 - when was the last time he visited you?

8.4.7 - as you are applying as fiancé, I assume you are not married, therefore you should answer "not married"

8.4.8 - have you ever lived together? Answer yes or no.

Good luck with you application :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th November 2011, 13:54

7th November 2011, 16:41

7th November 2011, 18:39
This is great, you really took the time to provide the right kind of evidence and support your application properly. It's very easy for the Embassy to make a decision when good evidence is sent. Well done and congratulations.

11th November 2011, 09:02
Everyone i am new here.and thank you anne for sharing your experienced to us.its a big help. i just get recently married few months ago and were planning to apply for spouse visa.i wish and pray that everything will work smooth just like
you.can i ask ask everyone is't ok that the 1st step i do is to take the IELTS?before applying the spouse visa in december.i need your suggestion's and thanking you all in advance.Godbless s all!:)

11th November 2011, 12:53
well done Ann! congratulations!:Hellooo:

11th November 2011, 12:56
Hello Blesslady :)

Yes you need to pass the English Language Test first before you can apply for a Spouse Visa. Take not that your test provider should be one of the accredited test providers by the home office (UKBA).

17th November 2011, 08:43
Hi! Ann, did u have to submit CENOMAR also or anything that shows u are free to marry him? did u got married here in the Phils. or in UK? me and my partner is planning to get married when he gets back here so I needed as much info as I could get for future plans. Hope to hear from u. CONGRATS!

29th November 2011, 15:43
Congrats Ann! :) And thanks for the guidelines. :)

29th November 2011, 16:26
Hello it’s me again with a happy smile thinking that soon i will follow my hubby and can start the family life together in the UK...:heartshape1:

I lodged my application on 24 October 2011, Monday at 10am-11am and i received a text message the same day at 2:55pm that my application has been dispatched to the British embassy for processing.
Wednesday came, 26 October 2011, i received an email saying “Your visa will be despatched shortly. Passports can normally be collected from the Visa Application Centre after 3 days. Applicants in Australia and New Zealand should allow 3 days before tracking their documents via the local post. UKBA-Manila Visa Hub”. Another email and text message received on 28 October at around 2pm saying “Your processed visa application reference no. AMAN/241011/189053/1 dispatched to you via 2GO Aboitiz on 10/28/2011”.
And on the 29th of October 2011, Saturday i received my original docs and original passport with sticker of spouse visa via courier...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I can’t imagine that my spouse visa would be processed in 3-days time as I had submitted some other documents in scanned copies for I believe that our other additional Original documents sent via airmail were lost in transit... My hubby mailed said documents on 08 October 2011 and yet until 24th of October it hasn’t arrived. My husband and I decided to take the risk of lodging our papers for settlement visa despite most of the documents are in scanned copies. Good enough that my husband has scanned all the original copies before mailing them to me.

With my experience, I have a piece of advice to have a courier service with tracking number so that it will be more secured and on time than a special postal service at post office.

Here are the following order of the documents I submitted:
1. "Checklist" is on top of everything. Here’s the link for settlement checklist:
2. Manager’s check amounted to P58,320 (paper clipped to printed online application)
3. Printed online application filled up form for wife with 1 passport size photo pasted on it. Here’s the website
where you can apply online http://www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk . They are no longer accepting the
downloaded VAF4A form filled up by handwriting as online application is available here in the
Philippines. So it's a must to apply online first then you must print it off and submit with your supporting
documents on your appointment. Never ever go to VFS without the printed copy of online application
or else they would refer you to the nearest computer shop to apply online then print it off then submit.
4. My Passport bio-data and all stamped pages(old and new)
5. Tuberculosis Certificate (though it’s not applicable in the Philippines, i still opt to submit)
6. Marriage certificate ( I submitted 2 copies of marriage certificate, see checklist no.19)
7. Official score of English language test for Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing and its filled up form for
english test requirement
8. Diploma, Transcript of records, Caregiver certificate TESDA accredited (for my credentials to prove that i
have skills and can find a job and will never be a burden to a UK public funds)
9. My Parents DTI, Mayor’s permit, Sanitary permit and business license. ( I submitted them because im
managing family business. So i attached my parents business related docs. If you may ask, no income tax
10. Land title for farm (as I said im also managing farm and family business)
11. My bank certificates
12. My hubby’s bank statements (6-months) savings of only £2000-3000
13. My Hubby’s 6-months pay slips and employment letters ( 2 sets for his 2 part time jobs.. then each
employment letter is place on top of its payslips (2 sets). I have not submitted P60 as I submitted
6-months payslip and tax/NI deductions are reflected on it which means my hubby’s paying his income tax.
14. Rent Records
15. Tenancy agreement ( 1-year contract but will expire in December 2011 but it’s alright as long as you have
letter from your landlord pf permission of stay with you husband)
16. Permission of stay letter from the landlordincludes also the description of the accommodation (I have not
submitted photos of accommodation) (if you want a copy, email me or let know and i will send you a copy
of it for your guidance)
17. Scanned copy of my Hubby’s passport (bio-data and all its stamped pages)
18. Support letter from my hubby ( if you want a sample copy, just let me know or email me)
19. Certification from the money transfer agency of my hubby’s remittances and its receipts.
20. Our both birth certificates
21. Marriage certificate from NSO and local (again)
22. Many photographs arrange from 1st meeting, before and after wedding up to leaving the Philippines (I have
submitted around 60 copies maybe without a duplication, i mean all different occasions and places) Photos
from the wedding, i have included one with blessing of the priest, picture with both parents, with principal
and secondary sponsors, friends and guest and at the wedding reception. I also submitted 2 photos of
screen shot of our video chat(Skype & Ooovoo). (i just cut a about 1 inch of white paper then wrapped the
photos and taped them so that they are intact.
23. Phone bill from the time we started communicating up to the present.
24. Emails (one email before and one email after wedding).
25. Screen shots of email and chat logs from the time we started emailing and chatting.
26. Lastly, 1 letter and a birthday card sent via airmail.

I photocopied all of the documents in the list (1-26) and arranged them exactly the same as listed above. Ooooopppss, before i forget, when i was applying online, at the last part there’s a question of “is there any other information you wish to be considered as part of your application?” then I wrote that i regret to inform them that i will be submitting some other documents in scanned copies for i believe that the additional (original) documents sent via airmail were lost-in transit as it was mailed on 08 October supposed to deliver in 5-7days.

With online application, very limited characters are given for us to type your answer the question so be concise and precise with your answers.

When you submit your application at VFS centre, always think positive and pray... Make yourself busy to avoid too much worry on your application.

These are all I can share for future spouse visa applicants... God bless everyone....

hi ate ANN

sometime soon late january or febuary 2012 i'll be applying for spouse visa as im married to a british national...

just a few question about phone bills as we dont really call each other as we use skype... and we couldnt get txt logs on our both mobiles ...and i am using prepaid cards smart so we have no phone bills wondering if there is something else or i would pass some smart buddy cards????

and oh please email me an example of supporting letter i have same add as my name under yahoo...thanks so much ;'):Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

29th November 2011, 16:50
Hi lyka,,in my case,we did'nt submit phone calls and cards,,we only sumbit skype and msn chats,and photos,,some screen shots ,,hope it can help,,and relax,,


29th November 2011, 16:54
hi ate ANN

sometime soon late january or febuary 2012 i'll be applying for spouse visa as im married to a british national...

just a few question about phone bills as we dont really call each other as we use skype... and we couldnt get txt logs on our both mobiles ...and i am using prepaid cards smart so we have no phone bills wondering if there is something else or i would pass some smart buddy cards????

and oh please email me an example of supporting letter i have same add as my name under yahoo...thanks so much ;'):Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:
We were in a similar position as you. We didnt really submit phone bills as we used Skype and Yahoo. We submitted one itemised phone bill, our last one, which had just a small number of texts on it to my wife.

We submitted no phone cards or birthday / christmas cards.

Like Hailey, we submitted a good range of Yahoo logs and some Skype logs and of course photos.

29th November 2011, 17:21
We were in a similar position as you. We didnt really submit phone bills as we used Skype and Yahoo. We submitted one itemised phone bill, our last one, which had just a small number of texts on it to my wife.

We submitted no phone cards or birthday / christmas cards.

Like Hailey, we submitted a good range of Yahoo logs and some Skype logs and of course photos.

:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo: thanks again Lastlid and also to HAiley :Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

thankyou for some very helpful ideas...

yeah i guess its very normal for me to think of all the things and to be so very much worried... hehehe im just excited for the application and want it to be perfect and so as to me to be ready in every aspects... thanku all so very much.....soon i will post here regarding my application on how it went by febuary ;')

29th November 2011, 17:38
oh another question?????

who needs the BCV form does my hubby need that to have the 6mos bank statement and also after using that form BCV does he need to send that back to me also together with the 6mos bank statement????????


what does ate ANN barnett means about this???
6. Marriage certificate ( I submitted 2 copies of marriage certificate, see checklist no.19) ???

29th November 2011, 17:42
oh another question?????

who needs the BCV form does my hubby need that to have the 6mos bank statement and also after using that form BCV does he need to send that back to me also together with the 6mos bank statement????????


LOL BCV Form. What is that? We didnt fill one out, that I know of.........unless that is a recently introduced form.

29th November 2011, 17:47
LOL BCV Form. What is that? We didnt fill one out, that I know of.........unless that is a recently introduced form.

im married already so im into spouse Lastlid ;')

thats the link of that BCVS thing....:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

30th November 2011, 08:40
Ah Yes. I haven't seen one of those before. Yet another form eh! Not one we needed.

Apologies for the mistake. I noticed it quite quickly and edited it out.

30th November 2011, 10:35
Ah Yes. I haven't seen one of those before. Yet another form eh! Not one we needed.

Apologies for the mistake. I

noticed it quite quickly and edited
it out.

I wonder if we need it and how... Hope someone knows about that BCVS form..... :Hellooo: thanks lastlid and no prob its ok ;)

30th November 2011, 18:43
I wonder if we need it and how... Hope someone knows about that BCVS form..... :Hellooo: thanks lastlid and no prob its ok ;)

Personally I would ignore that.
It will not impact any outcome of your visa application.

5th December 2011, 14:17
Hi! Ann, did u have to submit CENOMAR also or anything that shows u are free to marry him? did u got married here in the Phils. or in UK? me and my partner is planning to get married when he gets back here so I needed as much info as I could get for future plans. Hope to hear from u. CONGRATS!

Hello Hershe, you will only submit CENOMAR for church or civil wedding requirements but you dont have to submit it to british embassy when you apply for spouse visa as you will be submitting the marriage certfrom NSO and local...

God bless and best of luck on your future application...

21st December 2011, 20:05
Hi. Is it possible for you to send me a sample letter of support and letter of permission from the landlord? My email address is burpiesbaby@yahoo.com. Thanks so much and happy holidays!

1st January 2012, 13:11
Hi Ann Barnett,

18. Support letter from my hubby ( if you want a sample copy, just let me know or email me)

Is it possible you can send me example? I am unable to send you pm. But if you reply (so I know you still read this forum) I will write my email here.


1st January 2012, 13:24
Hi Ann,

Another question. Do they return your Marriage certificates? You gave two original NSO copies and two original local copies di ba?

5th January 2012, 12:00
Thank you for a very informative post. Big help to me and to all the Filipinos who are applying UK Visa.

15th February 2012, 21:07
Thanks Ann,
Extremely helpful! I too would like to see that letter to get an idea of the sort of thing to write.
God Bless
Daniel :-)