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1st November 2011, 22:36
Even on Friday, Oct 28, Terminals were already busy, people leaving and coming to observe the Todos Los Santos (All Saint's Day). Some were just getting away from the busy life, a much needed vacation. Whatever the reason is, most of my fellowmen are in the cemeteries bringing flowers and lighting candles for their dead loved ones. To some, it's a picnic at the cemeteries, a get together with relatives who probably haven't seen each other for a year or years.


2nd November 2011, 09:56
I remember when I lived in Japan we also had a similar event.
The translation was something like Tomb Cleaning or Grave Attending.
In Japanese everyone said Ohaka Mairi, or call it Higan time.

They would make a visit to the graves of their ancestors to pay their respects and clean up all around the grave.
Just like you said, it was also always a time to meet those family relations not seen for a time, and to re-aquaint with friends whose ancestors graves were nearby.
In Japan this kind of observance basically originates from a Buddhist belief that at certain times Buddha comes to earth for soul saving.

Of course afterwards it was good excuse for eating drinking and karaoke.

2nd November 2011, 22:23
Of course afterwards it was good excuse for eating drinking and karaoke.

:icon_lol: that's true, terpe....though I know families wholeheartedly went to cemeteries to give respect to their dead loved ones, but I know they were also looking forward to the eating and drinking, plus even karaoke or full blast music :icon_lol: