View Full Version : bully kids

24th November 2011, 23:27
was walking down the road from the precint and met 3 young school boys stop in my front and say tsing tsung tsang something like that and laugh.
I said im not chinese cheeky racist and give them an "ifyouseekey" sign:D

24th November 2011, 23:36
You did right, but please be careful, there are some horrible little scumbags in this country who have no respect for ANY adults regardless of race and who may even physically attack you.

When my boy was only 5 years old some of the kids at school had started calling him a 'chinky'.

Well, me being me, I was straight down there delivering a piece of my mind to the head teacher. :angry:

Things were soon nipped in the bud.

I would suggest you report any racist -type incidents to the police, who will then hopefully visit the parents and invite them to scrub their brats' mouths out.

24th November 2011, 23:46
thanks for the concern mate. I didnt bother reporting the incident to the police.
yeah i know that they can attack anytime but i was confident for i had a mop i just bought:D and it happen in broad daylight.
I can swing it on them when they make any bad move on me. Aja!:laugher:

25th November 2011, 09:20
whats a ifyouseeky

25th November 2011, 11:41
thanks for the concern mate. I didnt bother reporting the incident to the police.
yeah i know that they can attack anytime but i was confident for i had a mop i just bought:D and it happen in broad daylight.
I can swing it on them when they make any bad move on me. Aja!:laugher:

i would tell them go home and ask milk to your mom,You guys might be hungry!!lol

25th November 2011, 13:25

25th November 2011, 13:56
whats a ifyouseeky

if you see kay

25th November 2011, 15:40
thats a very common swear word but i dont want to write the exact spelling for i am afraid that i might be banned here from swearing

25th November 2011, 22:22
if ill be on that situation:D ..ill speak it to my local dialect where they wont have any idea and laugh at the same time like they do..:laugher::Cuckoo: make them annoy much than they do to me:icon_lol::Cuckoo:

26th November 2011, 02:16
if ill be on that situation:D ..ill speak it to my local dialect where they wont have any idea and laugh at the same time like they do..:laugher::Cuckoo: make them annoy much than they do to me:icon_lol::Cuckoo:

Good idea.

26th November 2011, 03:33
Hmmm I hate bullies, when I was in high school I fight those bullies by words those... I actually defend other kids who has been bullied and now I am so sad that I cannot do anything for my husband who has been bullied coz I am here in Phils and he is in UK and the worst thing is he was bullied by guys same nationality as him well maybe not bullied but harassed he doesn't have money at all and now need to undergo operation for what happen :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry: good thing that operation everything will be covered by NHS our problem is if he can claim SSP to his agency :( we dunno if they will decline him... he doesn't have money at all I even have to send him and for a almost a week now ever since I saw how he looks like I can't help feeling so angry ...... he can't report it and press charges because he's getting threats :bigcry: well at the end of December he will fly here in Phils and stay here for months it depends if my application will be approved then we will fly back together on march if not then he will not use his ticket back on March he said he wants to stay here as long as am here.... :)

26th November 2011, 07:07
sounds like a plan broken, I hate bullies too, like most decent people.

stay there forever. where the respect is

10th December 2011, 09:13
Hi philuk I really wish that my husband can fly here soon but now things are getting worst and I don't know what to do everyday I am feeling so depressed and so hard for me to find ways to figure to solve our problems with this bullies.....

in my last post my husband was beaten up by those guys, there are 3 guys and that one woman, they are around 22 years old those guys, I thought that the worst is over but those guys got mad again because someone found out about what happen to my husband and they got so angry blaming him that he has been telling about what happen to him the thing is HE DOESN'T HAVE TO TELL when you see how he looks like no questions ask people will know what happen to him , they did that again a week ago although not as worst as the last time. Then 2 days ago I received a bad news from my husband that those guys car's window was broken.... and those guys are blaming him they are saying because my husband told someone else about what happen to him someone broke their window but they don't have a proof they are just saying that and the thing is why would other people care about them my husband is shocked about it he doesn't even know anything about it... now those guys took his mobile, license , ID's and passport and asking him to pay for the car's window and the car itself before they will return his items then the same day they return his mobile because someone is calling but the important documents are just with them how can my husband fly over here without a passport he is bound to travel on the 30th of december and a lithuanian passport will take 3 to 8 weeks to get a new one and we cannot adjust the ticket because it is so expensive like buying a new one and we do not have money to buy a new ticket imagine how expensive the ticket is and will be ruined like this..... we cannot call the police because those guys threatened that he will destroy the passport if they see a police ...., I told my husband maybe he can ask the police to disguise just hide their badges and guns and handcuffs and don't wear their uniform just for this situation so they can take the passport back ... just so the police can enter the house without those guys knowing they are police until they are already in.... but the police we talked to said that they cannot do that ... they need to wear uniform... so what can we do ... when those guys see them from the outside knocking they will destroy the passport so how can my husband fly over? NOW EVERYTHING IS RUINED I am trying to be nice and and be patient about this people but sometimes I just wanna be a bad person and take a revenge, well can call police but that passport will be gone.... our biggest problem is the money that will be wasted.... how much is the ticket.... it took us a long time to have that kind of money because of this bullies... my husband wouldn;t have a money problem if not for this guys they have been asking him to pay them for that car so all his money goes to this people :Help1: that is why we don't have good bank accounts.... because this guys are threatening my husband now we don't know what to do... we gonna be wasting 3 tickets.... imagine how expensive tickets are and we cannot refund when I asked before if we refund we can only get back 50 pounds... i dunno if I will try that agency again and see if we can adjust the flight make it a bit later but i dunno they are so hard to contact about problems but when you buy ticket they are around but when you claim they are nowhere to be found....

I can't believe those people they are not human they are animals who only knows how to talk.... I don't know what kind of upbringing their parent's taught them:cwm23: they don't know how to consider human lives , family future, they don't care if they ruin someone else's life or future or family all they care is to get money from someone else. so right now my husband is like their slave and hostage so what action I should do now? :bigcry: It's just so hard to accept that our money will be wasted like that the ticket that took as a while to buy:bigcry:

10th December 2011, 11:23
This tale sounds very strange to me. :Erm:

10th December 2011, 12:44
I agree with you graham

10th December 2011, 16:44
how strange exactly?

well for me it is a disaster coz I thought everything will be ok once my husband gets here but it doesn't seem that he can if he won't be able to get his passport back at least here he will be safe and totally away from those guys

10th December 2011, 17:04
All he has to do is get a replacement passport.

Not difficult here.

Oops....just re-read your post, and I see he's Lithuanian. Hmm.

10th December 2011, 17:12
Sounds like we only getting half the story...sounds as if he owes them money and they want it back plus interest.

Im sure there are laws against these types of businesses that have recently come into force.

If its kids beating up mine, a visit to the parents telling them if they dont stop ill be beating you. That worked for me 20 years ago.

Times have changed unfortunately...these gutless cowards run to the police now instead of standing like a man.

In this aforementioned case, we've yet to get the full SP

10th December 2011, 17:22
Hi philuk I really wish that my husband can fly here soon but now things are getting worst and I don't know what to do everyday I am feeling so depressed and so hard for me to find ways to figure to solve our problems with this bullies.....

in my last post my husband was beaten up by those guys, there are 3 guys and that one woman, they are around 22 years old those guys, I thought that the worst is over but those guys got mad again because someone found out about what happen to my husband and they got so angry blaming him that he has been telling about what happen to him the thing is HE DOESN'T HAVE TO TELL when you see how he looks like no questions ask people will know what happen to him , they did that again a week ago although not as worst as the last time. Then 2 days ago I received a bad news from my husband that those guys car's window was broken.... and those guys are blaming him they are saying because my husband told someone else about what happen to him someone broke their window but they don't have a proof they are just saying that and the thing is why would other people care about them my husband is shocked about it he doesn't even know anything about it... now those guys took his mobile, license , ID's and passport and asking him to pay for the car's window and the car itself before they will return his items then the same day they return his mobile because someone is calling but the important documents are just with them how can my husband fly over here without a passport he is bound to travel on the 30th of december and a lithuanian passport will take 3 to 8 weeks to get a new one and we cannot adjust the ticket because it is so expensive like buying a new one and we do not have money to buy a new ticket imagine how expensive the ticket is and will be ruined like this..... we cannot call the police because those guys threatened that he will destroy the passport if they see a police ...., I told my husband maybe he can ask the police to disguise just hide their badges and guns and handcuffs and don't wear their uniform just for this situation so they can take the passport back ... just so the police can enter the house without those guys knowing they are police until they are already in.... but the police we talked to said that they cannot do that ... they need to wear uniform... so what can we do ... when those guys see them from the outside knocking they will destroy the passport so how can my husband fly over? NOW EVERYTHING IS RUINED I am trying to be nice and and be patient about this people but sometimes I just wanna be a bad person and take a revenge, well can call police but that passport will be gone.... our biggest problem is the money that will be wasted.... how much is the ticket.... it took us a long time to have that kind of money because of this bullies... my husband wouldn;t have a money problem if not for this guys they have been asking him to pay them for that car so all his money goes to this people :Help1: that is why we don't have good bank accounts.... because this guys are threatening my husband now we don't know what to do... we gonna be wasting 3 tickets.... imagine how expensive tickets are and we cannot refund when I asked before if we refund we can only get back 50 pounds... i dunno if I will try that agency again and see if we can adjust the flight make it a bit later but i dunno they are so hard to contact about problems but when you buy ticket they are around but when you claim they are nowhere to be found....

I can't believe those people they are not human they are animals who only knows how to talk.... I don't know what kind of upbringing their parent's taught them:cwm23: they don't know how to consider human lives , family future, they don't care if they ruin someone else's life or future or family all they care is to get money from someone else. so right now my husband is like their slave and hostage so what action I should do now? :bigcry: It's just so hard to accept that our money will be wasted like that the ticket that took as a while to buy:bigcry:

Your partner could simply trap them with video and sound footage. Any modern cell is more than equipped to do the job

Arthur Little
11th December 2011, 04:03
Aye :olddude: ... kids CAN be so cruel at times.

11th December 2011, 09:39
Hmmm I hate bullies, when I was in high school I fight those bullies by words those... I actually defend other kids who has been bullied and now I am so sad that I cannot do anything for my husband who has been bullied coz I am here in Phils and he is in UK and the worst thing is he was bullied by guys same nationality as him well maybe not bullied but harassed he doesn't have money at all and now need to undergo operation for what happen :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry: good thing that operation everything will be covered by NHS our problem is if he can claim SSP to his agency :( we dunno if they will decline him... he doesn't have money at all I even have to send him and for a almost a week now ever since I saw how he looks like I can't help feeling so angry ...... he can't report it and press charges because he's getting threats :bigcry: well at the end of December he will fly here in Phils and stay here for months it depends if my application will be approved then we will fly back together on march if not then he will not use his ticket back on March he said he wants to stay here as long as am here.... :)

Oh so sad that there are still bullies even in adults, i also hate bullies i remember when i was a kid i used to punch all the bullies in our place cause they always bully the little ones :xxaction-smiley-047 hehehe :icon_lol: ...

Hope your husband will be ok soon ... :)

11th December 2011, 12:38
bullies can be anywhere, school, high street, work, you name it

just stand up for yourself be strong and they will go away soon enough

12th December 2011, 14:16
bullies can be anywhere, school, high street, work, you name it

just stand up for yourself be strong and they will go away soon enough

your so right about that :Jump: hope they'll be ok ...

16th December 2011, 18:07
Thanks guys.... i've been in this forum a long time but am still not good in copying messages like you do guys :icon_lol:.....

anyway am hoping that he will be able to get his passport and to answer gwapito... no he doesn't owe them money..... so hard to tell everything and i don't want them to come across this site if they see this site and read about some similar situation going on they might do something to my husband if they recognized this story....

and to graham....... it will take 3 to 8 weeks to get a lithuanian passport that day they took the passport if my husband applies for a new one it will be too late because his flight is december 31, 2011 and we can no longer adjust the schedule it can cost us 300gbp something like that or more to change sched ..... if we refund i already asked about it before coz we wanted to refund it before as we want to get a new ticket which is earlier what the agency said we can only get 50 pounds back imagine from 600 that's what we will get back... that is what they call refundable :cwm23:

i really hope those guys will be true to their words that they will return if he will give them the money today my husband will give them partial so we will see if they will return some docs but they said they will give passport last so i dunno if he can get it today or next friday that is if those guys will be true to their words i am hoping and praying that they will imagine how much money will be wasted my husband has to pay for something he doesn't have to and get nothing and then we will lost 600 gbp for the ticket and another ticket we already bought to travel to dakak...... the dakak ticket is non refundable so i dunno.... so a lot would be wasted if they are not going to be true so am hoping and praying that they will be....

maybe i can still edit or ammend that first message i posted about those guys coz if they come across this site and suspect my husband they might do something bad again or not give his passport back.....

16th December 2011, 18:08
i will remove some portion if i can that first i posted although you got a copy already but i might remove the others from mine just for safety.... hope you understand... well i will if i can anyway.....

16th December 2011, 18:10
hmmm I guess I cannot delete or edit that msg I wrote well I guess I have to pray that they won't come across this site and read what I posted...... or bad thing will happen again am really hoping and praying...

16th December 2011, 18:39
This all sounds very strange

Am I the only one who thinks we are in the realms of fantasy here ?

16th December 2011, 19:11
No, you're not. :)

16th December 2011, 20:13
No, you're not. :)

Glad to hear it Graham :D

16th December 2011, 20:18
This all sounds very strange

Am I the only one who thinks we are in the realms of fantasy here ?

I think not.
Walter Mitty comes to mind. :Erm:

16th December 2011, 20:48
3 of us so far :)

17th December 2011, 08:32
hmmm I guess I cannot delete or edit that msg I wrote well I guess I have to pray that they won't come across this site and read what I posted...... or bad thing will happen again am really hoping and praying...

I'll pray for you brokenpieces that they will not read your post cause my post had been read and now i'm being harassed cause he saw all the information i've given, its hard to take but i have to fight and stand still since i did not do any wrong but i guess just to fall in-love with him blindly ..... Wish for our happiness and luck ..... God Bless ... :bigcry:

22nd December 2011, 11:42
whatever you might think it is weird and like a fantasy I hope that it is just like that but well it is for real ... I wish it is just a dream but nah it isn't and I don't even know myself how he got in that situation maybe I know but just can't believe this can happen.....

anyway so far he paid them and he got 1 document back so tomorrow when he pays again hopefully he will get the other one back and the last one his passport next week....

well strange as it may seem but am just posting here coz I don't have anyone to talk to about it ..... can't tell anyone coz I don't want them to look down at someone important for me so whether you reply I guess or not so am just posting to release my frustration with these people doing this kind of stuff.... if I don't release my frustration maybe i'll be sick or depressed .... even if I get bad comments or strange reply I guess I shouldn't feel bad about that coz it will just add up to my problems minding those who thinks our situation is just a fantasy or a strange thing although I wish all are just fantasy and not real but the thing is it is real.... so there's nothing I can do about it.... to those who think it's just a fantasy and it is strange I don't care.. at least in forums and blogs I am free to speak up and release my frustration and say what or share what's happening instead of just keeping everything inside me and hiding our situation from everyone at least in forum and blogs or in a diary I am free to release....

22nd December 2011, 11:47
Hi Vische thanks and am glad you understand :)