View Full Version : Clarkson??? Out of order?

1st December 2011, 19:18
I am not a huge fan of the TV but i do rate Top Gear and especially Clarksons blokeish humour. { He hates the slimy Piers Morgan so that has to be a plus! }
Anyway, his latest outburst was just his humour yes? I thought most people could accept that? Discuss.............:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st December 2011, 19:24
Yes, it was his usual tongue in cheek, but of course plenty of numpties will take it all to heart. :rolleyes:

1st December 2011, 19:28
I don't particularly like the bloke - he's grossly overpaid and I think his programme like him is a bit boorish and over-rated.

However you have to hand it to him for some of his quotes unlike many he's not afraid to call a spade a spade.

I didn't realise he loathed Piers Moron - that puts him up a notch or two in my estimation :D

1st December 2011, 19:35
Haha classic you two!:icon_lol:
I think he has actually hit Morgan, so you can put him on your Christmas card list Dedworth!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st December 2011, 19:40
Ian HislopMorgan appeared as a guest on the satirical news quiz Have I Got News for You in an episode transmitted on 24 May 1996.[53] In it, show regular Ian Hislop and Morgan failed to keep their mutual contempt off-screen. Hislop accused Morgan of having him (Hislop) followed and having his house watched. The conflict escalated and at one point the host, Angus Deayton, asked if they wished to go outside and have a fight. Later on, guest panelist Clive Anderson confronted Morgan commenting "the last time I was rude to you, you sent photographers to my doorstep the next day", to which Piers Morgan retorted "[Y]ou won't see them this time." Hislop commented "[H]e is charming isn't he", and Morgan replied, "Don't try the popularity line with me, Hislop", before appealing to the audience: "Does anyone actually like him?". The audience responded loudly in favour of Hislop.[54]

In 2007, Hislop chose Morgan as one of his pet hates on Room 101.[55][56] In doing so, Hislop spoke of the history of animosity between himself and Morgan and revealed that after their exchange on Have I Got News For You (which was shown as a clip), Morgan's reporters were tasked with trying to get gossip on Hislop's private life (including phoning acquaintances of Hislop), and photographers were sent in case Hislop did anything untoward or embarrassing while in their presence. Neither the reporters nor the photographers succeeded. Hislop also revealed that Morgan had attempted to quell the feud in an article in The Mail On Sunday, saying, "The war is over. I'm officially calling an end to hostilities, at least from my end. I'm sure it won't stop him carrying on his 'Piers Moron' stuff."[57] Hislop, who had been engaged in work on a First World War documentary at the time, responded by asking "[I]s that an armistice or an unconditional surrender?" Although the show's host Paul Merton agreed to put Morgan into Room 101, he was comically rejected as being "too toxic", even for Room 101.[55][58]

Jeremy ClarksonIn October 2003, journalist and television personality Jeremy Clarkson reportedly emptied a glass of water over Morgan during the last flight of Concorde.[59] In March 2004, at the British Press Awards, Clarkson punched Morgan three times in a clash over The Mirror's coverage of his private life, and accusations that Clarkson did not write for his column in The Sun himself.[59] Morgan reported on a rapprochement with Clarkson in the epilogue of his book, Don't You Know Who I Am?.

Hislop hates him too! { Gotta love that especially as he is related to my best Mate}
I love Hislops observations, so there you have it, 2 controversial but unique and witty individuals can't stand Morgan. RESULT!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st December 2011, 19:52
Yes, it was his idea of being funny. Unfortunately plenty of people actually thought he meant it! (can you really believe it.)
Clarkson was just being Clarkson. ****
Now there is a word that descibes him perfectly but I'm not allowed to type it here.
I can say though that the word I'm thinking of describes him perfectly in both behaviour and attitude when used as a prefix like ****ishness and ****itude.

1st December 2011, 20:44
Awww..... so we won't have any public shootings of strikers then? :angry:

1st December 2011, 21:22
Awww..... so we won't have any public shootings of strikers then? :angry:

I think there'd be more paying spectators to a public execution of said Jeremy C. :D

2nd December 2011, 10:42
Morgan may not be liked in the UK but he seems to be pretty big news in the states these days..
He who laughs last?

2nd December 2011, 11:48
I see the Union leaders are standing up for members.... the majority of which did not strike and found Clarkson funny :doh ... out of touch unions again :action-smiley-081:

2nd December 2011, 12:06
I think there'd be more paying spectators to a public execution of said Jeremy C. :D

i would pay :xxgrinning--00xx3:
be first to buy a ticket :Jump:

2nd December 2011, 12:38
so much for free speach i took it as a joke as many did :laugher::laugher:its al bloody pc gone wrong :censored::furious3:

2nd December 2011, 16:13
The BBC say 21000 people have complained. That means circa 60 million people haven't complained.

I really can't see what the fuss is about:rolleyes: Clarkson always makes statements which are likely to offend someone, that's what makes him who he is and is his appeal to some people.

I've always liked him, I agree with some of what he says but not everything.

2nd December 2011, 17:11
I find a lot of the current programme content listed as 'family entertainment'....including most of those dire soaps FAR more offensive. :NoNo:

Everything is so full of sexual innuendo and tacit approval of bad behaviour, how the hell are we supposed to protect our kids from it ?

Let them be KIDS for godsake ! :angry:

It's either embarrassing or irritating having the TV on at all now.

The 9 o'clock watershed is pure nonsense. :NoNo:

The whole country is being run by imbeciles.

2nd December 2011, 17:44
Personally I can't stand Clarkson, and whilst I used to enjoy Top Gear in recent years I find that its so obviously staged crap and everything is read from autocue that I can't be bothered with it.

2nd December 2011, 20:20
It's a funny ole world.
I can't give any sensible or logical explanation for this, but although I think the blokes a complete buffoon, he often makes me laugh and I do enjoy his Top gear work.

The whole population knows exactly what he is, but he's often witty and often funny.

For his ****ishness, I have him shot anytime really. Probably he'd say something witty and funny just before he went. ****

2nd December 2011, 20:50
I feel the same too but there was some :censored: from the union on BBC this morning saying clarkson was out of touch with the public,,i beg to differ as maybe its the unions who are out of touch with the general public !

2nd December 2011, 21:10
Yes, it was his idea of being funny. Unfortunately plenty of people actually thought he meant it! (can you really believe it.)
Clarkson was just being Clarkson. ****
Now there is a word that descibes him perfectly but I'm not allowed to type it here.
I can say though that the word I'm thinking of describes him perfectly in both behaviour and attitude when used as a prefix like ****ishness and ****itude.

Spot on Terpe. He is a slimey git.

2nd December 2011, 21:14
.......its the unions who are out of touch with the general public !

I think the 'general public' understood what the strike was all about and probably had some sympathy. I doubt whether that sympathy would continue to remain if the unions called another strike.
IMO the unions have now played their cards and need to settle the dispute quickly. Their window of opportunity is very small.
We're all feeling the pinch.

2nd December 2011, 23:00
our goverment say alot that offendes us they never say sorry for anything :censored::furious3::crazy:

3rd December 2011, 02:18
Personally I can't stand Clarkson, and whilst I used to enjoy Top Gear in recent years I find that its so obviously staged crap and everything is read from autocue that I can't be bothered with it.

Spot on Ricky!

Did you notice in his rant....the word .while the rest of us have to work for a living'.....A man of the people :icon_lol:.... Thats coming from a bloke who gets paid one million pounds a year from the British tax payer (just like our civil servants) for poncing around in cars.

3rd December 2011, 10:52
He's got a new DVD to sell. ;)

3rd December 2011, 18:23
He's got a new DVD to sell. ;)
I won't be making any contributions to his already exorbitant wealth!

It was the same with the Michael Parkinson show...you get all these dead beats crawling out of the woodwork talking about past 'glories' then, at the end of being sent to sleep Parky mentions a book they have, just coming out :NoNo:

3rd December 2011, 21:00
I find a lot of the current programme content listed as 'family entertainment'....including most of those dire soaps FAR more offensive. :NoNo:

Everything is so full of sexual innuendo and tacit approval of bad behaviour, how the hell are we supposed to protect our kids from it ?

Let them be KIDS for godsake ! :angry:

It's either embarrassing or irritating having the TV on at all now.

The 9 o'clock watershed is pure nonsense. :NoNo:

The whole country is being run by imbeciles.

here here :xxgrinning--00xx3: couldnt agree more :icon_lol: