View Full Version : I must admit, I am guilty as charged!

13th November 2011, 14:02
Dear Filipino UK Forum,

I am guilty of not having frequented myself on here. My life in the UK is a fast lane, even busier than the M25 in the rush hour especially in London which you all would probably understand. I am not moaning and do admit I love this life but it has its downsides and one of them would be not being able to come online as often as I'd want to. Some of you would probably remember me and may vaguely remember that I juggle with being a full-time wife, a full-time student and a full-time employee.

Anyhoo, so much about my moans. I am here to once again thank this Forum who've helped me a lot since day one with my struggle to get into this country ( a country known for its horrible weather conditions :-) ). I've gone past through the hurdles successfully and I have now become a certified Brit Cit yet still a Filipino through and through (which is true even if it may sound cliche'). I am waiting for the interview and then the release of my passport which may take up to few weeks but I am not anymore worried. So, once again I'd like to say thank you from the depths and good luck to everyone who are still in the process of doing the FLR, ILR and the Citizenship.

All the best,
Gracia in London

13th November 2011, 15:00
Well done Gracia :xxgrinning--00xx3:
You have finally completed your immigration journey. Almost a full time task in itself.

Did you yet also re-acquire your Philippine Citizenship so that you can be a fully paid-up member of the Dual Citizen club?

13th November 2011, 21:24
I will do as soon as I have all my documents back. Thanks Terpe!

13th November 2011, 22:08
I will do as soon as I have all my documents back. Thanks Terpe!

Ah, that sounds great. Best of both worlds :xxgrinning--00xx3:

BTW, It would be good to hear how your passport interview goes.
The one my wife had only lasted a short time. Apart from asking the usual questions that were already answered on the application form, they then asked innumerable questions about her grandparents.
Seems she wasn't able to provide much in the way of answers, so she was then engaged in a general conversation about the local shops :Erm:

I recall it was only a day or two at most before the passport arrived, so it must have fully pre-prepared and ready to go. :)