View Full Version : Sponsoring British boyfriend for visitor visa

12th November 2011, 07:24
hello everyone,

I would like to ask your opinions or any suggestions. My british boyfriend will be coming on January 2012 and wants me to go back with him to UK- in Leeds. I was thinking the best way would be a visitor visa so i can process it before he arrives here. Unlike a fiance visa we have to meet each other first. Anyway he wants me to tour around England and will be my sponsor for the visitor visa. I don't have enough funds in the bank, I work in a call center. what are my chances in getting a visitor visa approved?? or should we just wait to see each other and file for fiance? he also wants to marry me too. HE just wants me to bring him back to England when he comes, either to visit or be married.

thanks everyone for reading my post. would like to hear from you :)

12th November 2011, 07:46
Unless you personaly own property in the phils the chances of obtaining a visit visa is very remote. if not impossible
They say you must have ties to the philippines that are strong enough for you to return at the end of your visa,

12th November 2011, 10:14
There's zero chance of you obtaining a visitor's visa if you've never met him.

(The idea of applying for one now, stating that he IS going to visit is nonsence ...... the British Embassy are not just gonna accept his or your word that he's actually going to visit).

Meet him first, then (both) decide on your next course of action.

12th November 2011, 10:56
Welcome to the forum. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I agree with the posters above. Visitor Visa...forget it.

May I suggest that you point your 'cyber-partner' in the direction of this forum too ?

I would urge you to take time to get to know the gentleman properly in REAL life first before even considering visas. :)

12th November 2011, 11:22
There's zero chance of you obtaining a visitor's visa if you've never met him

Meet him first, then (both) decide on your next course of action.

this is the best way

12th November 2011, 11:38
The guys on here are right. You have to prove that you have a reason to go back to the phils.

12th November 2011, 11:40
..............thanks everyone for reading my post. would like to hear from you :)

Hi there and welcome to the forum.

Based solely on the information you've given, like everyone else, I doubt you would be granted a visit visa. You do need to have compelling reasons to return to the Philippines that outweigh any reasons to stay in UK.

I really think you should focus step-by-step on how you both want to develop this relationship and how to make the most of the holiday visit by your B/F

I hope all goes well and that you both enjoy the time together.

If, after meeting, you both realise you want to take the relationship to another level, then that's the time to research and plan an application for the visa of your choice.

Good luck

12th November 2011, 22:59
thank you everyone!! very helpful! appreciate it :)

12th November 2011, 23:00
thank you everyone!! very helpful! appreciate it