View Full Version : Uploading pictures

2nd November 2011, 17:45
I am having trouble on here uploading a profile picture. I get the message invalid file. Any ideas guys?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd November 2011, 13:51
im getting that too, :cwm3:

3rd November 2011, 14:27
Boss will put you right, but it might be becouse the file is too big?

3rd November 2011, 14:42
I am having trouble on here uploading a profile picture. I get the message invalid file. Any ideas guys?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

me too,,,,i experiencedd the same...

3rd November 2011, 14:48
The maximum size of your custom image is 100 by 100 pixels or 64.0 KB (whichever is smaller).

3rd November 2011, 15:22
ah , it doesnt seem to make any difference what the size is having tried smaller files, it still comes up invalid picture file,

iv also tried uploading photos iv already previously uploaded, but still the same,

i dont know if thats the same for andy and tezzay:Erm:

3rd November 2011, 18:26
Yep same for me imagine.:Help1:

3rd November 2011, 18:50
Same here when trying straight from pc. Normally no problem.

Nothing wrong with the files...std .jpg.

Only way round it is copy from online storage site, which i usually prefer to do anyway, as quality and sizing is better.


3rd November 2011, 19:02
Sorry Graham you have lost me there. Too high tech for me.:yikes:

3rd November 2011, 20:04
Sign up free with photobucket.com and upload any pics (or videos) from your computer. Then you can copy them from there and paste into your reply. :)

Just put in front of, and after the pasted bit.

So simple even a daft old git like me can do it. :D


3rd November 2011, 21:06
many thanks for the tips graham

3rd November 2011, 21:22
You're welcome. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th November 2011, 04:18
Thanks Graham I wil give it a go.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th November 2011, 04:31
Sign up free with photobucket.com and upload any pics (or videos) from your computer. Then you can copy them from there and paste into your reply. :)

Just put in front of, and after the pasted bit.

So simple even a daft old git like me can do it. :D


So thats the number to call for a T.W.A.T. specialist in Yorkshire.....

4th November 2011, 04:46
Sign up free with photobucket.com and upload any pics (or videos) from your computer. Then you can copy them from there and paste into your reply. :)

Just put in front of, and after the pasted bit.

So simple even a daft old git like me can do it. :D


Are there a lot of T.W.A.T's in Yorkshire :icon_lol:

4th November 2011, 06:32
I give up.:omg:

4th November 2011, 06:36
Andy, what specifically are you trying to upload? and how have you been trying?? :Erm:

4th November 2011, 06:44
I am trying to upload a profile picture of me and the wife steve. I have tried the normal way on here I get the message invalid file. I have registered with photobucket and tried to copy the url. Still no joy. Thanks for your concern mate.

4th November 2011, 07:03
Probably something to do with moving server, no time today so will look at it on Saturday

4th November 2011, 07:17


I took the pic.
It parks up a few streets away from me...just thought it was funny. :D

4th November 2011, 08:12
Probably something to do with moving server, no time today so will look at it on Saturday

ok Keith thanks

4th November 2011, 15:54
Probably something to do with moving server, no time today so will look at it on Saturday

just thought id mention ,,, i had this problem before you moved server,, i did try a few times using from go advanced on thread replies also for photo albums, but wouldnt work from either, also tried photos i know i had previously uploaded with no problems, i didnt report a problem because i wasnt to bothered about it at the time, but seeing andys post brought it to mind

4th November 2011, 17:28
All done.... works for me anyway :Cuckoo:

4th November 2011, 17:51

4th November 2011, 17:52
thanks boss your a star :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th November 2011, 17:56
thanks boss your a star :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'm surprised he found the time :D

5th November 2011, 22:52
Thanks boos it seems to be working now.:xxgrinning--00xx3: