View Full Version : Snow!! will it snow?? let it snow!!

27th November 2011, 13:47
last year i've experienced the first drop of diamonds from the sky!!
..I so much love the snow more than the rain!!
white christmas ,sledge ,bubble jacket, wellies, snowman,..pictures and more pictures !!

27th November 2011, 13:50
me too , i love the snow and a crisp frost:)

27th November 2011, 13:52
Hi sars,,Im really longing for the snow,,will be there soon,,but in Redcar,,hubby said ,,No Snow darling,,heheh,,

27th November 2011, 14:15
next you filipina's will be moaning its too :freezin:
you can't have snow without the :freezin:


27th November 2011, 14:20
Been here in HongKong for 6yrs,,so i get used of the cold,,and i want to experience the snow,,soon,,

27th November 2011, 14:23
tell hubby to get you up in those hills , lots of snow up there:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2011, 15:47
Noooooo !

Fuel is too expensive now. :cwm3:

...but my kids loved their first experience of it. :)


Ako Si Jamie
27th November 2011, 15:54
According the Met Office, there won't be any snow until Xmas apart from on high ground. Of course that's not 100%. I just hope it doesn't. I hate driving in it.

27th November 2011, 16:01
Already snowing in the Scottish Highlands. :)

- Hope Arthur's ok. :Erm:

27th November 2011, 16:02
Long may the mild autumn continue, and no snow at Christmas please, I don't want my flight held up because the runway is frozen:rolleyes:

27th November 2011, 16:04
I remember being put up in a hotel at Gatwick one winter, on my way to Manila...airport closed. :rolleyes:

27th November 2011, 16:46
I'd love to snow.....that means theres no train to work and I will just stay indoors having a nice cuppa watching tv!

27th November 2011, 17:16
I hate the snow. :angry:
I hate the cold.:angry:
I've already made many strong 'spells' against that with magic potions. :ReadIt:

Give me blue skies and warm sunshine anyday. Lovely :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2011, 17:35
Been here in HongKong for 6yrs,,so i get used of the cold,,and i want to experience the snow,,soon,,

Didn't realise Hong Kong got to minus 9 on a daily basis like it did in Swindon last December.

The weather we experienced then was freak.
You will probably have to wait another 30 years for a white Christmas.

27th November 2011, 17:43
I want to wear my snow boots already!!! :icon_lol:

27th November 2011, 19:52
Didn't realise Hong Kong got to minus 9 on a daily basis like it did in Swindon last December.

The weather we experienced then was freak.
You will probably have to wait another 30 years for a white Christmas.

I was in Honkers last Dec, it did get a bit chilly in the evening, I even put a long sleeve shirt on one night and socks on with my flip flops:icon_lol:

27th November 2011, 20:04
In February 1996 when I was working in HK, it dropped to 7C, but in the middle of the night.(I was at work down a tunnel....with jumper).

That was their coldest temperature ever recorded. :)

Normally at Xmas there....around 17-20C daytime.

This time of the year in England I consider it a bonus if it's above freezing at night, and double figures during the day (for the benefit of our overseas members), but like anything you've grown up with, you're accustomed to it.

For an average Brit it would be pretty intolerable after only a few minutes to sit in a house in the Philippines daytime without a fan.

27th November 2011, 20:37
At least our politicians can’t control when we get snow:crazy:

For me, I would rather not have it anyhow:Cuckoo:

27th November 2011, 20:42
They've certainly got us up to our necks in SOMETHING at the moment though. :rolleyes:

27th November 2011, 21:41
I hate the snow.
I hate the cold.

well said Terpe my " good" friend:D..with that we are united..cold/snow/ice:xxaction-smiley-047:Cuckoo: :yikes::action-smiley-081:is not my cup of tea:omg::cwm23::laugher::icon_lol:
but cold from aircondition when im in PH ..is one of my fav:yikes::icon_lol::Jump:

27th November 2011, 21:58
At least our politicians can’t control when we get snow:crazy:

For me, I would rather not have it anyhow:Cuckoo:

Do you get much on the IOW Mick? I'd have thought the sea air kept you a few degrees warmer than the mainland:Erm:

Ako Si Jamie
27th November 2011, 23:20
When I lived on the I.O.W in the eighties, when it snowed it really snowed. I've lived in Northern Scotland too and I'd say I've seen just as much snow in one day on the Isle of Wight as I have up north.

27th November 2011, 23:21
Isn't that why they call it the IOW ? :Erm:

Ako Si Jamie
27th November 2011, 23:24
Different spelling :xxcheeky-smiley-013

28th November 2011, 00:02
Who can spell these days ?:Erm:

28th November 2011, 01:02
Like many, I'd rather do without it...it was bad enough last winter doing my job driving a 32 tonner...now we got double deckers weighing upto 44 tonnes...not much fun in the snow.....cracking many walnuts. Nut crackers not required:NoNo:

My thermometer just hit minus 1. That's the end of our summer baskets....never had them last that long before.

Winter pansies next :)

28th November 2011, 10:41
next you filipina's will be moaning its too :freezin:
you can't have snow without the :freezin:

But you can ski in Manchester. I will probably be taking my wife there after xmas. Chill Factor.

28th November 2011, 10:51
Do you get much on the IOW Mick? I'd have thought the sea air kept you a few degrees warmer than the mainland:Erm:

Well, last year was the first year we had snow on the IOM for 40years. But the IOM is further from the mainland than the Isle of Wight.

28th November 2011, 12:06
All I get asked every day is when will we get snow! Got up this morning and saw the frost - thermo said 0 C outside beautiful sunrise, snow probably wont be long and will be harsh as it has been the last few years, I just wished I still had 4 wheel drive again!

28th November 2011, 16:29
Not a big fan of cold weather. But love to experience my first White Christmas though :)

28th November 2011, 17:36
Just changed the water in the car's cooling system. Topped up with antifreeze, and heater works. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Bring it on. :D

5th February 2012, 09:32
The snow is always the best when it just settles down,...I so much hate the freezing wind @ -10deg, its now better at two degrees with the snow, Lovely!!

5th February 2012, 10:08
Bah.....blinkin snow ! Damned nuisance. :cwm3:


5th February 2012, 10:10
Bah.....blinkin snow ! Damned nuisance. :cwm3:


What's that written on the gable end of the house on the left:icon_lol:

5th February 2012, 10:15

I just noticed that and went to check.:icon_lol:

Some naughty person has written graffiti in SNOW all over the walls across the road. :D

Quite clever and harmless really, as it will be melting soon I HOPE !

5th February 2012, 10:20
We had so much snow yesterday.
It just started off as that powder snow around 3pm and very gradually got worse and worse. By 10pm it was a blizzard.

I'm thinking to go out with a camera later. Only thinking though.

I hate snow. I hate cold.

5th February 2012, 10:24
Oops....just been upstairs to read the snow graffiti, which is also right across the road from the bus stop, so soon the churchgoers will be stopping every half hour to read in letters 2 feet high about the size of Julie's nether regions and Pinky's organ. :omg: :laugher:

5th February 2012, 10:30
No snow here. It is 6 or 7 degrees C. My wife isnt best pleased. Snow everywhere else but here. We are going to take a look up the mountain to see if any has fallen there.

5th February 2012, 12:39
Nice pics Graham!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2012, 12:55
No snow here. It is 6 or 7 degrees C. My wife isnt best pleased. Snow everywhere else but here. We are going to take a look up the mountain to see if any has fallen there.

No snow here in North Wales too and not happy about it :bigcry:..It's sooooo bright here at 8C!!!

5th February 2012, 13:20
I hate snow. I hate cold.

:D:icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3: we should seek the boilin sun instead terpe..not the frozen icy sun here in the UK:icon_lol::yikes:

5th February 2012, 15:13
:D:icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3: we should seek the boilin sun instead terpe..not the frozen icy sun here in the UK:icon_lol::yikes:

Couldn't agree more :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2012, 15:22
sunny day, no snow here, but its cold :freezin: