View Full Version : How many £ Billions

28th November 2011, 10:24
I was looking at some annual cost figures over the weekend and it is clear that the countries priorities are totally warped :-

Current UK Foreign Aid budget £11.5 billion

Cost of Social Security Benefits £160 billion

Cost of EU Membership £28 billion (plus bailing out the basket cases)

Cost ot proposed Youth Employment scheme £2 bilion

and bringing up the rear something that impacts on just about every family in the country

Estimated cost if Govt funded all elderly care £1.7 billion

28th November 2011, 10:34
What's the source ?

28th November 2011, 10:38
A few Telegraph, BBC Guardian articles I scanned through quoting official figures. I cant find the original article that prompted me to look it was about the Govt dragging its feet over the homecare issue - in a recent Times or Telegraph I think

28th November 2011, 12:00
I echo your sentiments, but I thought the overseas aid budget was more like 1 billion. :Erm:

28th November 2011, 12:21
I echo your sentiments, but I thought the overseas aid budget was more like 1 billion. :Erm:

That's still a billion too much:rolleyes: We should sort out the problems here before we start giving money to countries that have their own nuclear capabilities:crazy:

28th November 2011, 12:29
As ever something truly wrong with the Treasury!
This is just crazy - but its something we should be getting used to its been crazy for so many years now...

28th November 2011, 13:19
I echo your sentiments, but I thought the overseas aid budget was more like 1 billion. :Erm:

£12 billion :omg: Loads of it going to despots and dictators


28th November 2011, 13:22
£12 billion :omg: Loads of it going to despots and dictators


How much do we spend on defence over throwing the despots and dictators we fund out of the overseas aid budget:doh

28th November 2011, 14:12
. I cant find the original article that prompted me to look it was about the Govt dragging its feet over the homecare issue - in a recent Times or Telegraph I think

planning for the future dedworth :D

i would rather see the gov give pensioners free gas and electricity :rolleyes:

28th November 2011, 14:18
How much do we spend on defence over throwing the despots and dictators we fund out of the overseas aid budget:doh

Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya,Tunisia,Egypt,Syria...etc etc ?

I'm SICK of hearing about them. Let them sort their own problems out, and STOP letting all their troublemakers take shelter in OUR country !!! :angry:

29th November 2011, 15:56
Too little too late - The Chancellor has lopped £1 billion off the overseas "aid" budget
