View Full Version : Why Philippines is not a favourite tourist destination ?

23rd November 2011, 02:52
I was checking few travel magazines and even read some local newspapers, I was surprised that they have all the tourist destinations in Asia like Thailand, Vietnam, Bali and so on. So sad that despite how close the countries in Asia are, nothing mentioned about Philippines. :Erm:

I may sound bias but I traveled to other Asian countries and I have to say Filipinos can speak better English, which is a plus for tourism. I know security issues and stuff like that are few of the reasons but I think other countries do have them as well...

What are your thoughts about this?

23rd November 2011, 05:27
The Philippines has the potential to be a great tourist destination, but the failure is the government's support.

At the moment you have a splattering of mediocre resorts with a few good ones and bad ones thrown around the country, a very poor infrastructure for getting into the country and getting to and from these resorts. Safety and security isn't particularly fantastic. The beaches aren't very well looked after and the water in places like cebu tends to be polluted and full of yuck!

Its internal airlines are currently not recommended for use by US and European governments to its citizens because of safety issues.

The only news that appears pertaining to the Philippines tends to be of a negative nature about the government or issues down south with kidnappings, which gives the impression of an unstable country.

When my parents visited in Cebu they were very uncomfortable. They found Cebu very dirty in general, were very wary about most places they ate and were often dissapointed. They enjoyed their visit, but it didn't live up to expectations when compared to places like Thailand or Bali.

The other issue is the scamming that goes on at the places of of interest, which scares people. Or being stopped by the police for bribes etc etc.

To make the Philippines a tourist destination, the government would need to put a lot of effort in to support that. At the moment, the government of the Philippines doesn't want any foreign interest and really doesn't like foreigners on its land. The upper echelon maintain their power by keeping out of the international limelight.

23rd November 2011, 06:36
Hi Confused and Ricky good post, I have been to cebu I personally had a good time there. In fact there are dirtier places in this country, I often think why do people want to visit London? and Birmingham? I admit there are some scenic places in this country. As for scams wouldnt you say parking and congestion charges are a scam? I dont think the older generation would appreciate the philippines. Me personally I feel safer in the philippines than I do here. You can pick the newspapers up here and everyday there will be a stabbing or shooting here.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2011, 06:47
Mother wanted to meet the wifes family and see where she grew up, so at 85, off we went, admitedly we stayed with her in a hotel in Angeles, albeit away from fields avenue,

She loved every minute of it, loved sm mall, cos she didn't have to walk, it was a bit tricky walking down the ally to get to nanays, the footpath was a bit uneven, if you could call it a footpath,

The biggest thing she noticed was the respect everyone had for each other, she felt like the queen.

23rd November 2011, 07:03
Ok I was in the hair salon in my home town when I found out about the philipines. The 2 hairdressers (LADIES) were talking about holidays. I joined in the conversation and one told me about Boracay and give me the link. I went home straight on the net and booked it within a couple of days. I asked her. How do you know about this place? She said my father is married to a phil woman and I go there for 3 weeks every year but I dont tell many people about it because its so beautiful.

23rd November 2011, 09:12
well there is good and bad everywhere on this planet, the more that go to the phils the more it may cost one day, but i think its the travel that stops many

23rd November 2011, 09:21
The roads being so dreadful don't help, a 100 mile journey which in most countries takes a couple of hours can take upwards of five hours here.

The population use the country as a rubbish bin, filthy streets covered in littler and pee don't make it very appealing for tourists.

Malaysia and Thailand advertise themselves endlessy on CNN and BBC world and other cable networks, the Philippines doesn't.

23rd November 2011, 09:35
Why isn't the Phil's a popular destination from the UK/EU? Ricky sums up a lot of what the west sees wrong with the Phils:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Many Brit's aren't even that sure where the Phil's is, and those who do know realise that it's stuck on the wrong side of the South China Sea, which means flight times of a further 3 or 4 hours. There is a lack of direct flights from UK/EU to Ph. With the demise of KLM's service, there will be no direct flights after April 2012. Most package tourists with a couple of kids in tow can't be bothered with transfers and waiting around in airport lounges for hours. They want to get on a plane and head straight to their destination. Thailand and Malaysia cater far better for EU tourists with direct flights to Bangkok, Phucket, Penang, Langkawi and KL.
Additionally, the Phil's doesnt promote itself in EU the way that Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia or even Vietnam or Cambodia do. When I tell people I'm going to Ph, they give the impression they think it's a filthy unsophisticated back water (which in all honesty, much of it is), but when I've said I'm going to Singapore, Hong Kong, Brunei, Borneo, Malaysia, Thailand or Vietnam they all want to talk about it and say how much they would love to go there and see such and such sites. TV travel programmes here regularly feature other SEA destinations and show them in a good light. People here know far more about Vietnam or Cambodia than Ph, and they've only been on the general tourist map for the last 10 years.
The only time we hear of Ph on TV is when 100's of people are killed by a typhoon, or when 50 people are killed in a bus crash, or if someone is kidnapped. There is a very negative opinion of the Phil's in Europe.
If I'm honest, I've become disollusioned by the Phil's, I feel qualified to say that as I have travelled there a lot in the last 2 or 3 years, 8 times in fact. I've also travelled around a lot of other parts of SEA, and my opinion is that what I've seen elsewhere in SEA is much better suited to tourists than in PH, the food is much better, everything is cheaper (except HK/SG), the infrastructure is better, i don't feel that everyone is out to scam me at every opportunity. The truth is, if my g/f wasn't a Pinay, I wouldn't go back to the Phil's for many of the reasons Ricky has stated plus the other reasons I've stated.
The Phils could become a great tourist destination if it invested properly, but as we all know, the people at the top are quite happy to cream off the money needed for investment for themselves.

edit: The Pinoys working in the toursim and service industry in PH also need to welcome tourists and cater for them, instead of seeing them as a target to scam/rip off. If they actively welcome tourists, give them a good service rather than the impression they are trying to rip them off, they might see a few more tourists which in turn will help boost tourism numbers and of course their income. Most Pinoy's only think about today and what they can make today, they can't look into the future and plan for it.

23rd November 2011, 09:45
the answers to this question: politics, lack of support from the government, lack of security

- for example, the governor of a certain province focused on eco-tourism, made a lot of effort, put a lot of money on this project. and here comes the election, sadly this said governor wasnt re-elected, reasons run a long list. The next elected official is from the opposing political party, and maybe a long time feud runs between the two politicians. The new-elect governor didnt pursue the eco-tourism project, in fact fired those people in charge of the said project because they didnt vote for him. That's one scenario that affects tourism or promotion of tourism in the country.

- For so many problems in the country, I dont think tourism will be the top priority. Every allotted budget for each divisions, or whatever they call it, is already not enough. Say for education, military, and food, which are the top priority of the country, these dont even have enough budget for a year. What is more for tourism?

- Rebels, terrorists in the country keep the tourist away from this beautiful country. Other thing, because of poverty, a lot of people are forced by their circumstances to kidnap, rob, hold-up, etc just to survive.

23rd November 2011, 09:46
the answers to this question: politics, lack of support from the government, lack of security

- for example, the governor of a certain province focused on eco-tourism, made a lot of effort, put a lot of money on this project. and here comes the election, sadly this said governor wasnt re-elected, reasons run a long list. The next elected official is from the opposing political party, and maybe a long time feud runs between the two politicians. The new-elect governor didnt pursue the eco-tourism project, in fact fired those people in charge of the said project because they didnt vote for him. That's one scenario that affects tourism or promotion of tourism in the country.

- For so many problems in the country, I dont think tourism will be the top priority. Every allotted budget for each divisions, or whatever they call it, is already not enough. Say for education, military, and food, which are the top priority of the country, these dont even have enough budget for a year. What is more for tourism?

- Rebels, terrorists in the country keep the tourist away from this beautiful country. Other thing, because of poverty, a lot of people are forced by their circumstances to kidnap, rob, hold-up, etc just to survive.

Maria B
23rd November 2011, 11:04
Hello Confused Me,

It's not that it's not a fave tourist destination. Simply, other people from the UK doesn't know where & what Philippines is.

I am even a bit dissapointed if you are in the UK, there's no Tourist destination going to the Philippines. As Travel Bag said, British doesn't want to travel long hours or jumping to another airline or wait longer hours at the airport just to reach Philippines. Some English friends would ask me if Philippines is part of Thailand. It's a shame as there are a lot of beautiful places to explore way back home but Phil gov't failed to market it well. Oh yeah, there's Wow, Philippines http://www.wowphilippines.co.uk/offers/country/UK but it's not promoted well. All you can hear is mostly bad reputations that they heard from other people. I don't blame them. Maybe, they are just in the wrong area of their destination in the Phils.

I agree with you :xxgrinning--00xx3:...Yes Pinoys can speak better english than other asians with our tender loving customer care service which is not a skill, but a natural thing to us Pinoys. That's why NHS & private sectors loves it when there are Pinoys working for them.

Talking about DIRTY. There's a lot of dirty areas all over the world. Even here in the UK, some UK holiday hotel destinations are dirty as well. But why focus on the dirty stuff? If you don't like it, go to the other area of the place & explore & stop bragging about it. Like in Cebu, Philippines for example....yes there are dirty areas like other places in the world but have they seen the Sumilon Island, Moalboal Island, Bantayan Island, Camotes Island, Malapascua Island & some resorts in the South & North of Cebu, not to mention the small islets in Mactan area (for island hopping in a day)???? This are only names of the places but with different areas & sites to see.

Lots of beautiful places to explore Philippines attractions by City that tourist doesn't know:
Luzon: Sagada (Sumaguing Cave & Hanging Coffins), Corregidor, Rice Terraces, Mt. Pinatubo, Mt. Mayon, Intramuros, Ilocos Norte, Vigan, Tagaytay (Taal Lake & Volcano), Subic, Clark, etc.
Visayas: Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary (Cebu), Boracay, Bohol, Samar (Calicoan Island), Siquijor, Kawasan Falls Moalboal Cebu, Romblon, Panay, Dumaguete, Tacloban, Iloilo, Calanggaman Island Leyte....etc.
Mindanao: Naked Island & Dako Island Siargao, Camiguin, Surigao, Davao, Zamboanga, Cagayan de Oro, Bislig, Bukidnon, Iligan...etc.

Lucky are those who have seen the beauty of half of the 7,107 Islands of the Philippines. Also to mention Palawan's Underground River was among the New 7 Wonders of the World as of 12 Nov 2011.

I guess it's the airline flight frequency as well. It's too much for the airline to spend extra miles on their AvGas like:
*Cathay Pacific it's Heathrow London stop over Hongkong then final destination Manila or Cebu.
*If Malaysian Airline it's Heathrow London stop over Malaysia then final destionation Manila or Cebu.
*Qatar Airlines it's Heathrow London, stop over Qatar then final destination Manila or Cebu.
And a lot of Int'l flights from Heathrow London then stop over before Philippines as Final Destination. There's also Int'l. Airline from Birmingham Airport but longer hours.
Lots of int'l. airline to check like KLM, Singapore & Brunei Airlines, etc...It depends to travellers final destination in the Philippines either in Manila: Ninoy Aquino International Airport or in Cebu: Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority.

Unlike in Malaysia, Thailand, Bali, Vietnam....they are just a bit nearer for a package tour but airline doesn't want to spend extra miles for example you are in Malaysia then will spend another 3-4hrs going to the Philippines just for a tour??? Options would be a holiday in the Philippines then either spend the holiday - locally (depends what's your interest in like nature trekking, scuba diving, bird watching, nature lover trip, extreme adventure, family beach resorts) or international direct flights from Philippines to (asia) Hongkong, Japan, Korea, Brnuei, Malaysia, Vietam for a package tour.


Maria B
23rd November 2011, 11:14
Why isn't the Phil's a popular destination from the UK/EU? Ricky sums up a lot of what the west sees wrong with the Phils:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Many Brit's aren't even that sure where the Phil's is, and those who do know realise that it's stuck on the wrong side of the South China Sea, which means flight times of a further 3 or 4 hours. There is a lack of direct flights from UK/EU to Ph. With the demise of KLM's service, there will be no direct flights after April 2012. Most package tourists with a couple of kids in tow can't be bothered with transfers and waiting around in airport lounges for hours. They want to get on a plane and head straight to their destination. Thailand and Malaysia cater far better for EU tourists with direct flights to Bangkok, Phucket, Penang, Langkawi and KL.


23rd November 2011, 11:53
Hi. This is a genuine question and not a statement, but are there places of cultural interest in Phils? Bangkok has it's fantatstic temples, for example. Is there anything comparable to that in Phils?

I loved visiting Boracay and Batangas and Tagaytay but was always annoyed by the street vendors who had a very "in your face" approach. It kind of spoiled the time spent there.

On the positive side, (scamming was mentioned in an earlier posting) scamming isnt just specific to Phils, it is rife in Thailand also.

23rd November 2011, 12:08
Sometime back this year I was in a relationship with a girl from Samar island. I discovered that there was many places of interest on the island yet it was difficult to get about. No hire cars or taxis etc. While foraging around on the internet I came across a document or two that suggested that there was a tourism explosion waiting to happen there and things were happening slowly but surely.....

23rd November 2011, 12:22
The 'average' Brit tourist would find the Phils to be a very scarey and backward place.

The very reason I like it.

From a purely selfish point of view.....let our drunken idiots and their horrid badly behaved brats continue to create havoc elsewhere. :)

23rd November 2011, 13:28
Hi. This is a genuine question and not a statement, but are there places of cultural interest in Phils? Bangkok has it's fantatstic temples, for example. Is there anything comparable to that in Phils?

I loved visiting Boracay and Batangas and Tagaytay but was always annoyed by the street vendors who had a very "in your face" approach. It kind of spoiled the time spent there.

On the positive side, (scamming was mentioned in an earlier posting) scamming isnt just specific to Phils, it is rife in Thailand also.

I would imagine that due to various colonialists (Spanish, British, American) and more recently WW2 a lot of ancient sites will have been destroyed. Until the Spanish took over in the 1500's, it had been a Muslim area for centuries. The Spanish inserted their architectural influence in Intramuros and no doubt destroyed a lot of the Muslim architecture, but I believe that much of it was destroyed when the British took over Intramuros for a couple of years in the early 1800's. Then of course the US took over and the architecture followed US style. WW2 and the Japanese occupation combined with fierce shelling and fighting with the US and allies would have taken it's toll in architecture. Another factor why ancient building haven't survived could be the severe flooding and typhoons which affects Ph far more than neighbouring countries.
In a nutshell, I've found a lot of Spanish influenced Churches and Municipal buildings, and of course now, modern architecture is high rise blocks or sprawling malls:rolleyes:

I agree scamming and street vendors aren't limited to just Ph, but I have found them to be far more prevalent there. I've had many great trips to Ph - Mindoro, Bohol, Panglao, Boracay, Palawan, Tagaytay....etc, but my last trip to Caramoan was very off putting, the locals there were the vilest humans I've met on my travels anywhere in the world, and this has left a bad taste in my mouth regarding Ph. So much that I don't particularly want to go back there any time soon, my next 2 trips east are to Vietnam and then Singapore/Malaysia and Thailand.

23rd November 2011, 14:13
Yes the street vendors. :cwm23: I imagine some people can blank them out of their heads but I couldnt do that. I think, towards the end I was dealing with them with humour but even so they still seemed to be with you wherever you went. :furious3:

23rd November 2011, 14:20
The vendors and other (millions) of poor folk make me feel very lucky.

Though I'm always careful regarding pickpockets, etc, I also avoid appearing arrogant, and try to show compassion for those less fortunate than myself. :)

Spread the love. :D :heartshape1:

23rd November 2011, 14:36
The thread asked the question on why the Phils is not a favourite tourist destination. And that was something that put me off, as a tourist. Something that I imagine would also put some other folk off.

23rd November 2011, 15:23
The 'average' Brit tourist would find the Phils to be a very scarey and backward place....

I'd actually find that hard to argue against.

IMO Philippines is an acquired taste and to some extent it's a taste that, over the years, I've acquired. But make no mistake it's been a very hard road.
The only reason I've stuck to that road is down to the fact that it's the country of my wife and her family. That's why we visit.

I have to say IMO it's never going to be a mainstream tourist destination.

There's a lot to see in the Philippines, but they just don't show it!
It actually has great beaches, great scenery, mostly nice weather and generally friendly people. English is widely spoken and it can be a very relaxing place.


There are hardly any direct flights from Europe and generally the cost of getting there is rather more expensive than to the regular tourist destinations.

There's no major attraction. No 'hook'. You know, a tourist reason to actually go.
No highest building, no great wall, no beautiful temples, no Taj Mahal no pyramids etc. People on this forum have only one reason to go and it's not a tourist reason.

Not much to put on that touristy 'bucket list'.
So what would a real tourist with no strong ties to the country actually find by visiting?

Unless you're prepared to stay for the duration in that luxury spa resort just metres from the cyrstal clears waters of Manila Bay, you'll find the transportation and infrastructure is hopeless. It just never 'cuts the mustard' for those 7-14 day tourist packages. That, after all is where the money is to be made.

Most of SE Asia popular tourist areas originated on the overland backpacker trails.
You just don't find that many backpackers travelling around the Philippines

So I guess there'll never be any newly discovered tourist spots.

23rd November 2011, 15:41
You're absolutely correct Terpe:xxgrinning--00xx3: I'd say that the only reason 99% of us go there is for our other halves. Personally, I've had enough for now and want to see other places. It doesn't mean I won't go back, I'm sure I'll have to at some point, and will no doubt have a great time there, but I don't look forward to going there with the same sense of excitement that I did on my first few trips. In fact, after I left last time, I actually said to myself that I'd never go back again:icon_lol: After my next 2 trips east, I'm seriously tempted to see what South America has to offer

23rd November 2011, 16:04
..........just metres from the cyrstal clear waters of Manila Bay......

Another reason.....

23rd November 2011, 17:12
I was checking few travel magazines and even read some local newspapers, I was surprised that they have all the tourist destinations in Asia like Thailand, Vietnam, Bali and so on. So sad that despite how close the countries in Asia are, nothing mentioned about Philippines. :Erm:

I may sound bias but I traveled to other Asian countries and I have to say Filipinos can speak better English, which is a plus for tourism. I know security issues and stuff like that are few of the reasons but I think other countries do have them as well...

What are your thoughts about this?

The time and effort it takes to get there. We have the Americas for example less than 9 hrs away without changing planes.

When you have limited time like 2 to 3 weeks max, you don't want to spend 4 days of that flying back and forth. This in my opinion why it won't attract main stream tourism.

23rd November 2011, 18:04
I don't totally agree with the "it's too far" excuse, because Australia is much further and remains very very popular.

If it wasn't for Marvie I wouldn't have gone back to the Philippines, nor lived there. The people are wonderful and there are some things worth seeing.

I've travelled the world extensively, well over a hundred countries visited. I thoroughly enjoy visiting Thailand, Malaysia, Bali, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Macau, Korea but in the Philippines get easily tired.

There are some amazingplaces in the world, whether its the Inca Trail in Peru, The Pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall in China. As has been said above, it's hard to find a real pull to the Philippines.

If their was a real focus and energy put into encouraging and developing tourism, then the country has fantastic potential.

23rd November 2011, 19:25
I don't totally agree with the "it's too far" excuse, because Australia is much further and remains very very popular.

If it wasn't for Marvie I wouldn't have gone back to the Philippines, nor lived there. The people are wonderful and there are some things worth seeing.

I've travelled the world extensively, well over a hundred countries visited. I thoroughly enjoy visiting Thailand, Malaysia, Bali, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Macau, Korea but in the Philippines get easily tired.

There are some amazingplaces in the world, whether its the Inca Trail in Peru, The Pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall in China. As has been said above, it's hard to find a real pull to the Philippines.

If their was a real focus and energy put into encouraging and developing tourism, then the country has fantastic potential.
Very nice if you got deep pockets and all the time in the world...either that or work for a shipping company:rolleyes:

I wonder out of all those tourists going to Oz are actually visiting family...a great many I guess.

23rd November 2011, 20:05
+ 1,000s of 'gap year' backpackers spending nowt. :)

23rd November 2011, 20:24
well i for one love it there , the people and the price of things i think are great

23rd November 2011, 20:25
but must admit, if emma was not in my life well would i have ever been to the phils i doubt it

23rd November 2011, 20:26
When I went to Australia - Heathrow to Singapore to Sydney with BA it took about 23 hours including a 4 hour transfer in Singapore. My first trip to Manila - Heathrow - Doha - Manila with Qatar Airways took about 28 hours e/w due to the 10+ hour transfers in Doha.

I appreciate that you can get to Manila in around 16-17 hours if you get good connections, but in the main it's around 20 hours from here if you go via the Middle East. Western tourists don't mind the extra 4 hours to get to Oz because when they get there they know there will be something to do - great infrastructure, lots of touristy things, and a great number of Brits have rellies over there.

A tourist with no connections to the Phil's wouldn't bother with it, they'd either stay on the other side of the SC Sea in Indochina, or go to Borneo, Indonesia (Bali/Lombok/Java) or head over to Oz with a decent stopover in SG/KL or HK

Arthur Little
23rd November 2011, 20:31
I wonder out of all those "tourists" going to Oz are actually visiting family ...a great many I guess.

:iagree: ... I'd say it IS, without doubt, by far the MAIN reason! :yeahthat:

23rd November 2011, 20:33
You and me both, Steve.

Although like you suggest, its a wonderful place warts and all. :)

Also agree about backpackers... They are not known to push the boat out.

23rd November 2011, 21:07
I agree with what Maria B has said. There are dirty places in the uk. And has for street vendors. We dont have beggers here do we?. I think you live on another planet some of you. As for places of interest in ph. Almost everywhere you go there are places of interest if you do a bit of homework. Like Maria said a lot of people have get ph confused with Thailand. I have never been there so I wont comment on it.

23rd November 2011, 21:09
mostly people in phils are more interested about america than countries in europe...thus not bother to promote themselves nor the country to europe countries....i remember in school never i heard about europe much even in our world history subject...its just that recently that new generation widen them knowledge about europe and its b'coz of employment and internet chatting....if most people in europe dont know where phils is its the same thing with most of the filipinos....as they always ask...where part of america is UK?....lol

23rd November 2011, 21:16
I agree I have a few shout to me HEY JOE. It does get my back up being took for a yank but I just keep the peace.

23rd November 2011, 21:44
I agree I have a few shout to me HEY JOE. It does get my back up being took for a yank but I just keep the peace.

I've never been called Joe before, but whenever I go to Amsterdam, shady looking characters come up to me and whisper " Charlie" at me:Erm:

23rd November 2011, 22:01
I've never been called Joe before, but whenever I go to Amsterdam, shady looking characters come up to me and whisper " Charlie" at me:Erm:


23rd November 2011, 22:56
Charlie is what the US soldiers called the North Vietnamese army soldiers during the US-Vietnam war, I don't think it's a good idea for me to call any Vietnamese I meet there Charlie:omg:

Which reminds me of this great song from the mid 80's


23rd November 2011, 23:22
There was me thinking it mean't coke :)

Been called Joe many times...usual reply, what you doing with that gun in your hand...puzzled looks follow :icon_lol:

24th November 2011, 01:02
Hehehe... Yea a lot of Pinoys are more Americanized so to speak... American TV, American accent (daw), even school / education was structured similar to that of US... Funny thought though...

mostly people in phils are more interested about america than countries in europe...thus not bother to promote themselves nor the country to europe countries....i remember in school never i heard about europe much even in our world history subject...its just that recently that new generation widen them knowledge about europe and its b'coz of employment and internet chatting....if most people in europe dont know where phils is its the same thing with most of the filipinos....as they always ask...where part of america is UK?....lol

24th November 2011, 01:06
So selfish of you huh? I encountered one couple in Boracay one time and they flew to Philippines instead of Indonesia coz weather in Indo is not that good that time. so funny they told me that they gonna keep this destination secret. They liked the place as it is without too many tourists flocking about
The 'average' Brit tourist would find the Phils to be a very scarey and backward place.

The very reason I like it.

From a purely selfish point of view.....let our drunken idiots and their horrid badly behaved brats continue to create havoc elsewhere. :)

24th November 2011, 01:12
Not as much difference with flights going to Sydney... There's always a stopover before they reach Oz... They just fly from one stopover ... skipped Pinas... and onward to their destination.

Philippines I guess needs to push more on advertising tourism and improving the airports (Talk about NAIA as number one worst airport :NoNo:)

I guess it's the airline flight frequency as well. It's too much for the airline to spend extra miles on their AvGas like:
*Cathay Pacific it's Heathrow London stop over Hongkong then final destination Manila or Cebu.
*If Malaysian Airline it's Heathrow London stop over Malaysia then final destionation Manila or Cebu.
*Qatar Airlines it's Heathrow London, stop over Qatar then final destination Manila or Cebu.
And a lot of Int'l flights from Heathrow London then stop over before Philippines as Final Destination. There's also Int'l. Airline from Birmingham Airport but longer hours.
Lots of int'l. airline to check like KLM, Singapore & Brunei Airlines, etc...It depends to travellers final destination in the Philippines either in Manila: Ninoy Aquino International Airport or in Cebu: Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority.

24th November 2011, 01:21
Same thing as my hubby told me. He never knew that Philippines exists until he met me. I remember his face when he first landed there and I brought him straight to meet my whole family, sight seeing, beaches and island hopping. He never stopped talking about the experience to his family and friends eventhough I finally moved to UK with him. That's the first whole month vacation where he still have pocket money left when he got home.:)

If it wasn't for Marvie I wouldn't have gone back to the Philippines, nor lived there. The people are wonderful and there are some things worth seeing.

24th November 2011, 02:07
let our drunken idiots and their horrid badly behaved brats continue to create havoc elsewhere. :) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I dont mean to offend and I'm not pointing to anyone...This is just my general observation and based on news too....some foreigners act like they own the place, look down on us, and think they can buy us....when you are in a foreign land, somehow you have to observe the culture and views of the people in that country...as with the old saying, when you are in Rome, do as the Romans do...It's the same for us too, when we go to other countries, we do our best to accept the culture of the country.

As for great places here, I may sound selfish but I love the places as they are..virgin forest and islands....I tend to avoid crowded areas and tourist destinations. I rather be in the middle of a forest or in inhabited island to savor the beauty of nature....I guess for tourists who are looking for adventure, nature adventure, for backpackers, this country is a good choice. I've meet on the road a foreigner who came to the country with his surf board looking for the best place to surf, and he loved his stay. He just had his backpack and his surf board, lucky guy. But for general tourists, I wont recommend Philippines as a tourist destination. They all have the choice and I will steer them to Thailand, Malaysia, China, etc.

24th November 2011, 06:08
I can see that some people are a bit offended by the negative comments that some of us have written about the Philippines and seem to have taken it very personally. But these posts aren't supposed to be taken as moans about the Philippines but just a few observations that answer the OPs question.
My wife is Filipino and my children half Filipino and there are many things I love about at the country and will return.

But answering the question; 'Why the Philippines is not a favourite tourist destination?' the answers above all explain that unless things change, it won't become a favourite tourist destination. It will remain a place for people wanting to go 'off the beaten track' for a bit of adventure and risk.

24th November 2011, 06:48
Like some have said the long distance flight puts a lot of people off. I have noticed a increase on airfares for next year. Or is it me?

24th November 2011, 08:08
Airfares are definately creeping up, with the increases in taxes, fuel and inflation. The taxes are the worst problem.

24th November 2011, 09:21
When I was in Borocay in June, it was still heaving with people on holiday, even though it was the start of the rainy / off peak season. But it wasnt heaving with folk from the UK or even from Oz but from what appeared to be Japan and Taiwan (not entirely sure - I figured that there were few chinese). They were by far the majority of the holidaymakers there during that week. So presumably they go to Boracay because it is nowhere near so far as it is for us in the UK and because phils / Boracay has a much higher / better advertised profile in their home country?

24th November 2011, 11:24
Mainly Koreans in Borocay. :)

24th November 2011, 11:35
Not the document I was referring to earlier but interesting in relation to this thread.....


24th November 2011, 11:37
This was something like it.....there is obviously a drive on to boost tourism in the region.


24th November 2011, 11:41
thanks for the link, lastlid :xxgrinning--00xx3: a good move for the government....I love Samar and Leyte islands

24th November 2011, 11:47
Yes. The caves and the waterfalls are appealing. But getting there hasn't been too easy in the past. I think they have big plans to open up the natural attributes of the island to tourism.

24th November 2011, 11:52
The 'average' Brit tourist would find the Phils to be a very scarey and backward place.

The very reason I like it.

so true...before my husband visit the phils first time he's got lots of question about the country..how do we get water, what the food like..what the houses like if theres a proper bath and shower, resto, bars and infrustracture...and so i've thought what does he thinks of phils a bloody remote island where people wears grass skirts lol...he was surprised when he finally came and i tour him around the city ( makati) and most people speaks and understand english.

24th November 2011, 12:00
that's true.....roads are better now though.

24th November 2011, 12:01
so true...before my husband visit the phils first time he's got lots of question about the country..how do we get water, what the food like..what the houses like if theres a proper bath and shower, resto, bars and infrustracture...and so i've thought what does he thinks of phils a bloody remote island where people wears grass skirts lol...he was surprised when he finally came and i tour him around the city ( makati) and most people speaks and understand english.

I like your post there gparry! And good to see you have learned how to swear in english. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th November 2011, 12:04
that's true.....roads are better now though.

The bridge connecting the two islands looks like a good move....

24th November 2011, 12:31
The bridge connecting the two islands looks like a good move....

so true....the best effort made by Marcos while he was still in power......the San Juanico bridge has been there as far as I remember, I cant imagine Leyte and Samar without San Juanico Bridge :icon_lol:

24th November 2011, 12:33
Yes. An excellent example of the kind of investment the country needs.

24th November 2011, 12:51
so true...before my husband visit the phils first time he's got lots of question about the country..how do we get water, what the food like..what the houses like if theres a proper bath and shower, resto, bars and infrustracture...and so i've thought what does he thinks of phils a bloody remote island where people wears grass skirts lol...he was surprised when he finally came and i tour him around the city ( makati) and most people speaks and understand english.

My first visit I was soooo disappointed there were no grass skirts. :cwm3:

24th November 2011, 13:06
They are extending the airport in boracay too to accomadate larger aircraft.

24th November 2011, 14:11
My first visit I was soooo disappointed there were no grass skirts. :cwm3:

I was dissapointed that they wern't wearing skirts. Perhaps the subject for another thread but evidently traditional attire in Phils is either jeans or shorts (and t shirt) as opposed to skirts or dresses. My wife hasn't really given me any reason why except to say that's the tradition there.

24th November 2011, 15:03
My first visit I was soooo disappointed there were no grass skirts. :cwm3:

Get yourself on a Loboc River cruise in Bohol, the locals do a traditional song and dance show for the tourists and wear grass skirts.......although most of the women are toothless 70 year olds:icon_lol:

24th November 2011, 15:06
.................although most of the women are toothless 70 year olds:icon_lol:

Plenty of advantages with that. :omg:

Well if the stories behind many Fashion Health establishments in Japan are to be believed. :rolleyes:

24th November 2011, 15:27
By gum, eh lad ? :D

Of course the grass-skirted bamboo-stepping ladies can even be seen here at the Barrio Fiestas. :)

24th November 2011, 16:53
that's true.....roads are better now though.

:icon_lol: That made me laugh....compared to your potential competitors for example Thailand the Philippines are light years behind.

Im not rubbishing the country, far from it. Its going to be our home in the future.

As for the drunken set....( kids with no mortgage no babies no responsible, not a care in the world) these people spend serious money. I got nieces and nephews spending upwards of 300 pounds each weekend in there home town, be it on booze and little else, its still valuable foreign currency that could spent elsewhere...like the philippines. :)

Alas it won't happen.. Its .too far!...these big spenders have limited time...they need to get back to work :)

24th November 2011, 17:10
Possibly a better comparison would be somewhere like the Dominican Republic, where of course the tourists are normally carefully nannied and cosseted in fenced-off beach resorts.

I think that would be the only way for the Phils to go, but they already do that with the Asian tourists.

18-20 hours on a plane really IS a long time if there's just going to be a nice beach at the other end.

24th November 2011, 17:26
Possibly a better comparison would be somewhere like the Dominican Republic, where of course the tourists are normally carefully nannied and cosseted in fenced-off beach resorts.

I think that would be the only way for the Phils to go, but they already do that with the Asian tourists.

18-20 hours on a plane really IS a long time if there's just going to be a nice beach at the other end.

Actually that's a good point.
I remember many couples who spent literally thousands of pounds twice a year going to 'all-inclusive' Sandals in Jamaica. They always went to the same resort.
I don't think they ever left the confines of the resort, except on an a/c equipped tour coach.

Not how I would want to spend my time or money really, but each to their own.
They could do something similar in Phils, I agree, but it would need to include a direct charter flight from quite a few European airports imo. Maybe still too long a flight for many.

24th November 2011, 17:34
Yes, and I think that is why (probably sensibly) their target market is rich Asians....and no shortage of those within a 4 hour flight. :)

24th November 2011, 19:20
Yes, and I think that is why (probably sensibly) their target market is rich Asians....and no shortage of those within a 4 hour flight. :)

Have to agree again....geographically, from a European stand point The Philippines is in the wrong place....like Graham rightly said ' target rich Asians' instead of the average Brit.

I keep trying to give you reps but, im informed I need to spread them around. :)

24th November 2011, 19:55
I've given you one instead...if you'll pardon the expression. :icon_lol:...and Terpe.

You see, people only have to agree with me to get rep. hahaha.

24th November 2011, 20:08
Cheers Graham :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th November 2011, 21:14
I agree with ya Graham throw me a rep Chief!:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Seriously a great topic and some good points raised.
Personally i find the Phils raw and of course a bit different plus of course the best women in the World!:):):)

24th November 2011, 21:28
It'll have to be tomorrow mate...apparently I've used up my quota today. :cwm3:

....of reps that is, not women. :)

I too like places with a bit of adventure about them.
HATE touristy places, and even more-so ones full of Brits.

Swedish nuddy beaches I'm willing to make an exception for. :D

Peter D
24th November 2011, 22:27
I love visiting The Philippines and have done many times mainly for work reasons but I can well understand why the average tourist does not . An image I have of Manila is driving through a spaggetti junction type underpass late night in a traffic jam , dry hot and dusty with the roar of Jeepneys echoing off the greyish/black concrete and spewing exhaust smoke everywhere lit only by vehicle headlights and yet hundreds of people eeking a living on the narrow sidewalks , its about the only time I have felt intimidated by the blackness , noise and oppressive atmosphere , I think a typical tourist would have found the experience very offputting . Fortunately I also know the good side of Manila , I cannot remember ever having a stomach upset through eating in a restaraunt or takeaway and I have dined in some cheap gaffs mainly on seafood yet I have suffered plenty after eating in 5 star hotels in Hong Kong and Singapore over the years and this is probably the opposite to the experience most tourists expect . I had to go into Makati hospital once , no travel insurance and was expecting a large bill but got excellent and immediate treatment for not much more than the cost of a meal in a restaraunt , the fact everyone could speak better english than me helped take some of the anxiety out of the situation . I contrast this with a visit to hospital in Japan which really scared me mainly due to the difficulty I had communicating with the medical staff and that visit resulted in a very large bill . I agree let the tourists go to Thailand and Malaysia for now , eventually Philippines will catch up with these destinations but I cant see it happening soon .

24th November 2011, 22:30
Good post. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2011, 02:12
:icon_lol: That made me laugh....compared to your potential competitors for example Thailand the Philippines are light years behind.

at least I made you laugh...:icon_lol:...I agree with you there, gwapito, Thailand is far ahead of the Philippines. The only way for this country to be a tourist destination is if the government give a focus on it. Sad to say that's still in a far future. :cwm3:

25th November 2011, 02:23
at least I made you laugh...:icon_lol:...I agree with you there, gwapito, Thailand is far ahead of the Philippines. The only way for this country to be a tourist destination is if the government give a focus on it. Sad to say that's still in a far future. :cwm3:

You still got a wonderful country Sweetnote :) with or without mass tourism :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

What would attract more tourists is for the Filipino's to bring back there foreign partners to live...then, like in Oz there families will visit . :)

25th November 2011, 02:31
You still got a wonderful country Sweetnote :) with or without mass tourism :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:
:xxgrinning--00xx3: and wonderful people too :icon_lol:

25th November 2011, 02:35
:xxgrinning--00xx3: and wonderful people too :icon_lol:
That goes without saying...obviously :rolleyes::D

25th November 2011, 11:17
as for my personal point of view...am not bother if phils has been left behind by neighboring countries when it comes to tourism....may be a laid back life but i want to preserve the country just like that...place where most of the local if not only enjoy the beauty of the country rather than having investment on these beauty spots (became privately own) where locals cannot afford to get in but just few foreigner with fat pocket!

25th November 2011, 11:24
Good point.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I agree.

It would be nice to see the kind of foreign (manufacturing) investment that used to be put into the Phils economy a few years ago, rather than a few unsympathetic foreigners simply moving in and buying up the 'best bits'.

Again, the corruption aspect of Philippine society would need to be cleaned up a little to encourage that. Now of course there is corruption throughout business and commerce all over the world. The level has to be 'acceptable' though, and the country perceived to be 'stable'.
Unfortunately wage rates will always be the ultimate decider, and there is currently a lot of competition out there.

25th November 2011, 11:39
It would be nice to see the kind of foreign (manufacturing) investment that used to be put into the Phils economy a few years ago, rather than a few unsympathetic foreigners simply moving in and buying up the 'best bits'.

Again, the corruption aspect of Philippine society would need to be cleaned up a little to encourage that. Now of course there is corruption throughout business and commerce all over the world. The level has to be 'acceptable' though, and the country perceived to be 'stable'.
Unfortunately wage rates will always be the ultimate decider, and there is currently a lot of competition out there.


25th November 2011, 13:26
Good point.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I agree.

It would be nice to see the kind of foreign (manufacturing) investment that used to be put into the Phils economy a few years ago, .

too far to happen as most of manufacturing firms have been moved to thailand or indonesia as the labour is cheaper than phils. another problem is the strong work union that has been a pain in the .... among companies.

25th November 2011, 15:08
as for my personal point of view...am not bother if phils has been left behind by neighboring countries when it comes to tourism....may be a laid back life but i want to preserve the country just like that...place where most of the local if not only enjoy the beauty of the country rather than having investment on these beauty spots (became privately own) where locals cannot afford to get in but just few foreigner with fat pocket!

My way of thinking is that the Phils government ought to try and develop tourism in a controlled way. Give it the infrastructure it requires but in a way that doesnt compromise the inherent beauty of the country. I am sure it can be done with careful thought. And the flip side is that new and added tourism then could take many Phils folk out of poverty. Surely a big bonus from developing the tourism industry. And perhaps more eco friendly, if done right, than developing the manufacturing sector?

And if foreign money is brought in to develop tourism then it is up to the government to ensure that there are conditions attached to ensure that the country benefits.

25th November 2011, 15:12
The Philipine Government has no desire for foreign investment, whether its tourism or the multi-nationals. You look at how many companies come into the Philippines and then quickly dissapear, once they've been well and truly screwed, fingers burnt and decide never to return. The people in power in the Philippines are the same people who own the airlines, the supermarkets, the wholesalers, the importers etc etc, The minute you start having foreign interest into the country, whether through tourism or business, then you move into the spotlight and the government will be exposed for its true colours. At the moment, the government have the country setup perfectly. They have lots of overseas workers bringing money into the country, lots of money going into their pockets from the malls, supermarkets, airlines etc.
Think about it, how many different brands of supermarket exist in the Philippines? The most recent company to fail was Makro, who entered the Philippines in a partnership, setup a good cash and carry chain then were screwed and sold out completely to SM.

25th November 2011, 15:22
Yes. Obviously the government of the day needs to have the interests of its people at heart.

The current political climate will hopefully not be permanent and change for the better can occur sooner rather than later.

25th November 2011, 16:05
Don't hold your breath. :NoNo:

Ricky's analysis is spot on, and not likely to change for a very long time.

25th November 2011, 16:17
Yes. I have to admit I am quite naive on Phils politics etc. My wife has explained to me how it works, to a degree. But I have to confess I feel I need a top up on that.

25th November 2011, 16:25
Next time you're in the library, see if they have a copy of the book 'Imelda'....about the life of Imelda Marcos.

A really interesting read, though some of her input has to be taken with a pinch of salt. :)

25th November 2011, 16:28
Is there a long chapter in there on her shoe collection?

25th November 2011, 16:44
so true....the best effort made by Marcos while he was still in power......the San Juanico bridge has been there as far as I remember, I cant imagine Leyte and Samar without San Juanico Bridge :icon_lol:

I see. I have just discovered that Imelda Marcos was from Leyte. Presumably no coincidence there?

25th November 2011, 16:49
Next time you're in the library, see if they have a copy of the book 'Imelda'....about the life of Imelda Marcos.

A really interesting read, though some of her input has to be taken with a pinch of salt. :)

"Imelda. Steel Butterfly of the Philippines". Is that the one Graham?

25th November 2011, 17:04
I think it's just called Imelda, but could be that one...long time since I read it. Sort of autobiography. :)

25th November 2011, 17:22
The Philipine Government has no desire for foreign investment, whether its tourism or the multi-nationals. You look at how many companies come into the Philippines and then quickly dissapear, once they've been well and truly screwed, fingers burnt and decide never to return. The people in power in the Philippines are the same people who own the airlines, the supermarkets, the wholesalers, the importers etc etc, The minute you start having foreign interest into the country, whether through tourism or business, then you move into the spotlight and the government will be exposed for its true colours. At the moment, the government have the country setup perfectly. They have lots of overseas workers bringing money into the country, lots of money going into their pockets from the malls, supermarkets, airlines etc.
Think about it, how many different brands of supermarket exist in the Philippines? The most recent company to fail was Makro, who entered the Philippines in a partnership, setup a good cash and carry chain then were screwed and sold out completely to SM.
Not forgetting the utility companies...Oops sorry, company...ripping off there impoverished citizens charging uk rates...disgusting

25th November 2011, 17:52
Exactly! I wonder what would have happened if the Philippines had remained under the US and become like Hawaii. Think it would have been one of the wealthiest economies in South East Asia.

25th November 2011, 19:00
Exactly! I wonder what would have happened if the Philippines had remained under the US and become like Hawaii. Think it would have been one of the wealthiest economies in South East Asia.

From a purely selfish point, I'd probably wouldn't have my wonderful wife, wonderful son and future babies.

We got to thank past present and future administrations for continuing to keep The Philippines in the dark ages for there own personal gain.

25th November 2011, 19:07
That is true.

While lovely Filipinas are looking outside the country for a better future, even ugly old blokes like me are in with a chance. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2011, 21:54
I see. I have just discovered that Imelda Marcos was from Leyte. Presumably no coincidence there?
no coincidence there, lastlid. during Marcos regime, Leyte especially Tacloban was very progressive in terms of trade. If the second Malacañang is in Cebu during GMA's term, Marcos' was in Tacloban. The Romualdez', that's Imelda's clan, even up to the present still holds power in Leyte, at least in Tacloban.

25th November 2011, 23:00
Exactly! I wonder what would have happened if the Philippines had remained under the US and become like Hawaii. Think it would have been one of the wealthiest economies in South East Asia.

I'm not so sure about that Ricky. Look at the other former colonies in the region and which ones have good economies. It's only really Singapore and Hong Kong that you can say benefitted from colonialisation. India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia have only just started to progress economically.
Singapore and HK could grow economically very quickly as they are small places, approx 200sq km and have relatively low populations, 1-3M people. Therefore getting a good infrastructure in place would have been much simpler and cheaper. the other countries in SEA are all much larger land masses and have larger populations spread out all over the place. The reason why these countries took longer to take off economically was that the colonialists didn't want to invest in the infrstructure to join a few farms hundreds of KM apart together. The Phil's is even more of a logistical nightmare due to the fact it is lots of Islands. The US would never have had enough money to invest properly and turn it into another Asian Tiger economy. If you look behind the scenes, you may even find that the US knew that it was going to take far more than they could afford to turn Manila into another Asian economic hub (especially after the cost of WW2) which is why they decided to give it up - and the same reasons why Britain gave up most of it's colonies in the mid 1900's.
Guam is also a US colony, it has a good strategic location on the Pacific. The only investment the US have made there is Naval and Air Force bases. Personally I think the only reason the US was ever interested in the Phils was to turn it into another base so it could wage war in the region. After unsucessful campaigns in Korea and Vietnam they gave up interest and eventually abandoned Subic...etc.
Now that China is a major threat in the region, the US is looking to South Korea and Australia for homes for its Navy and Air Force. Why? The Philippines is better located, but again it can't afford the investment in infrastructure, so it's much easier to go to Korea and Australia as they are fully industrialised developed nations which already have good infrastructures in place.

27th November 2011, 11:36
I'm not so sure about that Ricky. Look at the other former colonies in the region and which ones have good economies. It's only really Singapore and Hong Kong that you can say benefitted from colonialisation. India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia have only just started to progress economically.
Singapore and HK could grow economically very quickly as they are small places, approx 200sq km and have relatively low populations, 1-3M people. Therefore getting a good infrastructure in place would have been much simpler and cheaper. the other countries in SEA are all much larger land masses and have larger populations spread out all over the place. The reason why these countries took longer to take off economically was that the colonialists didn't want to invest in the infrstructure to join a few farms hundreds of KM apart together. The Phil's is even more of a logistical nightmare due to the fact it is lots of Islands. The US would never have had enough money to invest properly and turn it into another Asian Tiger economy. If you look behind the scenes, you may even find that the US knew that it was going to take far more than they could afford to turn Manila into another Asian economic hub (especially after the cost of WW2) which is why they decided to give it up - and the same reasons why Britain gave up most of it's colonies in the mid 1900's.
Guam is also a US colony, it has a good strategic location on the Pacific. The only investment the US have made there is Naval and Air Force bases. Personally I think the only reason the US was ever interested in the Phils was to turn it into another base so it could wage war in the region. After unsucessful campaigns in Korea and Vietnam they gave up interest and eventually abandoned Subic...etc.
Now that China is a major threat in the region, the US is looking to South Korea and Australia for homes for its Navy and Air Force. Why? The Philippines is better located, but again it can't afford the investment in infrastructure, so it's much easier to go to Korea and Australia as they are fully industrialised developed nations which already have good infrastructures in place.

Me and my dad have this conversation before. He mentioned about Philippines being under US then the country would have been more progressive. This is a totally different view.

27th November 2011, 12:16
Philippines will not be Philippines if its colonized by the US....we will just end up to be a fighting ground for any other nations and end up cleaning their trashes...i agree with gparry (post#88) it is nice not to commercialise our country make it simple and beautiful as it is, besides what can tourism do to develop our country?? make it more congested ?? more money to put inside the politicians pocket??:rolleyes:

27th November 2011, 12:51
................ besides what can tourism do to develop our country?? make it more congested ?? more money to put inside the politicians pocket??:rolleyes:

What could it do? IF tourism were to be developed then it could take a lot of Phils people out of poverty.

27th November 2011, 13:17
What could it do? IF tourism were to be developed then it could take a lot of Phils people out of poverty.

No ''if's and but's''....am very much sure that ''tourism'' cannot save the filipino from poverty lastlid...:rolleyes:

27th November 2011, 13:38
One of the biggest problems (apart from the corruption) is the massive population.

Some re-education and self-discipline is required.....and of course some proper 21st century guidance from the Catholic church...not that I for one moment expect them to give a damn. :rolleyes:

28th November 2011, 09:49
No ''if's and but's''....am very much sure that ''tourism'' cannot save the filipino from poverty lastlid...:rolleyes:

I would take your word for it but for the following:

My wifes family (and there are a lot of them) are employed by someone that owns a large holiday resort and theme park. Whats more the the resort and theme park is quite an eco friendly one, to say the least aswell as providing employment to local people and holiday and leisure to both filipinos and foreigners alike. As my wife explains it, once upon a time her immediate family could not afford rice and had to grow sweet potato instead. But not any more and her an both of her sisters enjoyed a university education.

I wouldnt suggest for one minute that tourism is a magic wand that would solve the Phils problems but I would suggest it would help. Providing of course that the government of the day allow it to happen.

I can see the point about the current political climate being a hindrance but nothing is forever and look what's happening with regime change in the middle east right now.

28th November 2011, 12:36
As tourism is seasonal in the Phil's I don't think it would make a huge difference to the economy. Who would want to travel to Bicol and the east coast during the typhoon season....apart from me that is:doh:icon_lol:

Other parts of SE Asia don't get battered by typhoons and have relatively stable weather all year, therefore they have a much longer tourist season and can benefit from the income for longer each year.

28th November 2011, 15:15
. It's only really Singapore and Hong Kong that you can say benefitted from colonialisation.

Hold it right there Englishman, your personal point of view, if I may correct it from a filipina like me who knows better what happened to my country.

Phils in the 30's until 50's is the only progressive SEA country economically. Can you imagine the exchange rate back then. 1Php=1$. The US did not pull out. There was a civil protest when the Phils. was under commonwealth govt. with the US, the senators does not want Phils to be part of the US.

And they did not abandon Subic.. we filipinos actually kicked them out. That is the real story:icon_lol:

In short, many filipinos back home does not want our country to be exploited by foreigners. That is also the reason why many small minded people back in my country refuse to market the country for tourism in fears of having "puti" pedophiles exploiting young girls.

Look at Thailand... they have the most number of cases in HIV and other SEA except Philippines.

28th November 2011, 15:34
:xxgrinning--00xx3::):D well said purple:Jump:

28th November 2011, 17:37
Thats ok, if the foreigners exploited it, the politicians would be upset because they like exploiting the country themselves.

28th November 2011, 17:46
Very true Ricky.

The few controlling families are quite happy the way things are thankyou very much, and there's always the US to rely on for defence and a steady aid package. :)

I was living there when the Phils govt. 'kicked out' the Americans from their bases (though actually they...Phils govt were just asking for too much rent), and when the Mount Pinatubo eruption accelerated the process.

Of course the govt. shot itself in the foot, as the Yanks would have footed the bill for the big clean-up in the aftermath, and kept in work the estimated 500,000 who had either direct or indirect employment provided by the various bases.

Yes national pride is a great thing, and Britain has it in spades, but we also have US bases on our soil because we realise the very real benefits.

I would not liked to have seen the Philippines retained as an American colony however, as looking around the world at the few places that they do actually occupy, the natives do not seem to have fared well at all.

Combine that with previous Spanish Catholic occupation and as usual, you see a poverty-stricken country hide-bound by the medieval views of the Roman Catholic church. :rolleyes:

28th November 2011, 19:10
I'm not so sure about that Ricky. Look at the other former colonies in the region and which ones have good economies. It's only really Singapore and Hong Kong that you can say benefitted from colonialisation. India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia have only just started to progress economically.
Singapore and HK could grow economically very quickly as they are small places, approx 200sq km and have relatively low populations, 1-3M people. Therefore getting a good infrastructure in place would have been much simpler and cheaper. the other countries in SEA are all much larger land masses and have larger populations spread out all over the place. The reason why these countries took longer to take off economically was that the colonialists didn't want to invest in the infrstructure to join a few farms hundreds of KM apart together. The Phil's is even more of a logistical nightmare due to the fact it is lots of Islands. The US would never have had enough money to invest properly and turn it into another Asian Tiger economy. If you look behind the scenes, you may even find that the US knew that it was going to take far more than they could afford to turn Manila into another Asian economic hub (especially after the cost of WW2) which is why they decided to give it up - and the same reasons why Britain gave up most of it's colonies in the mid 1900's.
Guam is also a US colony, it has a good strategic location on the Pacific. The only investment the US have made there is Naval and Air Force bases. Personally I think the only reason the US was ever interested in the Phils was to turn it into another base so it could wage war in the region. After unsucessful campaigns in Korea and Vietnam they gave up interest and eventually abandoned Subic...etc.
Now that China is a major threat in the region, the US is looking to South Korea and Australia for homes for its Navy and Air Force. Why? The Philippines is better located, but again it can't afford the investment in infrastructure, so it's much easier to go to Korea and Australia as they are fully industrialised developed nations which already have good infrastructures in place.

What about China? The country has a huge landmass and is extremely wealthy as we all know. { I do accept that you are talking about former colonies though.;) }
From my understanding taken from numerous trips, the power seems to be with the few elite rich and why should they bother changing their comfortable status quo?:censored:
For such a warm hearted people as the Filipinos undoubtedly are i find that the ability of the richer ones to ignore others suffering somewhat disturbing.:NoNo:
Another familiar trait is to only think of "today" grab what they can now with no thought to future growth, its almost too simplistic in our culture to know that business and growth take time and sustained effort and nurturing.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I think if you said to most Filipinos that you would give them a choice of $50 today or $20 a day each day over the week they would grab the $50 and run not having the patience and trust that $120 could and would come their way:crazy:..........

All in all some excellent postings on here, very informative.

1st December 2011, 10:27
Interestingly there is a strong environmental lobby in Phils. One that has had some effect although it is still a work in progress. One that recognises the Phils as a country of ecological and environmental importance, both at home and abroad. The development of tourism in Phils can be managed in a way that is both sympathetic with the environment and in keeping with the aspirations of some who have posted on this thread. It isn't a lost cause or a futile exercise. Tourism in any country can be exactly what that country wants it to be and can be governed and regulated by laws. Some browsing on the internet will lead one to see some of the positive moves that there are in place amongst the Phils people themselves and indeed some of the legal routes to achieving those goals.....they just need to gather a bit more momentum.

1st December 2011, 10:44
I like your positive attitude, and I agree there are lots of good concerned Filipinos who are trying to make a difference....particularly concerning environmental issues, a subject close to my heart.

More power to their elbow. Every little helps. :)

1st December 2011, 11:45
Yep. The Philippines can boast a world boxing champion, a miss world runner up and a world environmental "champion". Probably more that I dont know of.

There has been quite a battle waged over the environment, on a range of environmental issues, in Phils in the not so distant past.

1st December 2011, 16:29

I am reasonably certain that this kind of thing has a bearing on Phils as a holiday destination, of the kind that at least some aspire to....

1st December 2011, 17:09
Yes, thankfully they seem to have brought most of the dynamiting under control. :rolleyes:

I had an Aquatics shop for 5 years here in England, but no way would I sell Marines. :NoNo:

2nd December 2011, 09:59
I like your positive attitude, and I agree there are lots of good concerned Filipinos who are trying to make a difference....particularly concerning environmental issues, a subject close to my heart.

More power to their elbow. Every little helps. :)

Yes and i think it is fair to say that there are Phils politicians that have a "green" outlook.

2nd December 2011, 10:35
I had an Aquatics shop for 5 years here in England, but no way would I sell Marines. :NoNo:

Where I live these marine fish and invertebrates are safer in an aquarium!!

2nd December 2011, 17:03
the answers to this question: politics, lack of support from the government, lack of security

- for example, the governor of a certain province focused on eco-tourism, made a lot of effort, put a lot of money on this project. and here comes the election, sadly this said governor wasnt re-elected, reasons run a long list. The next elected official is from the opposing political party, and maybe a long time feud runs between the two politicians. The new-elect governor didnt pursue the eco-tourism project, in fact fired those people in charge of the said project because they didnt vote for him. That's one scenario that affects tourism or promotion of tourism in the country.

- For so many problems in the country, I dont think tourism will be the top priority. Every allotted budget for each divisions, or whatever they call it, is already not enough. Say for education, military, and food, which are the top priority of the country, these dont even have enough budget for a year. What is more for tourism?

- Rebels, terrorists in the country keep the tourist away from this beautiful country. Other thing, because of poverty, a lot of people are forced by their circumstances to kidnap, rob, hold-up, etc just to survive.

May I ask which governor and / or which province?

2nd December 2011, 21:42
Hold it right there Englishman, your personal point of view, if I may correct it from a filipina like me who knows better what happened to my country.

Phils in the 30's until 50's is the only progressive SEA country economically. Can you imagine the exchange rate back then. 1Php=1$. The US did not pull out. There was a civil protest when the Phils. was under commonwealth govt. with the US, the senators does not want Phils to be part of the US.

And they did not abandon Subic.. we filipinos actually kicked them out. That is the real story:icon_lol:

In short, many filipinos back home does not want our country to be exploited by foreigners. That is also the reason why many small minded people back in my country refuse to market the country for tourism in fears of having "puti" pedophiles exploiting young girls.

Look at Thailand... they have the most number of cases in HIV and other SEA except Philippines.
I enjoyed that :D I wish more of you would post like that.

A well deserved reputation on it's way. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd December 2011, 12:58
According to a recent news item (http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/240490/news/regions/boracay-palawan-not-among-top-destinations-of-local-tourists) the Filipino tourist’s most favorite place to visit is not Boracay, nor Palawan or Cebu.
Metro Manila is the top destination of the domestic tourist, according to the results of the 2010 Household Survey on Domestic Visitors released in late November.

National Capital Region had 7.124 million local travelers and 3.021 million of them said the purpose of their visit to the NCR was pleasure or vacation.

The survey’s travel time frame is April to September last year. It was conducted by the National Statistics Office and the Department of Tourism.

A far second favorite destination of Filipino tourists is Cavite with about 713,000 vacationing travelers.

Negros Occidental, Batangas, and Bulacan round up the top five.

Capiz, which is the province nearest Boracay, had only 236,000 domestic tourists passing through it and was ranked 20th. Tarlac did better than Capiz with 285,000 pleasure trippers.

Palawan, where the Puerto Princesa Underground River is, did not even make it to the top 20 list of the NSO-DOT survey.

The survey said Lanao del Sur in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao had 502,000 vacationing tourists, ranked 9th and drew more travelers than Pampanga, Iloilo, and Cebu

3rd December 2011, 14:49
Compares to 5 million (tourist) visitors per year to my home city of York, with 100,000 population.:Erm:

3rd December 2011, 17:06
I wonder what percentage of the 7 million are from Europe...I suggest the majority of them eat dog and play tiddliy winks for entertainment :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd December 2011, 17:22
Eh ? :Erm:

More please. :icon_lol:

3rd December 2011, 21:08
I wonder what percentage of the 7 million are from Europe...I suggest the majority of them eat dog and play tiddliy winks for entertainment :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Normally gWaPito you present a very interesting viewpoint and one that I quite often find compatible with my own.

However, this time, you lost me one dear boy :Cuckoo:
Maybe a translation is needed? or even just a single just a 'word'. :Erm:

No offence.

3rd December 2011, 21:42
Korean. :)

3rd December 2011, 21:53
Normally gWaPito you present a very interesting viewpoint and one that I quite often find compatible with my own.

However, this time, you lost me one dear boy :Cuckoo:
Maybe a translation is needed? or even just a single just a 'word'. :Erm:

No offence.

None taken Terpes, I was just having some fun :)
At least Graham saw the funny side ....' Dear boy'...my 80 yo mother called me that when we visited last Tuesday.

Are you sure your not older than the 60 years you claim to be :D

No offence intended :)

4th December 2011, 00:23
Korean. :)

i agree they bloody spread like fires...not just as a tourist but a student. I hate it as they now all over state universities studying which should be limited to the filipinos as these uni are funded by the local and national goverment.

4th December 2011, 00:26
They do seem to be staging a takeover....also in the red light areas....so I'm told. :rolleyes:

13th December 2011, 19:47
Why isnt pinas a favourite tourist destination?Well,to be honest if I hadnt any links whatsoever I would have went a few times then scrapped it and moved on,apart from decent beaches and maybe the chocolate hills what else is there to look at?Seen one rice terrace you seen them all to be truthfull,the service in Pinas is often abysmal,not that I am a hotel sort of person,but it is,everything tourist based in pinas seems to revolve around Boracay which is no better than a number of thai islands it seems to try and model itself on:rolleyes: A lot of western tourists to pinas arent genuine tourists but husbands/wives/partners of pinays/pinoys,Pinas reminds me of an english speaking indonesia,both have terrorist problems,both are a walk on the wild side with endemic corruption etc and both are hassle to travel around at times,small wonder places like thailand,malaysia,cambodia,laos etc are preferred destinations,saying that pinas is ok,its got a certain charm :Erm:

13th December 2011, 19:59
Your first views of a country usually leave a lasting impression,if a pinoy Tourism minister wants to brighten the countrys initial image he should do something about those sharks that masquerade as taxi-drivers at NAIA:cwm23: I havent met an honest manila taxi driver in years :Erm: In fact I detest flying into manila,nowadays I fly into Cebu or even better Davao,have any of you landed at Davao international?Its like a totally different planet from NAIA,the Taxi drivers are pleasant,they bang the meter on as soon as your in Dabawenyo taxi-drivers should front the poster campaign for any pinoy tourist drive :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th December 2011, 20:15
Your first views of a country usually leave a lasting impression,if a pinoy Tourism minister wants to brighten the countrys initial image he should do something about those sharks that masquerade as taxi-drivers at NAIA:cwm23: I havent met an honest manila taxi driver in years :Erm: In fact I detest flying into manila,:

My sentiments too, and I agree with your post before about the reasons why most westerners are there:xxgrinning--00xx3: Although I doubt Taxi drivers in Bangkok, Phnom Penn or Ho Chi Minh are any more honest than Manila cabbies:Erm: I'm sure I'll find out on my next couple of trips to Asia when I try out cabs in Bangkok and HCMC.
I like some parts of the Phil's and have enjoyed most of my time there, but feel I've seen all I want to see there now and have only gone back so many time because of connections there, but the time has come to see other countries. Maybe I'll head back to the Phils in 2013 after a bit of a break:Erm:

13th December 2011, 20:23
Although I doubt Taxi drivers in Bangkok, Phnom Penn or Ho Chi Minh are any more honest than Manila cabbies
Been to all of those places,and while the taxi drivers are maybe also not 100% honest they arent as unpleasant,several times I have jumped out of a cab after just leaving NAIA en-route for a destination,we have agreed a price,then as we exit the airport the taxi-driver will turn and thinking he is clever say another price even though we had agreed a minute or so earlier?Better just avoid Manila and fly into Cebu or Davao,a whole sight pleasanter and Davao in particular just feels a whole lot pleasanter and like a breath of fresh air :icon_lol:Might be why I am going there next week(and avoiding manila like the plague).

13th December 2011, 20:34
Been to all of those places,and while the taxi drivers are maybe also not 100% honest they arent as unpleasant,.

Do you mean they smile and thank you while they are ripping you off:icon_lol:
I've managed to suss out the airport taxi's now, the Taxi touts who hassle you as you leave the arrivals gate will charge 1000-1500, the Yellow official Taxis charge 400-500 to Makati, the metered taxis upstairs will charge around 200-250 if you bargain hard and tell them you have made the journey dozens of times. It still annoys me that a metred taxi the other way round from Makati to NAIA is only 120 -150.
Although we moan about Manila taxi's they are still cheap in comparison, a typical journey around manila costs about £2. An official airport metered taxi in Singapore or Hong Kong for a similar distance will cost at least £20-£25, but they are metred and we dont complain. In London it would be £30-£40 to get from Heathrow to about 5 miles away:omg:

13th December 2011, 20:41
I think its a combination of factors – unmaintained museums, very uninteresting too, heavy traffic but as you go farther away from the cities, it gets better. There are just few first class accomodations in some of the best beaches in the Philippines. Another problem is the insurgency led by the NPAs and the Muslim separatists.

But it’s getting better and better each day. Loads of changes going on . Lots of foreigners living here actually. I see more and more of them, even in far flung areas, to my surprise really.:rolleyes:

13th December 2011, 20:51
Lots of foreigners living here actually. I see more and more of them, even in far flung areas
You just described the UK :icon_lol:

13th December 2011, 20:54
Especially the taxi drivers here. :angry:

Les would stand out like a sore thumb in a lot of cities....AND he has a REAL licence. :rolleyes:

13th December 2011, 20:57
You just described the UK

whatever:D tawi..:icon_lol::heartshape1: wherever you are on part of the earth:omg::Rasp: there are pro and cons:bigcry::cwm24::icon_lol: to consider:Cuckoo::D

13th December 2011, 21:02
Its when there are more cons than pros that things dont look so well from a tourism point of view Moy :heartshape1: If you were tourism minsiter for pinas how would you promote it so it shone above thailand for instance?What would you highlight so people flew the extra few hours and came to Manila instead of Bangkok?Gimmee an idea?:Erm:

13th December 2011, 21:15
Manila instead of Bangkok?Gimmee an idea?

tawi my friend:D:heartshape1: calm down..:D..talking about Manila that reminds me of Overall Manila has massive potential. Another issue in the areas is a huge lack of good hotels to accomodate tourism. Tourists going to the PI will want a very trendy nice hotel to stay at. And they can’t get that in the area in big numbers. There’s Pan Pacific and Manila Hotel and Holiday Inn but I think we need a major and amazing hotel to really highlight the area as the three are not really touristy hotels but rather business hotels.
and if i would be a tourism ministry i will promote PH by leaflets i suppose:laugher::D
btw personally i would rather promote my hometown Davao City:)

13th December 2011, 21:20
I am sorry Miss Moy,we are unable to offer you the job of philippine tourist minister at this present moment in time,perhaps when you have a well-drafted and clear proposal to totally remould the tourist infrastructure of the country you could contact us again?:Erm:

13th December 2011, 21:25
well-drafted and clear proposal to totally remould the tourist infrastructure of the country you could contact us again?

no need to say sorry Mr Tawi boy:D ala sabungero:Help1::laugher: as i work full time already and no need a additional headache job:doh:D like that about tourism:crazy::cwm24::action-smiley-081::yikes::icon_lol:

13th December 2011, 21:26
And it would help if "Accurate" tourism figures were collated,not returninmg balikbayans or dual-nationality pinoys or their spouses,children or partners,foreign tourists with no attachments whatsoever to pinas,that would shrink the figures dramatically I think?

13th December 2011, 21:33
that would shrink the figures dramatically I think?

i would return to pinas being broadcast to Maala-ala mo kaya in ABS-CBN TO promote my tourism:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th December 2011, 21:36
Sorry Moy,I already gave the job to someone else,he who hesitates is lost and all that ;)

13th December 2011, 21:41
I already gave the job to someone else,he who hesitates is lost and all that

i am full time in job right now tawi and i genuinely dont need a headache for that kind of job im afraid:yikes::cwm24::laugher::D

13th December 2011, 22:38
The sad thing about these drivers too, they victimized their fellow Filipinos which is not good at all.
Your first views of a country usually leave a lasting impression,if a pinoy Tourism minister wants to brighten the countrys initial image he should do something about those sharks that masquerade as taxi-drivers at NAIA:cwm23: I havent met an honest manila taxi driver in years :Erm: In fact I detest flying into manila,nowadays I fly into Cebu or even better Davao,have any of you landed at Davao international?Its like a totally different planet from NAIA,the Taxi drivers are pleasant,they bang the meter on as soon as your in Dabawenyo taxi-drivers should front the poster campaign for any pinoy tourist drive :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2011, 00:54
btw personally i would rather promote my hometown Davao City
Moy,amen to that,Davao is like a seperate country,totally different from Manila,I always feel relaxed when Landing at the new airport,no stress,no hordes or rush or hassle outside,polite taxi drivers,the people are happier,friendlier,its an oasis in a maelstromic sea..............Oh,almost forgot (soulmate:heartshape1:)and the women are prettier in Davao than anywhere else in Pinas :heartshape1:

14th December 2011, 12:03
Oh,almost forgot (soulmate)and the women are prettier in Davao than anywhere else in Pinas

he he:D you yourself had witness:D that and i think you got idea how i look:action-smiley-081::cwm24::D like:yikes::icon_lol: itlself..i supposed:xxgrinning--00xx3::Cuckoo::icon_lol: my dear tawi:heartshape1::xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2011, 12:58
lots of first class tourist destination in phils just that average foreign tourist dont want to spend way too much on holidays if not cannot afford...for example amanpulo in palawan with a stunning 700 pounds a day with a minimum 3 day stay...only millionaire would spend money like that.

14th December 2011, 14:08
lots of first class tourist destination in phils just that average foreign tourist dont want to spend way too much on holidays if not cannot afford...for example amanpulo in palawan with a stunning 700 pounds a day with a minimum 3 day stay...only millionaire would spend money like that.
Yes, a sort of holiday destination for the Beckhams etc.

14th December 2011, 14:08
that and i think you got idea how i look
Your husband must wake up thinking he is in heaven each and every morning if your the first thing he sees,like a soothing balm on his eyes,your a star-filled sky and a vivid rainbow mixed on a pastel-palett,Norah Batty and Ena Sharples rolled into one :heartshape1::heartshape1::heartshape1::icon_lol:

14th February 2012, 22:40

This recent wee video covers some of the material thrown up by this thread.....

15th February 2012, 16:11
and the women are prettier in Davao than anywhere else in Pinasi thought they all moved to burgos street...perhaps that will put manila back on the tourist map.:cwm3:
not sure why all these aliens are off to manila but they are keep paying for all of my biscuits so im not complaining .
:)you gotta love manila..or at least me anyway.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th February 2012, 16:52
I think one of the biggest factors that contribute to this is the lack of infrastructure. Just look at NAIA III, or NAIA I for that matter. KLM is the only airline flying directly to Manila from Europe. Most airlines have backed out due to tax hikes.

In this case I think the saying "If you build it, they will come" holds true :rolleyes:

15th February 2012, 17:48
SECURITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for foreigners and local one's hard to walk around feeling unsafe... :NoNo::doh:angry:

Loads of beautiful places but some dirty places around because of undisciplined people....:ReadIt::doh

Some of the local think's that foreigners are super duper rich thats why some do take advantage...:NoNo: