View Full Version : go greek for a week

7th November 2011, 21:43
what a joke what a mess and why the hell should we put any money into a country that acts this way, stuff the lot of them i say let them go under and give up the euro, in fact thats what they will do in the future anyway

7th November 2011, 21:46
In all honesty steve, they should give up the Euro and we all should remove ourselves from the current EU system. It's pointless. We are all different, and the Greeks have their own way, they don't work as hard as the Germans or us, and that hasn't been taken into account anywhere. The citizens aren't willing to accept the mistakes made by the ego driven government.

7th November 2011, 21:47
Not trying to stick up for the greeks too much btw, worked with them and wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them, of well.

7th November 2011, 22:16
They're all corrupt out there. I used to have house over there. The public Notary was the biggest bandit of the lot. I'm so pleased I sold my place there before their economy went tits up

7th November 2011, 22:21
Always been a basket case nation