View Full Version : Set M Partner's details

15th November 2011, 19:47
Hi guys!

I am now filing up my forms for my ILR. Just a bit confuse with the question at Section 2 Partners details Here's thelink: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/settlement/formsetm0420091.pdf

The question is how long has she/he been to the UK?

Shall I answer British born? So confusing :doh


Arthur Little
15th November 2011, 20:04
Hi guys!

I am now filing up my forms for my ILR. Just a bit confuse with the question at Section 2 Partners details Here's thelink: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/settlement/formsetm0420091.pdf

The question is how long has she/he been to the UK?

Shall I answer British born? So confusing :doh


QUESTION: How long has he/she lived in the UK?

ANSWER: ... ALL HIS LIFE :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th November 2011, 20:14
QUESTION: How long has he/she lived in the UK?

ANSWER: ... ALL HIS LIFE :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you so much Arthur! :Wave::) I highly appreciate it!

15th November 2011, 20:34
i think i read on another thread , the answer there was to put his date of birth ?

15th November 2011, 20:46
i think i read on another thread , the answer there was to put his date of birth ? Thanks. :):Hellooo:

15th November 2011, 21:11
I just placed my hubby's date of birth on that question :)

15th November 2011, 21:16
sorry didnt mean to confuse matters, arthur answer is the one i would trust as correct,
i see on the form that particular question, the box has plenty of room for explanation:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th November 2011, 21:19
a bit of a silly question that one, as it already has asked his nationality, and dob

15th November 2011, 22:39
a bit of a silly question that one, as it already has asked his nationality, and dob

I know... That's why am so confuse! :icon_lol: My hubby said I shall put 'since birth' or Arthur's answer.

Arthur Little
15th November 2011, 23:45
i think i read on another thread , the answer there was to put his date of birth ?

:NoNo: ... the dob would've already BEEN answered - independently - in the series of boxes directly above [bar one] in the same section where the question of "how long the partner has lived in the UK" is asked, Stewart.

15th November 2011, 23:57
:NoNo: ... the dob would've already BEEN answered - independently - in the series of boxes directly above [bar one] in the same section where the question of "how long the partner has lived in the UK" is asked, Stewart.

yes sorry arthur my mistake, it wasnt meant to contradict you, just that quickly in my mind i had remembered id seen this, and quoted what id seen without giving enough thought ,

i did come back as you can see and quoted, #7( sorry didnt mean to confuse matters, arthur answer is the one i would trust as correct,):xxgrinning--00xx3:

seems a silly question on the form anyway, as also the form has already catered for his nationality ,

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 00:03
I mean ... the birth date itself, DOESN'T relate in any way to how long a person has lived ... well ... :anerikke: ... ANYWHERE for that matter! :NoNo:

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 00:08
yes sorry arthur my mistake, it wasnt meant to contradict you, just that quickly in my mind i had remembered id seen this, and quoted what id seen without giving enough thought ,

i did come back as you can see and quoted, #7( sorry didnt mean to confuse matters, arthur answer is the one i would trust as correct,):xxgrinning--00xx3:

seems a silly question on the form anyway, as also the form has already catered for his nationality ,

Stewart, my friend, it's not a problem ... some of these forms CAN be downright :censored: confusing!

16th November 2011, 00:16
i think these forms are designed to confuse :doh:icon_lol:

16th November 2011, 00:23
Haven't you argumentative Scots got ilicit Stills to attend to or summat ? :D

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 00:39
i see on the form that particular question, the box has plenty of room for explanation:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:rolleyes: ... so I noticed too!! That's probably to cater for British-born folk who've lived out of the UK for some considerable time ... to allow them to explain the reason(s) for their absence ... if it amounts to more than 'x' number of years, for instance ... and/or for partners who are, perhaps, naturalised British Citizens.

16th November 2011, 00:41
Haven't you argumentative Scots got ilicit Stills to attend to or summat ? :D

hey yorkie, :icon_lol: im a born n bread yorkshire man :olddude:

16th November 2011, 00:43
:rolleyes: ... so I noticed too!! That's probably to cater for folk who've lived out of the UK for some considerable time ... to explain the reason(s) for their absence ... if it amounts to more than 'x' number of years, for instance ... and/or for partners who are naturalised British Citizens.

i know who to get help from with my forms:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th November 2011, 00:54
hey yorkie, :icon_lol: im a born n bread yorkshire man :olddude:

I know....just kidding. ;)

Now go and sort those Scots out.

They've already got far too much space up there ! Shall we send em a few thousand up from Manningham to seed the area and build some mosques ? :icon_lol:

16th November 2011, 01:00
no thanks you keep em, iv already been eth cleansed, :laugher: i came up here to be with civelised people :Kilt:

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 01:01
Haven't you argumentative Scots got ilicit Stills to attend to or summat ? :D

Ah ... fair dos to Stewart ... he's not actually a Scot by birth :nono-1-1: ... but he'd the good sense to move to the Land o' the :Kilt: 'n' heather many moons ago! So you COULD say it's his "adopted country". :)

16th November 2011, 01:04
There MUST be SOMETHING useful you can do with all that heather though Arthur. :Erm:

16th November 2011, 01:05
Manningham in bradford ,? i know that area well lol, didnt i hear the council sold the cartwright hall (a monument to our history herritage) to be turned into a mosque

16th November 2011, 01:06
Ah ... fair dos to Stewart ... he's not actually a Scot by birth :nono-1-1: ... but he'd the good sense to move to the Land o' the :Kilt: 'n' heather many moons ago! So you COULD say it's his "adopted country". :)

an honery scot :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th November 2011, 01:14
Manningham in bradford ,? i know that area well lol, didnt i hear the council sold the cartwright hall (a monument to our history herritage) to be turned into a mosque

Very likely. :rolleyes:

On local news today .....that Scouts selling Poppies in Bradford the other day had been harassed and beaten by thugs from certain ethnic groups originating from mussie land. :NoNo::angry:

16th November 2011, 01:16
On a brighter note:

Beautiful Loch Tay where my son and I spent a lovely day or two camping. :)


16th November 2011, 01:22
yeah bonnie scotland,, theres beutiful sights to be seen in yorkshire too, all in uk has some beutiful locations

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 01:24
There MUST be SOMETHING useful you can do with all that heather though Arthur. :Erm:

Hmm ... there is - or rather - WAS! Once upon a time, I'd a girlfriend called Heather. And the most useful thing I did, was "ditch her"! :cwm24:

16th November 2011, 01:26
I had one called 'Herald'...maybe saying I PUT her in a ditch is more appropriate. :icon_lol:

16th November 2011, 01:27
Hmm ... there is - or rather - WAS! Once upon a time, I'd a girlfriend called Heather. And the most useful thing I did, was "ditch her"! :cwm24:

not in the peat bog i hope , is peat not the source of once was heather ?

16th November 2011, 01:30
yeah bonnie scotland,, theres beutiful sights to be seen in yorkshire too, all in uk has some beutiful locations

Taken during one of my work days travelling in N.Yorks: :)

Just the way my satnav took me to a call.


Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 01:32
Aye, maun ... we've everything anyone could ever wish for up here - atrocious weather :raining: excepted!

16th November 2011, 01:41
:icon_lol::icon_lol:certainly got the weather here

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 01:44
an honery scot ... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:omg: ... a HORNY Scot, eh?

16th November 2011, 01:51
:omg: ... a HORNY Scot, eh?

my spellings bad,,,,,, but that too :laugher::laugher:

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 01:55
... is peat not the source of once was heather ?

D'you mean a trans~sexual? :yikes:

Which reminds me ... have you heard the :joke: about the Highland lesbian?

"She preferred Heather to Pete"!

16th November 2011, 01:58

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 02:01
... is peat not the source of once was heather ?

;) Seriously, though ... I believe you're right!

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 02:10
:icon_sorry:, Graham ... we're not ignoring your valuable input to our reminiscences. I'm referring, in particular, to the beautiful photos you've attached to #26 and #31, respectively. Marvellous as always! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 02:22
I had one called 'Herald'...maybe saying I PUT her in a ditch is more appropriate. :icon_lol:

Surely that was a 'Triumph' :transam-front-ramai... wasn't it?

Apologies ... BEST I could find :yeahthat: from the icons available!

16th November 2011, 02:23
No probs Arthur.

I'm in bed asleep now anyway. :D

16th November 2011, 02:27
;) Seriously, though ... I believe you're right!

there you go graham thats the useful thing for heather

(There MUST be SOMETHING useful you can do with all that heather though Arthur.)

i love the smell of burning peat when walking down the street in strichen :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th November 2011, 02:28
time for bed good night all :Wave:

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 02:35
(There MUST be SOMETHING useful you can do with all that heather though Arthur.)

i love the smell of burning peat when walking down the street in strichen :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Aye, Stewart ... yon bumptious wee MSP o' yours - one Alex Salmond :Kilt: - certainly kens how tae "set the heather on fire!" does he no' ?

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 02:57
Poor Mel ... :sorry-2: ... I'll bet when you started this thread for the purpose of getting a simple answer to a perfectly staightforward question, you never dreamt for a moment it'd attract so many irrelevant responses. :NoNo:

:rolleyes: ... talk about going off at a tangent ... :D

Arthur Little
16th November 2011, 03:06
... and ME ? Well ...:anerikke: ... I HAVE to admit to being as much to blame as ANYBODY !

16th November 2011, 12:11
It's ok Arthur!:):icon_lol: I also enjoyed reading all the posts and seen the lovely photos from Grahamw48. Well that's the main thing.. My husband work for BP ship and away for 3 months and off for two months he's a Engineer. He also live with me in the Philippines for the last 5 years. We moved here last 2009 when my spouse visa approved. But this is his main residence. I guess It is better to explain it. Any help guys?

16th November 2011, 12:16
i think these forms are designed to confuse :doh:icon_lol:

Yes, I agree!:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

16th November 2011, 12:33
It's ok Arthur!:):icon_lol: I also enjoyed reading all the posts and seen the lovely photos from Grahamw48. Well that's the main thing.. My husband work for BP ship and away for 3 months and off for two months he's a Engineer. He also live with me in the Philippines for the last 5 years. We moved here last 2009 when my spouse visa approved. But this is his main residence. I guess It is better to explain it. Any help guys?

Good idea.
Just write a small explanation on or attached to the form. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th November 2011, 17:14
:rolleyes: ... so I noticed too!! That's probably to cater for British-born folk who've lived out of the UK for some considerable time ... to allow them to explain the reason(s) for their absence ... if it amounts to more than 'x' number of years, for instance ... and/or for partners who are, perhaps, naturalised British Citizens.

Or probably to cater for the guy born in downtown Poznan 30 years ago then spending the last 5 years getting his British Passport. :rolleyes:

16th November 2011, 18:27
Aye, Stewart ... yon bumptious wee MSP o' yours - one Alex Salmond :Kilt: - certainly kens how tae "set the heather on fire!" does he no' ?

thats one guy theres just something about him i dont like, cant pin point it but its there

16th November 2011, 18:29
Poor Mel ... :sorry-2: ... I'll bet when you started this thread for the purpose of getting a simple answer to a perfectly staightforward question, you never dreamt for a moment it'd attract so many irrelevant responses. :NoNo:

:rolleyes: ... talk about going off at a tangent ... :D

yes sorry from me too ,, but hope you enjoyed the banter :icon_lol:

16th November 2011, 19:47
yes sorry from me too ,, but hope you enjoyed the banter :icon_lol:

No problem.. :Hellooo: