View Full Version : A perk I'd not heard of

2nd December 2011, 18:48
Lady behind our local Sub Post Office counter just told me Royal Mail Postmen get £500 of stamps as a Christmas perk - I wonder how many declare this benefit in kind ?

2nd December 2011, 19:01
Have they stopped posting the whole streets' letters back into the postbox now, or kicking them under the bench in the sorting office ?

Or have they now stopped employing illegal immigrants to sort and deliver the Royal Mail ? :rolleyes:

2nd December 2011, 20:01
Have they stopped posting the whole streets' letters back into the postbox now, or kicking them under the bench in the sorting office ?

Or have they now stopped employing illegal immigrants to sort and deliver the Royal Mail ? :rolleyes:

I think they mainly concentrate on employing illegals

Arthur Little
2nd December 2011, 20:22
Lady behind our local Sub Post Office counter just told me Royal Mail Postmen get £500 of stamps as a Christmas perk - I wonder how many declare this benefit in kind ?

Oh ... :anerikke: ... I imagine - being loyal servants of the Crown - MOST will use one of the stamps to post letters to HM Revenue & Customs declaring their remaining 499 stamps apiece.

Aye :rolleyes: ... that'll be right!

2nd December 2011, 21:05
Spot on dedworth 100% correct. My uncle visited from devon today he is a manager in Royal Mail. He confirmed they got 500 first class stamps.

2nd December 2011, 22:50
That would keep Dedworth in letters of complaint for a whole week. :icon_lol:

2nd December 2011, 23:24
That would keep Dedworth in letters of complaint for a whole week. :icon_lol:

:icon_lol: Mainly eMails for the last 15 years or so Graham - I like to stay at the cutting edge