View Full Version : Emma

27th November 2011, 13:19
well today is a sad day for Emma, she finnishes work the agency has lost the contract, she has done so well ajusting to living here and being married too, she held the work for year so have managed to save and help out with our future plans, so from me Em, well done. Anyway are we bothered not really we are going away in 4 weeks for our holiday and will be away for a month and when we come back Emma can start to look again, she has aplied to places but no news yet, but i am sure its the holiday we have planed that has put them off taking her on, Anyway to all others that are here and are thinking of coming here, good luck to you all in finding love and happiness and work also, Emma i love you for coming into my life and sharing the past, preasent and the future together

27th November 2011, 13:25
Although theres no assurance of instant job when she comes back am sure the experience of working for year is a big help..enjoy your holiday in Pinas:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2011, 13:25
Sorry to learn about Emma's job, but as you say, you've got Christmas and your holiday to look forward to first. I'm sure she'll find something when you come back in the New Year.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2011, 15:23
Hi Steve, what was Emma's work? Did she work at a specific site?

It may be that her employment position is protected under the TUPE Regs (Transfer of Undertakings, Protection of Employment, in which case she would transfer to the incoming agency. (Not all EU directives are bad ones.)

If you can let me know more about the nature of her job I may be able to give better advice.



27th November 2011, 16:27
Yo Steve and Emms!

Not to worry about that....all you need to think of is your holiday. Sleep well and count the days flying together.

Everybody knows the fact that Emma works hard and she always gets the job.

Im sure she'll defo gonna get one when you're back from your holiday.

You watch shes gonna get her Shittyville all built up soon this time ei? :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: