View Full Version : Cameron buys plot of land

23rd November 2011, 21:23
I was watching the tv lunchtime. Prime ministers question time. One of the panelists revealed that Cameron had just bought a plot of land to the tune of £140,000. I just think its ironic when some of our pensioners will struggle to pay the heating bills this year.

23rd November 2011, 21:37
I'm sorry Andy but I respectfully disagree with you. I don't think £140K for a plot of land is that expensive. It's the going rate for a decent sized building plot with outline planning permission. As PM of this country he has a salary of circa £175K, so £140K is well within his means. Before we criticise his salary, he has the most stressful job in the country and earns 10 or 20 times less than the CEO's of most FTSE 100 companies and investment bankers. Personally, I think the PM should earn more - Obama is paid over 1M USD a year.
DC was also a millionaire before he took office so he has the means to buy the land, and why shouldn't he? He doesn't own 10 Downing Street and when he leaves office he is going to need somewhere to live, so why not buy a plot of land and build a house on it, either to live in or to sell on as an investment.

23rd November 2011, 22:29
Warning Off-Topic rant.

Did anyone know that Herman Van Rompuy (President of the European Council) scoops an eye-popping salary of over £320,000 pa. That's much more than President Obama.

How about José Manuel Barroso (President of the European Commission) now he receives an annual salary of over £275000. This is almost exactly equivalent to US President

Does anyone even know who these people are?
Well you should since you're all contributing to their nice lifestyles

OK rant over, feeling better now.

23rd November 2011, 23:07
I stand corrected for over estimating Obama's salary. The salaries Terpe mentions for non elected Euro leaders prove my belief that DC is underpaid for the job he does.

24th November 2011, 01:06
As posted yesterday - Who is Herman van Rompuy ?


It's Camerons £140k and it is up to him how he spends it. What sticks in my gullet is slippery grubs like Baroness Uddin having multiple dwellings financed by the public purse

24th November 2011, 07:46
The reason I posted this is for a couple of points that I heard after the debate of cost cutting and high unemployment.

1, There were 3 on the panel. One of them asked the question. Why didnt Ed Milliband bring it up about Camerons recent investment? Another panelist replied that it would cause a big argument exposing the lifestyles of other Mps.

2. With all due respect I go into some peoples houses as part of my job who have fought for this country in world war 2 and they are worried about the rise in electric and gas prices. With all due respect I see a lot more than most when doing my job. But everyone is entitled to their opinion I suppose.

On the other side of the coin I would ask you. If you were in these non euro Mps shoes and were offered those salaries would you turn it down?

24th November 2011, 09:16
I'm sorry Andy but I can't see the problem, DC was a very wealthy man before he entered politics, his family sent him to Eton, so that should give you an idea of his family background and wealth. I'm sure he would be on a far higher salary in International marketing, PR or banking if he hadn't entered politics. I believe I am correct in saying that he had the chance to earn a higher salary than his fellow cabinet ministers, but refused and only takes the same salary as other senior cabinet ministers.
To me this seems like a bit more Cameron bashing by the left and media and is a non story. If he weren't PM no one would batt an eyelid if another wealthy man bought a plot of land.

24th November 2011, 09:45
1, There were 3 on the panel. One of them asked the question. Why didnt Ed Milliband bring it up about Camerons recent investment? Another panelist replied that it would cause a big argument exposing the lifestyles of other Mps.

It's current Labour policy to blame the countries current problems on "the rich" whilst conveniently brushing their 13 years of shambolic government under the carpet.

I doubt if these "panelists" mentioned the 6 figure salaries of the Fat Cat Union bosses which 2009/10 are as follows

Derek Simpson Unite £186,626
Dave Prentis Unison £130,109
Matt Wrack Fire Brigades Union £117,230
Bob Crow RMT £113,011
Mark Serwotka PCSU £112,634

Former Communist Party member Bob Crow has copped a 12% increase this year


I'm alright Jack :D

24th November 2011, 16:37
it was mentioned that the unions funded the labour party. But they didnt mention those salaries. At the end of the day they all pee in the same pot.

24th November 2011, 16:41
I'm sorry Andy but I can't see the problem, DC was a very wealthy man before he entered politics, his family sent him to Eton, so that should give you an idea of his family background and wealth. I'm sure he would be on a far higher salary in International marketing, PR or banking if he hadn't entered politics. I believe I am correct in saying that he had the chance to earn a higher salary than his fellow cabinet ministers, but refused and only takes the same salary as other senior cabinet ministers.
To me this seems like a bit more Cameron bashing by the left and media and is a non story. If he weren't PM no one would batt an eyelid if another wealthy man bought a plot of land.

Being P.M he is there to be shot at and he should set a example.

Arthur Little
24th November 2011, 19:12
So Cameron buys a plot of land? Well ... :anerikke: ... why not? After all ... the country IS in a grave condition! And, forbye - at the end of the day - politicians in general have a habit of "burying their heads in the sand" at present.

24th November 2011, 19:16
I'm certainly not attempting any defence for DC, but the reality of the story is quite different to what seems to be portrayed, and maybe, just maybe he does not derserve to be criticised.
That land he bought was in fact a driveway, a garage and a small fallow field. He bought it from his neighbour as a private sale.
He did it to clear up an anomaly under which he did not own his own driveway or the land adjoining his garden which he had always maintained.
Solely as a piece of land it was worth less than £70,000, but it seems that an independent valuation put it at £137,500 as it added to the valuation of DC's own property.

That seems OK to me and something that I would certainly grab given the opportunity and the money.
Shared driveways, other adjoining land and the like are always a potential nightmare. imo

Personally, I can't see what all the fuss is about there.

But, far as those Euro fat cats like Van Rompuy and Barroso are concered or those previously mentioned Fat Cat Union bosses ..........:cwm23::cwm23::furious3:

24th November 2011, 19:37
Well you have cleared that one up Terpe rhanks.:xxgrinning--00xx3: