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steve monty
29th November 2011, 20:58
Hi everyone it’s been a long time since I have made a post here, it’s been a very hectic two months for me. I didn’t want to start posting without making a proper update as to where I have been.

As you may have known my wife was granted a spouse visa to the UK on the 26 September, it has been pretty much a whirlwind from then sorting of a flight, moving places etc. After 10 months apart I was able to pick Madel up from Heathrow on 5 October after her flight went smoothly. Probably one of the greatest feelings ever when noticing her come through the terminal gates! Luckily for me I was able to take three weeks off to help Madel settle in to the UK life, and she seems to be enjoying it here.

In the first few weeks we bought a new wardrobe for Madel. TK max is a great place to go if you have a petite Filipina as everything seems to be in her size (or not so good as the amount you spend is enormous even though its cheap! :icon_lol:) I decided to move from parents home and get our own place when I knew she was granted a visa, as I wanted us to be able to build up and choose our house things together, so we have been buying a lot of new things for our new rented home.

She has met all the family who love her to bits. When I was back at work Madel would catch the bus to either my parents house or my sister in laws who would meet them off the bus and spend the day with them. She is still regularly going to church on Sunday, but hasn’t really met any Filipinas there as. There has been a lot of sightseeing been done around Oxford and the local area and further a field. She has also has been able to meet another forum member’s wife which I know she enjoyed so much! And I was able to meet the good man himself after we both finished work.

In the meantime she has already been able to find a job, temporary Christmas staff assistant in a shop which she is enjoying. There were a lot of nights where I would Madel help fill out applications for different companies, in the end she succeeded.

So life is all good at the moment, sorry it has been so long in posting and I hope everyone is well. There is so much more I could say but I wouldn’t want to bore you. :NEW5: :NoNo: :D

29th November 2011, 21:16
hi steve

its great that you and your wife are together and its sounding like things are going great for you both. well done too madel in finding a job:xxgrinning--00xx3:. all the best to you and madel


29th November 2011, 21:17
well done to you steve and madel, aint life great,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
29th November 2011, 21:46
Thanks for the update, Steve, it wasn't boring ! All best wishes to you and Madel :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

29th November 2011, 21:56
Absolutely bloody marvelous Steve :xxgrinning--00xx3:
What a fabulous 'come-back'. I agree totally with Doc Alan it's not in the least boring.
It's quite the opposite.
So glad you've provided the needed support to Madel to help her settle in her new life, new country and new culture. It's a credit to you my friend.

I'm also happy to hear she has settled in so well with family, friends, and work.

Yep, life is so so good.
Enjoy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th November 2011, 21:59
Brilliant news. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'm very happy for you both.

Well done. :)

Encouraging for other members too.

29th November 2011, 22:19
Hi Steve, it's wonderful to read that everything is going well and you're making the most of your new lives together. Best wishes for many more happy times to come:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th November 2011, 23:24
Many Congrats To you both!
Xmas drinks i fear.......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th November 2011, 10:45
Good news. I wondered where you had been for the while. (I wish I had 3 weeks off but sadly I used up all my vacation visiting Phils before my wife arrived).

steve monty
30th November 2011, 14:05
Cheers for all the best wishes everyone!! :xxgrinning--00xx3: Life is great at the moment!!

Terpe, I think she has settled in very well, she was scared to meet my family initially but when they met it was like meeting long lost friends. they were even organising things to do in the future on the first day. So a lot of credit goes to my family for that for making Madel feel so welcome.

Alanmf1, Xmas drinks sounds good! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Lastlid, I had saved all my holidays in the hope that Madel would be over this year, thats why I was able to take the time off. :D Also after moving to a new place I was without internet for the first month, thats why I haven't been able to online.

Arthur Little
30th November 2011, 18:07
Hi everyone it’s been a long time since I have made a post here

:) That's perfectly understandable, Steve ... welcome back, my friend!

it’s been a very hectic two months for me.

It sure HAS :rolleyes: ... from what I've just read. Allow me to extend a very hearty welcome to Madel. Great to learn how nicely she's settled in to her new surroundings ... integrated so well into your family ... and found herself a fine wee Christmas job - an ideal start! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

So life is all good at the moment, sorry it has been so long in posting and I hope everyone is well.

Marvellous ... and there's absolutely no need to apologise for your temporary absence! :NoNo:

There is so much more I could say but I wouldn’t want to bore you. :NEW5: :NoNo: :D

You're NOT boring us :nono-1-1: ... on the contrary ... your thread is an inspiration to countless others here - and we're nothing short of delighted :BouncyHappy: that everything's worked out so smoothly for you.

Arthur Little
30th November 2011, 18:46
I was able to meet "the good man himself" after we both finished work.

:cwm24: ... you met GOD ? :yeahthat:

2nd December 2011, 00:02
Good news Mr Monty, I'm liking what I'm reading tonight, what with Tony's update. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Sounds like things are going well.

Mine's here as well, got here before yours :Rasp: :D

steve monty
2nd December 2011, 15:20
:cwm24: ... you met GOD ? :yeahthat:

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: Not god, just a good man, like most people here at this forum.

steve monty
2nd December 2011, 15:21
Good news Mr Monty, I'm liking what I'm reading tonight, what with Tony's update. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Sounds like things are going well.

Mine's here as well, got here before yours :Rasp: :D

They are going well Sim, I hope things are going well for you. I hope your wife has settled in well.

3rd December 2011, 23:28
They are going well Sim, I hope things are going well for you. I hope your wife has settled in well.

Thanks Steve, yes she has settled in well and like you, my Mum, Brother & Sister couldn't have been more welcoming to her.
She hasn't met any other Filipina's to talk to yet, though there are a few around here. She's had the odd smile, or been completely blanked, when we've been out...Dosen't help though, living in a wood, no immediate neighbours. :D

There is a Filipina who owns a cafe here, so we might go and have a cup of tea, next week. :)

4th December 2011, 00:53
Congratulations to you and your wife. This is really nice to know.. Been here for 6 months but I'm still not confident enough to get the bus.. :D My hubby likes driving me around, or the in-laws offers to drive me to places...

I'm petite and I find good sizes in Primark too. Sometimes I go for shops' kids section asclothes there fits me perfectly... hehehe :)