View Full Version : Arroyo Arrested

18th November 2011, 14:28
Former President Arroyo was arrested for fraud while in service...despite of her appeal to be allowed to leave the country for medical reason, the court released her warrant of arrest


18th November 2011, 15:35
Can they extend that arrest warrent to pretty much all politicians, not just in the Philippines, but in the world!!!!

18th November 2011, 16:22
I notice Joseph Estrada is being particularly critical of GMA

He was also a former president and also sentenced to permanent imprisonment for plunder.

He ran for president again in 2010

Probably GMA will again run as presidential candidate.

Only in the Philippines :rolleyes:

18th November 2011, 16:35
Yep, was reading this on a FB post by one of my relations out there.

One thing is for sure, they'll never run out of crooks ready to run...I mean RUIN that country. :NoNo:

Arthur Little
18th November 2011, 17:09
"Vengeance is MINE!" :Blacklistliar: sayeth Aquino ...

Arthur Little
18th November 2011, 17:21
... :anerikke: ... looks to me like trumped-up charges, stemming from a bitter, long-standing political vendetta between two feuding families - the Arroyos and the Aquinos !! :doh

18th November 2011, 19:45
Can they extend that arrest warrent to pretty much all politicians, not just in the Philippines, but in the world!!!!

It woulkd be a dream come true to see Blair & Bottler Brown have their collars felt - ugly wife Cherie could earn a bit more legal aid money

18th November 2011, 20:35
I hope her and her husband are jailed for a 1000 years. She is an evil woman.

18th November 2011, 23:53
It woulkd be a dream come true to see Blair & Bottler Brown have their collars felt - ugly wife Cherie could earn a bit more legal aid money

Mass Murderer Blair will have his day of judgement that, we can be sure of.

On a slightly lighter note, it tickles me how many still fawn over Mrs Marcos, making light over her extravagances. All paid for by the peoples money, keeping it up to this day, in the dark ages.

19th November 2011, 01:08
I agree.

The fact that Imelda has yet to see the inside of a jail cell tells you all you need to know about graft and corruption in the Philippines.

19th November 2011, 09:40
if there is only fairness in this world, and if proven for their crimes, I hope they'll pay the penalty just like an ordinary person....but the thing is, this all just politics....I wonder if she and her cronies will really see jail before their lawyers find ways to get them out of the country....I dont have enough faith in the government, even on the current administration, but I only have hope that he is not as corrupt like the previous two presidents. and I hope he got enough balls and spine to stand against people who will find ways to use him because they supported him during election and they want a payback....God bless the country....seriously, I also hope that people also will fight for our country against corruption

19th November 2011, 09:56
Election rigging and fraud
PCSO Lotto plundering
Plundering of the UN money earmarked for the armed forces.
Implication in the massacre of over 50 journalists.

They have to nail her on at least one of these, her husband has his fingers in just as many pies. The current administration has got to be tough on her. A local poll found 95% of Filipinos want her in jail.

19th November 2011, 10:09
To be fair, I admire GMA as an economist because she made the country able to stand during global crisis, when US had recession...Philippines rely on US and heavily influenced by the country, and she was able to implement economic policies and programs that helped the country stay afloat....though it was all due to the high remittance from OFWs and for corporations in the country owned by Filipino businessmen and other investors from other continents not just from the US

I hope justice will prevail....let it not be vengeance but justice...they owe it to the citizens of this country

23rd November 2011, 07:43
no matter who runs the country they have to deal with the same 100 families and the bishops...they run the country and have done for 400 years..... you have to deal with the devil to get anything done.... probably the mass murderering clan will never be jailed either. well , we will still retire in Palawan... unless they manage to ruin that as well