View Full Version : Labour Agent Jailed for Child Porn

22nd November 2011, 15:51
The agent of Labour MP Chris Bryant has been jailed after thousands of child pornography pictures were found on his laptops.

Divorced father of two Stephen Carnell, 58, chairman of a primary school board of governors, was sentenced to three years in jail.

Judge John Curran said: “This has been one of the largest number of images and movies I’ve ever had to deal with.”

He had 12,130 indecent images of children plus 453 movies showing sickening abuse of children aged from 1 to 11.

Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court heard that Carnell began downloading the images eight years ago. When he let police into his home, he told them: “The child pornography is on my laptops. I’ve been stupid.”

Carnell was a .Labour councillor .before working for Mr Bryant in his Rhondda constituency.

David Pugh, prosecuting, said: “He was also distributing the images through internet file-sharing to swap with other paedophiles.”

Carnell, of Tonypandy, who will have to register as a sex offender for life, admitted 35 counts of making indecent images, possession and distribution between May 2003 and March 2011.

Judge Curran said: “Anyone who is twisted enough to take part in this activity is going to be severely dealt with"


As always with this sort of despicable pond life I hope he gets regular brutal beatings from the other inmates

Chris Bryant (Shadow Immigration Minister :laugher:) will no doubt be putting MP'ing on the back burner whilst he distances himself from this creature

22nd November 2011, 15:55
Only 3 years ?

Ridiculous. :NoNo:

All those ruined lives.

22nd November 2011, 16:33
Only 3 years ?

Ridiculous. :NoNo:

All those ruined lives.

Limp wristed judge :angry:

22nd November 2011, 19:55
He should have been castrated with a couple of bricks:cwm23:

22nd November 2011, 22:00
Hopefully he'll get them trapped in a cell door. :cwm24:

Arthur Little
23rd November 2011, 14:19
He should have been castrated with a couple of bricks :cwm23:

Hopefully he'll get them trapped in a cell door. :cwm24:

Yeah :rolleyes: ... a third possible scenario might be whereupon, in the event of his making a failed escape bid, :Bolt: there's every chance he COULD end up with his gonads :icon_tonguew: suspended on the "nick's" high barbed~wire~topped perimeter fence - thereby spending the remainder of his sentence singing soprano in the prison choir! :cwm24: